Knuth-Plass and MicroType

This commit is contained in:
Laurenz 2022-03-14 20:28:28 +01:00
parent 9c7067bce3
commit 288a926fea
20 changed files with 515 additions and 104 deletions

fonts/CMU-Serif-Bold.ttf Executable file

Binary file not shown.

fonts/CMU-Serif-Regular.ttf Executable file

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -539,6 +539,11 @@ impl<T> StyleVec<T> {
/// Number of items in the sequence.
pub fn len(&self) -> usize {
/// Iterate over the contained items.
pub fn items(&self) -> std::slice::Iter<'_, T> {

View File

@ -491,6 +491,17 @@ impl<T> Smart<T> {
Self::Custom(x) => x,
/// Returns the contained custom value or computes a default value.
pub fn unwrap_or_else<F>(self, f: F) -> T
F: FnOnce() -> T,
match self {
Self::Auto => f(),
Self::Custom(x) => x,
impl<T> Default for Smart<T> {

View File

@ -108,3 +108,9 @@ assign_impl!(Em += Em);
assign_impl!(Em -= Em);
assign_impl!(Em *= f64);
assign_impl!(Em /= f64);
impl Sum for Em {
fn sum<I: Iterator<Item = Self>>(iter: I) -> Self {
Self(|s| s.0).sum())

View File

@ -43,6 +43,11 @@ impl Relative {
self.0 == 0.0
/// Whether the ratio is one.
pub fn is_one(self) -> bool {
self.0 == 1.0
/// The absolute value of the this relative.
pub fn abs(self) -> Self {

View File

@ -56,6 +56,10 @@ impl TextNode {
pub const SIZE: Linear = Length::pt(11.0).into();
/// The amount of space that should be added between characters.
pub const TRACKING: Em = Em::zero();
/// The ratio by which spaces should be stretched.
pub const SPACING: Relative = Relative::one();
/// Whether glyphs can hang over into the margin.
pub const OVERHANG: bool = true;
/// The top end of the text bounding box.
pub const TOP_EDGE: VerticalFontMetric = VerticalFontMetric::CapHeight;
/// The bottom end of the text bounding box.

View File

@ -35,6 +35,8 @@ impl ParNode {
pub const ALIGN: Align = Align::Left;
/// Whether to justify text in its line.
pub const JUSTIFY: bool = false;
/// How to determine line breaks.
pub const LINEBREAKS: Smart<Linebreaks> = Smart::Auto;
/// Whether to hyphenate text to improve line breaking. When `auto`, words
/// will will be hyphenated if and only if justification is enabled.
pub const HYPHENATE: Smart<bool> = Smart::Auto;
@ -85,6 +87,7 @@ impl ParNode {
styles.set_opt(Self::DIR, dir);
styles.set_opt(Self::ALIGN, align);
styles.set_opt(Self::JUSTIFY, args.named("justify")?);
styles.set_opt(Self::LINEBREAKS, args.named("linebreaks")?);
styles.set_opt(Self::HYPHENATE, args.named("hyphenate")?);
styles.set_opt(Self::LEADING, args.named("leading")?);
styles.set_opt(Self::SPACING, args.named("spacing")?);
@ -176,6 +179,25 @@ impl Merge for ParChild {
/// How to determine line breaks in a paragraph.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
pub enum Linebreaks {
/// Determine the linebreaks in a simple first-fit style.
/// Optimize the linebreaks for the whole paragraph.
castable! {
Expected: "string",
Value::Str(string) => match string.as_str() {
"simple" => Self::Simple,
"optimized" => Self::Optimized,
_ => Err(r#"expected "simple" or "optimized""#)?,
/// A paragraph break.
pub struct ParbreakNode;
@ -266,6 +288,9 @@ struct Line<'a> {
fr: Fractional,
/// Whether the line ends at a mandatory break.
mandatory: bool,
/// Whether the line ends with a hyphen or dash, either naturally or through
/// hyphenation.
dash: bool,
impl<'a> Line<'a> {
@ -283,6 +308,28 @@ impl<'a> Line<'a> {
fn get(&self, index: usize) -> Option<&ParItem<'a>> {
// How many spaces the line contains.
fn spaces(&self) -> usize {
let mut spaces = 0;
for item in self.items() {
if let ParItem::Text(shaped) = item {
spaces += shaped.spaces();
/// How much of the line is stretchable spaces.
fn stretch(&self) -> Length {
let mut stretch = Length::zero();
for item in self.items() {
if let ParItem::Text(shaped) = item {
stretch += shaped.stretch();
/// Prepare paragraph layout by shaping the whole paragraph and layouting all
@ -323,7 +370,7 @@ fn prepare<'a>(
ParChild::Spacing(spacing) => match *spacing {
Spacing::Linear(v) => {
let resolved = v.resolve(regions.first.x);
let resolved = v.resolve(regions.base.x);
@ -333,6 +380,16 @@ fn prepare<'a>(
ParChild::Node(node) => {
// Prevent margin overhang in the inline node except if there's
// just this one.
let local;
let styles = if par.0.len() != 1 {
local = StyleMap::with(TextNode::OVERHANG, false);
} else {
let size = Size::new(regions.first.x, regions.base.y);
let pod = Regions::one(size, regions.base, Spec::splat(false));
let frame = node.layout(ctx, &pod, styles)?.remove(0);
@ -345,19 +402,42 @@ fn prepare<'a>(
Ok(Preparation { bidi, items, ranges })
/// Perform line breaking.
/// Find suitable linebreaks.
fn linebreak<'a>(
p: &'a Preparation<'a>,
fonts: &mut FontStore,
width: Length,
styles: StyleChain,
) -> Vec<Line<'a>> {
// The already determined lines and the current line attempt.
let breaks = styles.get(ParNode::LINEBREAKS).unwrap_or_else(|| {
if styles.get(ParNode::JUSTIFY) {
} else {
let breaker = match breaks {
Linebreaks::Simple => linebreak_simple,
Linebreaks::Optimized => linebreak_optimized,
breaker(p, fonts, width, styles)
/// Perform line breaking in simple first-fit style. This means that we build
/// lines a greedily, always taking the longest possible line. This may lead to
/// very unbalanced line, but is fast and simple.
fn linebreak_simple<'a>(
p: &'a Preparation<'a>,
fonts: &mut FontStore,
width: Length,
styles: StyleChain,
) -> Vec<Line<'a>> {
let mut lines = vec![];
let mut start = 0;
let mut last = None;
// Find suitable line breaks.
for (end, mandatory, hyphen) in breakpoints(&p.bidi.text, styles) {
// Compute the line and its size.
let mut attempt = line(p, fonts, start .. end, mandatory, hyphen);
@ -392,6 +472,133 @@ fn linebreak<'a>(
/// Perform line breaking in optimized Knuth-Plass style. Here, we use more
/// context to determine the line breaks than in the simple first-fit style. For
/// example, we might choose to cut a line short even though there is still a
/// bit of space to improve the fit of one of the following lines. The
/// Knuth-Plass algorithm is based on the idea of "cost". A line which has a
/// very tight or very loose fit has a higher cost than one that is just right.
/// Ending a line with a hyphen incurs extra cost and endings two successive
/// lines with hyphens even more.
/// To find the layout with the minimal total cost the algorithm uses dynamic
/// programming: For each possible breakpoint it determines the optimal
/// paragraph layout _up to that point_. It walks over all possible start points
/// for a line ending at that point and finds the one for which the cost of the
/// line plus the cost of the optimal paragraph up to the start point (already
/// computed and stored in dynamic programming table) is minimal. The final
/// result is simply the layout determined for the last breakpoint at the end of
/// text.
fn linebreak_optimized<'a>(
p: &'a Preparation<'a>,
fonts: &mut FontStore,
width: Length,
styles: StyleChain,
) -> Vec<Line<'a>> {
/// The cost of a line or paragraph layout.
type Cost = f64;
/// An entry in the dynamic programming table.
struct Entry<'a> {
pred: usize,
total: Cost,
line: Line<'a>,
// Cost parameters.
const HYPH_COST: Cost = 0.5;
const CONSECUTIVE_DASH_COST: Cost = 30.0;
const MAX_COST: Cost = 10_000.0;
const MIN_COST: Cost = -MAX_COST;
const MIN_RATIO: f64 = -0.15;
// Density parameters.
let justify = styles.get(ParNode::JUSTIFY);
// Dynamic programming table.
let mut active = 0;
let mut table = vec![Entry {
pred: 0,
total: 0.0,
line: line(p, fonts, 0 .. 0, false, false),
for (end, mandatory, hyphen) in breakpoints(&p.bidi.text, styles) {
let k = table.len();
let eof = end == p.bidi.text.len();
let mut best: Option<Entry> = None;
// Find the optimal predecessor.
for (i, pred) in table.iter_mut().enumerate().skip(active) {
// Layout the line.
let start = pred.line.range.end;
let attempt = line(p, fonts, start .. end, mandatory, hyphen);
// Determine how much the line's spaces would need to be stretched
// to make it the desired width.
let mut ratio = (width - attempt.size.x) / attempt.stretch();
if ratio.is_infinite() {
ratio = ratio.signum() * MAX_COST;
// Determine the cost of the line.
let mut cost = if ratio < if justify { MIN_RATIO } else { 0.0 } {
// The line is overfull. This is the case if
// - justification is on, but we'd need to shrink to much
// - justification is off and the line just doesn't fit
// Since any longer line will also be overfull, we can deactive
// this breakpoint.
active = i + 1;
} else if eof {
// This is the final line and its not overfull since then
// we would have taken the above branch.
} else if mandatory {
// This is a mandatory break and the line is not overfull, so it
// has minimum cost. All breakpoints before this one become
// inactive since no line can span above the mandatory break.
active = k;
} else {
// Normal line with cost of |ratio^3|.
// Penalize hyphens and especially two consecutive hyphens.
if hyphen {
cost += HYPH_COST;
if attempt.dash && pred.line.dash {
// The total cost of this line and its chain of predecessors.
let total = + cost;
// If this attempt is better than what we had before, take it!
if best.as_ref().map_or(true, |best| >= total) {
best = Some(Entry { pred: i, total, line: attempt });
// Retrace the best path.
let mut lines = vec![];
let mut idx = table.len() - 1;
while idx != 0 {
table.truncate(idx + 1);
let entry = table.pop().unwrap();
idx = entry.pred;
/// Determine all possible points in the text where lines can broken.
/// Returns for each breakpoint the text index, whether the break is mandatory
@ -415,6 +622,10 @@ fn breakpoints<'a>(
if let Some(lang) = lang {
Either::Left(breaks.flat_map(move |(end, mandatory)| {
// We don't want to confuse the hyphenator with trailing
// punctuation, so we trim it. And if that makes the word empty, we
// need to return the single breakpoint manually because hypher
// would eat it.
let word = &text[last .. end];
let trimmed = word.trim_end_matches(|c: char| !c.is_alphabetic());
let suffix = last + trimmed.len();
@ -441,7 +652,7 @@ fn breakpoints<'a>(
fn line<'a>(
p: &'a Preparation,
fonts: &mut FontStore,
mut range: Range,
range: Range,
mandatory: bool,
hyphen: bool,
) -> Line<'a> {
@ -453,56 +664,62 @@ fn line<'a>(
// Slice out the relevant items and ranges.
// Slice out the relevant items.
let mut items = &p.items[first_idx ..= last_idx];
let ranges = &p.ranges[first_idx ..= last_idx];
// Reshape the last item if it's split in half.
let mut last = None;
if let Some((ParItem::Text(shaped), rest)) = items.split_last() {
let mut dash = false;
if let Some((ParItem::Text(shaped), before)) = items.split_last() {
// Compute the range we want to shape, trimming whitespace at the
// end of the line.
let base = p.ranges[last_idx].start;
let start = range.start.max(base);
let end = start + p.bidi.text[start .. range.end].trim_end().len();
let shifted = start - base .. end - base;
let trimmed = p.bidi.text[start .. range.end].trim_end();
let shy = trimmed.ends_with('\u{ad}');
dash = hyphen || shy || trimmed.ends_with(['-', '', '—']);
// Reshape if necessary.
if shifted.len() < shaped.text.len() {
// If start == end and the rest is empty, then we have an empty
// line. To make that line have the appropriate height, we shape the
// empty string.
if !shifted.is_empty() || rest.is_empty() {
// Reshape that part.
// Usually, we don't want to shape an empty string because:
// - We don't want the height of trimmed whitespace in a different
// font to be considered for the line height.
// - Even if it's in the same font, its unnecessary.
// There is one exception though. When the whole line is empty, we
// need the shaped empty string to make the line the appropriate
// height. That is the case exactly if the string is empty and there
// are no other items in the line.
if hyphen || trimmed.len() < shaped.text.len() {
if hyphen || !trimmed.is_empty() || before.is_empty() {
let end = start + trimmed.len();
let shifted = start - base .. end - base;
let mut reshaped = shaped.reshape(fonts, shifted);
if hyphen {
if hyphen || shy {
last = Some(ParItem::Text(reshaped));
items = rest;
range.end = end;
items = before;
// Reshape the start item if it's split in half.
let mut first = None;
if let Some((ParItem::Text(shaped), rest)) = items.split_first() {
if let Some((ParItem::Text(shaped), after)) = items.split_first() {
// Compute the range we want to shape.
let Range { start: base, end: first_end } = p.ranges[first_idx];
let start = range.start;
let end = range.end.min(first_end);
let shifted = start - base .. end - base;
// Reshape if necessary.
if shifted.len() < shaped.text.len() {
if !shifted.is_empty() {
if end - start < shaped.text.len() {
if start < end {
let shifted = start - base .. end - base;
let reshaped = shaped.reshape(fonts, shifted);
first = Some(ParItem::Text(reshaped));
items = rest;
items = after;
@ -535,11 +752,12 @@ fn line<'a>(
ranges: &p.ranges[first_idx ..= last_idx],
size: Size::new(width, top + bottom),
baseline: top,
@ -603,30 +821,59 @@ fn commit(
justify: bool,
) -> Frame {
let size = Size::new(width, line.size.y);
let mut remaining = width - line.size.x;
let mut offset = Length::zero();
// Reorder the line from logical to visual order.
let reordered = reorder(line);
// Handle hanging punctuation to the left.
if let Some(ParItem::Text(text)) = reordered.first() {
if let Some(glyph) = text.glyphs.first() {
if text.styles.get(TextNode::OVERHANG) {
let start = text.dir.is_positive();
let em = text.styles.get(TextNode::SIZE).abs;
let amount = overhang(glyph.c, start) * glyph.x_advance.resolve(em);
offset -= amount;
remaining += amount;
// Handle hanging punctuation to the right.
if let Some(ParItem::Text(text)) = reordered.last() {
if let Some(glyph) = text.glyphs.last() {
if text.styles.get(TextNode::OVERHANG)
&& (reordered.len() > 1 || text.glyphs.len() > 1)
let start = !text.dir.is_positive();
let em = text.styles.get(TextNode::SIZE).abs;
let amount = overhang(glyph.c, start) * glyph.x_advance.resolve(em);
remaining += amount;
// Determine how much to justify each space.
let mut justification = Length::zero();
if remaining < Length::zero()
|| (justify
&& !line.mandatory
&& line.range.end < line.bidi.text.len()
let spaces = line.spaces();
if spaces > 0 {
justification = remaining / spaces as f64;
remaining = Length::zero();
let mut output = Frame::new(size);
output.baseline = Some(line.baseline);
let mut justification = Length::zero();
if justify
&& !line.mandatory
&& line.range.end < line.bidi.text.len()
let mut spaces = 0;
for item in line.items() {
if let ParItem::Text(shaped) = item {
spaces += shaped.spaces();
justification = remaining / spaces as f64;
remaining = Length::zero();
for item in reorder(line) {
// Construct the line's frame from left to right.
for item in reordered {
let mut position = |frame: Frame| {
let x = offset + align.resolve(remaining);
let y = line.baseline - frame.baseline();
@ -645,37 +892,67 @@ fn commit(
/// Iterate through a line's items in visual order.
fn reorder<'a>(line: &'a Line<'a>) -> impl Iterator<Item = &'a ParItem<'a>> {
/// Return a line's items in visual order.
fn reorder<'a>(line: &'a Line<'a>) -> Vec<&'a ParItem<'a>> {
let mut reordered = vec![];
// The bidi crate doesn't like empty lines.
let (levels, runs) = if !line.range.is_empty() {
// Find the paragraph that contains the line.
let para = line
.find(|para| para.range.contains(&line.range.start))
if line.range.is_empty() {
return reordered;
// Compute the reordered ranges in visual order (left to right).
line.bidi.visual_runs(para, line.range.clone())
} else {
(vec![], vec![])
// Find the paragraph that contains the line.
let para = line
.find(|para| para.range.contains(&line.range.start))
.flat_map(move |run| {
let first_idx = line.find(run.start).unwrap();
let last_idx = line.find(run.end - 1).unwrap();
let range = first_idx ..= last_idx;
// Compute the reordered ranges in visual order (left to right).
let (levels, runs) = line.bidi.visual_runs(para, line.range.clone());
// Provide the items forwards or backwards depending on the run's
// direction.
if levels[run.start].is_ltr() {
} else {
.map(move |idx| line.get(idx).unwrap())
// Collect the reordered items.
for run in runs {
let first_idx = line.find(run.start).unwrap();
let last_idx = line.find(run.end - 1).unwrap();
let range = first_idx ..= last_idx;
// Provide the items forwards or backwards depending on the run's
// direction.
if levels[run.start].is_ltr() {
reordered.extend(range.filter_map(|i| line.get(i)));
} else {
reordered.extend(range.rev().filter_map(|i| line.get(i)));
/// How much a character should hang into the margin.
/// For selection of overhang characters, see also:
fn overhang(c: char, start: bool) -> f64 {
match c {
'“' | '”' | '„' | '‟' | '"' if start => 1.0,
'' | '' | '' | '' | '\'' if start => 1.0,
'“' | '”' | '„' | '‟' | '"' if !start => 0.6,
'' | '' | '' | '' | '\'' if !start => 0.6,
'' | '—' if !start => 0.2,
'-' if !start => 0.55,
'.' | ',' => 0.8,
':' | ';' => 0.3,
'«' | '»' => 0.2,
'' | '' => 0.4,
// Arabic and Ideographic
'\u{60C}' | '\u{6D4}' => 0.4,
'\u{3001}' | '\u{3002}' => 1.0,
_ => 0.0,

View File

@ -39,14 +39,21 @@ pub struct ShapedGlyph {
pub x_advance: Em,
/// The horizontal offset of the glyph.
pub x_offset: Em,
/// The start index of the glyph in the source text.
pub text_index: usize,
/// A value that is the same for all glyphs belong to one cluster.
pub cluster: usize,
/// Whether splitting the shaping result before this glyph would yield the
/// same results as shaping the parts to both sides of `text_index`
/// separately.
pub safe_to_break: bool,
/// Whether this glyph represents a space.
pub is_space: bool,
/// The first char in this glyph's cluster.
pub c: char,
impl ShapedGlyph {
/// Whether the glyph is a justifiable space.
pub fn is_space(&self) -> bool {
self.c == ' '
/// A side you can go toward.
@ -77,7 +84,7 @@ impl<'a> ShapedText<'a> {
.map(|glyph| Glyph {
id: glyph.glyph_id,
x_advance: glyph.x_advance
+ if glyph.is_space {
+ if glyph.is_space() {
frame.size.x += justification;
Em::from_length(justification, size)
} else {
@ -110,7 +117,17 @@ impl<'a> ShapedText<'a> {
/// How many spaces the text contains.
pub fn spaces(&self) -> usize {
self.glyphs.iter().filter(|g| g.is_space).count()
self.glyphs.iter().filter(|g| g.is_space()).count()
/// The width of the spaces in the text.
pub fn stretch(&self) -> Length {
.filter(|g| g.is_space())
.map(|g| g.x_advance)
/// Reshape a range of the shaped text, reusing information from this
@ -121,43 +138,40 @@ impl<'a> ShapedText<'a> {
text_range: Range<usize>,
) -> ShapedText<'a> {
if let Some(glyphs) = self.slice_safe_to_break(text_range.clone()) {
let (size, baseline) = measure(fonts, glyphs, self.styles);
let (size, baseline) = measure(fonts, &glyphs, self.styles);
Self {
text: Cow::Borrowed(&self.text[text_range]),
dir: self.dir,
styles: self.styles.clone(),
styles: self.styles,
glyphs: Cow::Borrowed(glyphs),
} else {
shape(fonts, &self.text[text_range], self.styles.clone(), self.dir)
shape(fonts, &self.text[text_range], self.styles, self.dir)
/// Push a hyphen to end of the text.
pub fn push_hyphen(&mut self, fonts: &mut FontStore) {
// When there are no glyphs, we just use the vertical metrics of the
// first available font.
let size = self.styles.get(TextNode::SIZE).abs;
let variant = variant(self.styles);
families(self.styles).find_map(|family| {
// Allow hyphens to overhang a bit.
const INSET: f64 = 0.4;
let face_id =, variant)?;
let face = fonts.get(face_id);
let ttf = face.ttf();
let glyph_id = ttf.glyph_index('-')?;
let x_advance = face.to_em(ttf.glyph_hor_advance(glyph_id)?);
self.size.x += INSET * x_advance.resolve(size);
let cluster = self.glyphs.last().map(|g| g.cluster).unwrap_or_default();
self.size.x += x_advance.resolve(size);
self.glyphs.to_mut().push(ShapedGlyph {
glyph_id: glyph_id.0,
x_offset: Em::zero(),
text_index: self.text.len(),
safe_to_break: true,
is_space: false,
c: '-',
@ -193,7 +207,7 @@ impl<'a> ShapedText<'a> {
let mut idx = self
.binary_search_by(|g| {
let ordering = g.text_index.cmp(&text_index);
let ordering = g.cluster.cmp(&text_index);
if ltr { ordering } else { ordering.reverse() }
@ -205,7 +219,7 @@ impl<'a> ShapedText<'a> {
// Search for the outermost glyph with the text index.
while let Some(next) = next(idx, 1) {
if self.glyphs.get(next).map_or(true, |g| g.text_index != text_index) {
if self.glyphs.get(next).map_or(true, |g| g.cluster != text_index) {
idx = next;
@ -249,7 +263,12 @@ pub fn shape<'a>(
track(&mut glyphs, styles.get(TextNode::TRACKING));
&mut glyphs,
let (size, baseline) = measure(fonts, &glyphs, styles);
ShapedText {
@ -456,9 +475,9 @@ fn shape_segment<'a>(
glyph_id: info.glyph_id as u16,
x_advance: face.to_em(pos[i].x_advance),
x_offset: face.to_em(pos[i].x_offset),
text_index: base + cluster,
cluster: base + cluster,
safe_to_break: !info.unsafe_to_break(),
is_space: text[cluster ..].chars().next() == Some(' '),
c: text[cluster ..].chars().next().unwrap(),
} else {
// Determine the source text range for the tofu sequence.
@ -518,18 +537,19 @@ fn shape_segment<'a>(
/// Apply tracking to a slice of shaped glyphs.
fn track(glyphs: &mut [ShapedGlyph], tracking: Em) {
if tracking.is_zero() {
/// Apply tracking and spacing to a slice of shaped glyphs.
fn track_and_space(glyphs: &mut [ShapedGlyph], tracking: Em, spacing: Relative) {
if tracking.is_zero() && spacing.is_one() {
let mut glyphs = glyphs.iter_mut().peekable();
while let Some(glyph) = {
if glyphs
.map_or(false, |next| glyph.text_index != next.text_index)
if glyph.is_space() {
glyph.x_advance *= spacing.get();
if glyphs.peek().map_or(false, |next| glyph.cluster != next.cluster) {
glyph.x_advance += tracking;

View File

@ -154,6 +154,8 @@ mod tests {
assert_eq!(paths, [

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tests/ref/text/knuth.png Normal file

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View File

@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
#let x = "\"hi\""
// Should output `"hi" => "bye"`.
#set text(overhang: false)
#x => "bye"

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@ -1,14 +1,30 @@
// Test hyphenation.
// Hyphenate english.
#set page(width: 70pt)
#set par(lang: "en", hyphenate: true)
Warm welcomes to Typst.
#h(6pt) networks, the rest.
// Hyphenate greek.
#set page(width: 60pt)
#set par(lang: "el", hyphenate: true)
διαμερίσματα. \
// Hyphenate between shape runs.
#set par(lang: "en", hyphenate: true)
#set page(width: 80pt)
It's a #emph[Tree]beard.
// This sequence would confuse hypher if we passed trailing / leading
// punctuation instead of just the words. So this tests that we don't
// do that. The test passes if there's just one hyphenation between
// "net" and "works".
#set page(width: 70pt)
#set par(lang: "en", hyphenate: true)
#h(6pt) networks, the rest.

tests/typ/text/knuth.typ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
#set page(width: auto, height: auto)
#set par(lang: "en", leading: 3pt, justify: true)
#set text(family: "CMU Serif")
#let story = [
In olden times when wishing still helped one, there lived a king whose
daughters were all beautiful; and the youngest was so beautiful that the sun
itself, which has seen so much, was astonished whenever it shone in her face.
Close by the kings castle lay a great dark forest, and under an old lime-tree
in the forest was a well, and when the day was very warm, the kings child
went out into the forest and sat down by the side of the cool fountain; and
when she was bored she took a golden ball, and threw it up on high and caught
it; and this ball was her favorite plaything.
#let column(title, linebreaks, hyphenate) = {
rect(width: 132pt, fill: rgb("eee"))[
#par(linebreaks: linebreaks, hyphenate: hyphenate, story)
columns: 3,
gutter: 10pt,
column([Simple without hyphens], "simple", false),
column([Simple with hyphens], "simple", true),
column([Optimized with hyphens], "optimized", true),

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@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
// Test micro-typographical shenanigans.
// Test that overhang is off by default in boxes.
// Test justified quotes.
#set par(justify: true)
“A quote that hangs a bit into the margin.” \
--- somebody
// Test fancy quotes in the left margin.
#set par(align: right)
»Book quotes are even smarter.« \
Book quotes are even smarter. \
// Test fancy quotes in the right margin.
#set par(align: left)
«Book quotes are even smarter.» \
Book quotes are even smarter. \
#set par(lang: "ar")
#set text("Noto Sans Arabic")
"المطر هو الحياة" \
المطر هو الحياة
// Test that lone punctuation doesn't overhang into the margin.
#set page(margins: 0pt)
#set par(align: right)