Write lots of parser tests 🌪
This commit is contained in:
@ -166,24 +166,22 @@ macro_rules! function {
/// Parse the body of a function.
/// - If the function does not expect a body, use `body!(nope: body, errors)`.
/// - If the function can have a body, use `body!(opt: body, ctx, errors, decos)`.
/// - If the function does not expect a body, use `body!(nope: body, feedback)`.
/// - If the function can have a body, use `body!(opt: body, ctx, feedback,
/// decos)`.
/// # Arguments
/// - The `$body` should be of type `Option<Spanned<&str>>`.
/// - The `$ctx` is the [`ParseContext`](crate::syntax::ParseContext) to use for parsing.
/// - The `$errors` and `$decos` should be mutable references to vectors of spanned
/// errors / decorations which are filled with the errors and decorations arising
/// from parsing.
/// - The `$ctx` is the [`ParseContext`](crate::syntax::ParseContext) to use for
/// parsing.
/// - The `$feedback` should be a mutable references to a
/// [`Feedback`](crate::Feedback) struct which is filled with the feedback
/// information arising from parsing.
macro_rules! body {
(opt: $body:expr, $ctx:expr, $feedback:expr) => ({
$body.map(|body| {
// Since the body span starts at the opening bracket of the body, we
// need to add 1 column to find out the start position of body
// content.
let start = body.span.start + $crate::syntax::span::Position::new(0, 1);
let parsed = $crate::syntax::parse(start, body.v, $ctx);
let parsed = $crate::syntax::parse(body.span.start, body.v, $ctx);
@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ impl Debug for LayoutAction {
use LayoutAction::*;
match self {
MoveAbsolute(s) => write!(f, "move {} {}", s.x, s.y),
SetFont(i, s) => write!(f, "font {}_{} {}", i.id, i.variant, s),
SetFont(i, s) => write!(f, "font {}-{} {}", i.id, i.variant, s),
WriteText(s) => write!(f, "write {:?}", s),
DebugBox(s) => write!(f, "box {} {}", s.x, s.y),
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
//! Parsing of source code into syntax models.
use crate::{Pass, Feedback};
use super::expr::*;
use super::func::{FuncHeader, FuncArgs, FuncArg};
use super::expr::*;
use super::scope::Scope;
use super::span::{Position, Span, Spanned};
use super::tokens::{Token, Tokens, TokenizationMode};
@ -82,11 +82,10 @@ struct FuncParser<'s> {
tokens: Tokens<'s>,
peeked: Option<Option<Spanned<Token<'s>>>>,
/// The spanned body string if there is a body. The string itself is just
/// the parsed without the brackets, while the span includes the brackets.
/// The spanned body string if there is a body.
/// ```typst
/// [tokens][body]
/// ^^^^^^
/// ^^^^
/// ```
body: Option<Spanned<&'s str>>,
@ -398,7 +397,8 @@ fn unescape(string: &str) -> String {
mod tests {
use crate::size::Size;
use super::super::test::{DebugFn, check, zspan};
use crate::syntax::test::{DebugFn, check, zspan};
use crate::syntax::func::Value;
use super::*;
use Decoration::*;
@ -407,11 +407,31 @@ mod tests {
ToggleItalic as Italic, ToggleBolder as Bold, ToggleMonospace as Mono,
use Expr::{/*Number as Num,*/ Bool};
use Expr::{Number as Num, Size as Sz, Bool};
fn Id(text: &str) -> Expr { Expr::Ident(Ident(text.to_string())) }
fn Str(text: &str) -> Expr { Expr::Str(text.to_string()) }
fn Pt(points: f32) -> Expr { Expr::Size(Size::pt(points)) }
fn T(text: &str) -> Node { Node::Text(text.to_string()) }
/// Create a tuple expression.
macro_rules! tuple {
($($items:expr),* $(,)?) => {
Expr::Tuple(Tuple { items: spanned![vec $($items),*].0 })
/// Create an object expression.
macro_rules! object {
($($key:expr => $value:expr),* $(,)?) => {
Expr::Object(Object {
pairs: vec![$(Pair {
key: zspan(Ident($key.to_string())),
value: zspan($value),
/// Test whether the given string parses into the given transform pass.
macro_rules! test {
($source:expr => [$($model:tt)*], $transform:expr) => {
@ -421,6 +441,7 @@ mod tests {
let ctx = ParseContext { scope: &scope };
let found = parse(Position::ZERO, $source, ctx);
@ -457,34 +478,25 @@ mod tests {
/// Write down a `DebugFn` function model compactly.
macro_rules! func {
$(,pos: [$($item:expr),* $(,)?])?
$(,key: [$($key:expr => $value:expr),* $(,)?])?;
$($b:tt)*) => ({
($name:tt $(, ($($pos:tt)*), { $($key:tt)* } )? $(; $($body:tt)*)?) => ({
let mut args = FuncArgs::new();
$(args.pos = Tuple { items: spanned![vec $($item),*].0 };)?
$(args.key = Object {
pairs: vec![$(Pair {
key: zspan(Ident($key.to_string())),
value: zspan($value),
$(args.pos = Tuple::parse(zspan(tuple!($($pos)*))).unwrap();)?
$(args.key = Object::parse(zspan(object! { $($key)* })).unwrap();)?
Node::Model(Box::new(DebugFn {
header: FuncHeader {
name: zspan(Ident($name.to_string())),
name: spanned!(item $name).map(|s| Ident(s.to_string())),
body: func!(@body $($b)*),
body: func!(@body $($($body)*)?),
(@body Some([$($body:tt)*])) => ({
(@body [$($body:tt)*]) => ({
Some(SyntaxModel { nodes: spanned![vec $($body)*].0 })
(@body None) => (None);
(@body) => (None);
@ -504,70 +516,266 @@ mod tests {
fn parse_flat_nodes() {
p!("" => []);
p!("hi" => [T("hi")]);
p!("*hi" => [Bold, T("hi")]);
p!("hi_" => [T("hi"), Italic]);
p!("`py`" => [Mono, T("py"), Mono]);
p!("hi you" => [T("hi"), S, T("you")]);
p!("💜\n\n 🌍" => [T("💜"), N, T("🌍")]);
p!("" => []);
p!("hi" => [T("hi")]);
p!("*hi" => [Bold, T("hi")]);
p!("hi_" => [T("hi"), Italic]);
p!("`py`" => [Mono, T("py"), Mono]);
p!("hi you" => [T("hi"), S, T("you")]);
p!("hi// you\nw" => [T("hi"), S, T("w")]);
p!("\n\n\nhello" => [N, T("hello")]);
p!("first//\n//\nsecond" => [T("first"), S, S, T("second")]);
p!("first//\n \nsecond" => [T("first"), N, T("second")]);
p!("first/*\n \n*/second" => [T("first"), T("second")]);
p!("💜\n\n 🌍" => [T("💜"), N, T("🌍")]);
p!("Hi" => [(0:0, 0:2, T("Hi"))]);
p!("*Hi*" => [(0:0, 0:1, Bold), (0:1, 0:3, T("Hi")), (0:3, 0:4, Bold)]);
p!("🌎*/[n]" => [(0:0, 0:1, T("🌎")), (0:3, 0:6, func!((0:1, 0:2, "n")))]);
e!("hi\n */" => [(1:1, 1:3, "unexpected end of block comment")]);
fn parse_functions() {
p!("[func]" => [func!("func"; None)]);
p!("[tree][hi *you*]" => [func!("tree"; Some([T("hi"), S, Bold, T("you"), Bold]))]);
p!("[f: , hi, * \"du\"]" => [func!("f", pos: [Id("hi"), Str("du")]; None)]);
p!("from [align: left] to" => [
T("from"), S, func!("align", pos: [Id("left")]; None), S, T("to")
fn parse_function_names() {
// No closing bracket
p!("[" => [func!("")]);
e!("[" => [
(0:1, 0:1, "expected identifier"),
(0:1, 0:1, "expected closing bracket")
p!("[f: left, 12pt, false]" => [
func!("f", pos: [Id("left"), Expr::Size(Size::pt(12.0)), Bool(false)]; None)
// No name
p!("[]" => [func!("")]);
e!("[]" => [(0:1, 0:1, "expected identifier")]);
p!("[\"]" => [func!("")]);
e!("[\"]" => [
(0:1, 0:3, "expected identifier, found string"),
(0:3, 0:3, "expected closing bracket"),
p!("[box: x=1.2pt, false][a b c] bye" => [
pos: [Bool(false)],
key: ["x" => Expr::Size(Size::pt(1.2))];
Some([T("a"), S, T("b"), S, T("c")])
S, T("bye"),
// A valid name
p!("[f]" => [func!("f")]);
e!("[f]" => []);
d!("[f]" => [(0:1, 0:2, ValidFuncName)]);
p!("[ f]" => [func!("f")]);
e!("[ f]" => []);
d!("[ f]" => [(0:3, 0:4, ValidFuncName)]);
// An unknown name
p!("[hi]" => [func!("hi")]);
e!("[hi]" => [(0:1, 0:3, "unknown function")]);
d!("[hi]" => [(0:1, 0:3, InvalidFuncName)]);
// An invalid token
p!("[🌎]" => [func!("")]);
e!("[🌎]" => [(0:1, 0:2, "expected identifier, found invalid token")]);
d!("[🌎]" => []);
p!("[ 🌎]" => [func!("")]);
e!("[ 🌎]" => [(0:3, 0:4, "expected identifier, found invalid token")]);
d!("[ 🌎]" => []);
fn parse_spanned() {
p!("hi you" => [(0:0, 0:2, T("hi")), (0:2, 0:3, S), (0:3, 0:6, T("you"))]);
fn parse_colon_starting_function_arguments() {
// No colon before arg
p!("[val\"s\"]" => [func!("val")]);
e!("[val\"s\"]" => [(0:4, 0:4, "expected colon")]);
// No colon before valid, but wrong token
p!("[val=]" => [func!("val")]);
e!("[val=]" => [(0:4, 0:4, "expected colon")]);
// No colon before invalid tokens, which are ignored
p!("[val/🌎:$]" => [func!("val")]);
e!("[val/🌎:$]" => [(0:4, 0:4, "expected colon")]);
d!("[val/🌎:$]" => [(0:1, 0:4, ValidFuncName)]);
// String in invalid header without colon still parsed as string
// Note: No "expected quote" error because not even the string was
// expected.
e!("[val/\"]" => [
(0:4, 0:4, "expected colon"),
(0:7, 0:7, "expected closing bracket"),
// Just colon without args
p!("[val:]" => [func!("val")]);
e!("[val:]" => []);
p!("[val:/*12pt*/]" => [func!("val")]);
// Whitespace / comments around colon
p!("[val\n:\ntrue]" => [func!("val", (Bool(true)), {})]);
p!("[val/*:*/://\ntrue]" => [func!("val", (Bool(true)), {})]);
e!("[val/*:*/://\ntrue]" => []);
fn parse_errors() {
e!("[f: , hi, * \"du\"]" => [
(0:4, 0:5, "expected value, found comma"),
(0:10, 0:11, "expected value, found invalid token"),
e!("[f:, , ,]" => [
(0:3, 0:4, "expected value, found comma"),
(0:5, 0:6, "expected value, found comma"),
(0:7, 0:8, "expected value, found comma"),
e!("[f:" => [(0:3, 0:3, "expected closing bracket")]);
e!("[f: hi" => [(0:6, 0:6, "expected closing bracket")]);
e!("[f: hey 12pt]" => [(0:7, 0:7, "expected comma")]);
e!("[box: x=, false z=y=4" => [
(0:8, 0:9, "expected value, found comma"),
(0:15, 0:15, "expected comma"),
(0:19, 0:19, "expected comma"),
(0:19, 0:20, "expected value, found equals sign"),
(0:21, 0:21, "expected closing bracket"),
fn parse_one_positional_argument() {
// Different expressions
d!("[val: true]" => [(0:1, 0:4, ValidFuncName)]);
p!("[val: true]" => [func!("val", (Bool(true)), {})]);
p!("[val: _]" => [func!("val", (Id("_")), {})]);
p!("[val: name]" => [func!("val", (Id("name")), {})]);
p!("[val: \"hi\"]" => [func!("val", (Str("hi")), {})]);
p!("[val: \"a\n[]\\\"string\"]" => [func!("val", (Str("a\n[]\"string")), {})]);
p!("[val: 3.14]" => [func!("val", (Num(3.14)), {})]);
p!("[val: 4.5cm]" => [func!("val", (Sz(Size::cm(4.5))), {})]);
p!("[val: 12e1pt]" => [func!("val", (Pt(12e1)), {})]);
// Unclosed string.
p!("[val: \"hello]" => [func!("val", (Str("hello]")), {})]);
e!("[val: \"hello]" => [
(0:13, 0:13, "expected quote"),
(0:13, 0:13, "expected closing bracket"),
// Tuple: unimplemented
p!("[val: ()]" => [func!("val", (tuple!()), {})]);
// Object: unimplemented
p!("[val: {}]" => [func!("val", (object! {}), {})]);
fn parse_decos() {
d!("*Technische Universität Berlin* [n]\n [n]"
=> [(0:33, 0:34, ValidFuncName), (1:33, 1:34, ValidFuncName)]);
fn parse_one_keyword_argument() {
// Correct
p!("[val: x=true]" => [func!("val", (), { "x" => Bool(true) })]);
d!("[val: x=true]" => [(0:6, 0:7, ArgumentKey), (0:1, 0:4, ValidFuncName)]);
// Spacing around keyword arguments
p!("\n [val: \n hi \n = /* //\n */ \"s\n\"]" => [S, func!("val", (), { "hi" => Str("s\n") })]);
d!("\n [val: \n hi \n = /* //\n */ \"s\n\"]" => [(2:1, 2:3, ArgumentKey), (1:2, 1:5, ValidFuncName)]);
e!("\n [val: \n hi \n = /* //\n */ \"s\n\"]" => []);
// Missing value
p!("[val: x=]" => [func!("val")]);
e!("[val: x=]" => [(0:8, 0:8, "expected value")]);
d!("[val: x=]" => [(0:6, 0:7, ArgumentKey), (0:1, 0:4, ValidFuncName)]);
fn parse_multiple_mixed_arguments() {
p!("[val: a,]" => [func!("val", (Id("a")), {})]);
e!("[val: a,]" => []);
p!("[val: 12pt, key=value]" => [func!("val", (Pt(12.0)), { "key" => Id("value") })]);
d!("[val: 12pt, key=value]" => [(0:12, 0:15, ArgumentKey), (0:1, 0:4, ValidFuncName)]);
e!("[val: 12pt, key=value]" => []);
p!("[val: a , \"b\" , c]" => [func!("val", (Id("a"), Str("b"), Id("c")), {})]);
e!("[val: a , \"b\" , c]" => []);
fn parse_invalid_values() {
e!("[val: )]" => [(0:6, 0:7, "expected value, found closing paren")]);
e!("[val: }]" => [(0:6, 0:7, "expected value, found closing brace")]);
e!("[val: :]" => [(0:6, 0:7, "expected value, found colon")]);
e!("[val: ,]" => [(0:6, 0:7, "expected value, found comma")]);
e!("[val: =]" => [(0:6, 0:7, "expected value, found equals sign")]);
e!("[val: 🌎]" => [(0:6, 0:7, "expected value, found invalid token")]);
e!("[val: 12ept]" => [(0:6, 0:11, "expected value, found invalid token")]);
e!("[val: [hi]]" => [(0:6, 0:10, "expected value, found function")]);
d!("[val: [hi]]" => [(0:1, 0:4, ValidFuncName)]);
fn parse_invalid_key_value_pairs() {
// Invalid keys
p!("[val: true=you]" => [func!("val", (Bool(true), Id("you")), {})]);
e!("[val: true=you]" => [
(0:10, 0:10, "expected comma"),
(0:10, 0:11, "expected value, found equals sign"),
d!("[val: true=you]" => [(0:1, 0:4, ValidFuncName)]);
p!("[box: z=y=4]" => [func!("box", (Num(4.0)), { "z" => Id("y") })]);
e!("[box: z=y=4]" => [
(0:9, 0:9, "expected comma"),
(0:9, 0:10, "expected value, found equals sign"),
// Invalid colon after keyable positional argument
p!("[val: key:12]" => [func!("val", (Id("key"), Num(12.0)), {})]);
e!("[val: key:12]" => [
(0:9, 0:9, "expected comma"),
(0:9, 0:10, "expected value, found colon"),
d!("[val: key:12]" => [(0:1, 0:4, ValidFuncName)]);
// Invalid colon after non-keyable positional argument
p!("[val: true:12]" => [func!("val", (Bool(true), Num(12.0)), {})]);
e!("[val: true:12]" => [
(0:10, 0:10, "expected comma"),
(0:10, 0:11, "expected value, found colon"),
d!("[val: true:12]" => [(0:1, 0:4, ValidFuncName)]);
fn parse_invalid_commas() {
// Missing commas
p!("[val: 1pt 1]" => [func!("val", (Pt(1.0), Num(1.0)), {})]);
e!("[val: 1pt 1]" => [(0:9, 0:9, "expected comma")]);
p!(r#"[val: _"s"]"# => [func!("val", (Id("_"), Str("s")), {})]);
e!(r#"[val: _"s"]"# => [(0:7, 0:7, "expected comma")]);
// Unexpected commas
p!("[val:,]" => [func!("val")]);
e!("[val:,]" => [(0:5, 0:6, "expected value, found comma")]);
p!("[val:, true]" => [func!("val", (Bool(true)), {})]);
e!("[val:, true]" => [(0:5, 0:6, "expected value, found comma")]);
p!("[val: key=,]" => [func!("val")]);
e!("[val: key=,]" => [(0:10, 0:11, "expected value, found comma")]);
fn parse_bodies() {
p!("[val][Hi]" => [func!("val"; [T("Hi")])]);
// Body nodes in bodies.
p!("[val:*][*Hi*]" => [func!("val"; [Bold, T("Hi"), Bold])]);
e!("[val:*][*Hi*]" => [(0:5, 0:6, "expected value, found invalid token")]);
// Errors in bodies.
p!(" [val][ */ ]" => [S, func!("val"; [S, S])]);
e!(" [val][ */ ]" => [(0:8, 0:10, "unexpected end of block comment")]);
fn parse_spanned_functions() {
// Space before function
p!(" [val]" => [(0:0, 0:1, S), (0:1, 0:6, func!((0:1, 0:4, "val")))]);
d!(" [val]" => [(0:2, 0:5, ValidFuncName)]);
// Newline before function
p!(" \n\r\n[val]" => [(0:0, 2:0, N), (2:0, 2:5, func!((0:1, 0:4, "val")))]);
d!(" \n\r\n[val]" => [(2:1, 2:4, ValidFuncName)]);
// Content before function
p!("hello [val][world] 🌎" => [
(0:0, 0:5, T("hello")),
(0:5, 0:6, S),
(0:6, 0:18, func!((0:1, 0:4, "val"); [(0:6, 0:11, T("world"))])),
(0:18, 0:19, S),
(0:19, 0:20, T("🌎")),
d!("hello [val][world] 🌎" => [(0:7, 0:10, ValidFuncName)]);
e!("hello [val][world] 🌎" => []);
// Nested function
p!(" [val][\nbody[ box]\n ]" => [
(0:0, 0:1, S),
(0:1, 2:2, func!((0:1, 0:4, "val"); [
(0:6, 1:0, S),
(1:0, 1:4, T("body")),
(1:4, 1:10, func!((0:2, 0:5, "box"))),
(1:10, 2:1, S),
d!(" [val][\nbody[ box]\n ]" => [
(0:2, 0:5, ValidFuncName),
(1:6, 1:9, ValidFuncName)
@ -43,6 +43,10 @@ macro_rules! spanned {
(item $v:expr) => {
(vec $(($sl:tt:$sc:tt, $el:tt:$ec:tt, $v:expr)),* $(,)?) => {
(vec![$(spanned![item ($sl:$sc, $el:$ec, $v)]),*], true)
@ -34,9 +34,8 @@ pub enum Token<'s> {
/// ```typst
/// [header][hello *world*]
/// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
/// ^-- The span is relative to right before this bracket
/// ```
/// The span includes the brackets while the string does not.
body: Option<Spanned<&'s str>>,
/// Whether the last closing bracket was present.
/// - `[func]` or `[func][body]` => terminated
@ -288,15 +287,15 @@ impl<'s> Tokens<'s> {
return Function { header, body: None, terminated };
let body_start = self.pos() - start;
let (body, terminated) = self.read_function_part();
let body_end = self.pos();
let body_end = self.pos() - start;
let span = Span::new(body_start, body_end);
Function { header, body: Some(Spanned { v: body, span }), terminated }
@ -476,7 +475,10 @@ mod tests {
LineComment as LC, BlockComment as BC,
LeftParen as LP, RightParen as RP,
LeftBrace as LB, RightBrace as RB,
ExprIdent as Id, ExprNumber as Num, ExprBool as Bool,
ExprIdent as Id,
ExprNumber as Num,
ExprSize as Sz,
ExprBool as Bool,
Text as T,
@ -563,10 +565,10 @@ mod tests {
t!(Header, "__main__" => [Id("__main__")]);
t!(Header, ".func.box" => [Id(".func.box")]);
t!(Header, "--arg, _b, _1" => [Id("--arg"), Comma, S(0), Id("_b"), Comma, S(0), Id("_1")]);
t!(Header, "12_pt, 12pt" => [Invalid("12_pt"), Comma, S(0), ExprSize(Size::pt(12.0))]);
t!(Header, "1e5in" => [ExprSize(Size::inches(100000.0))]);
t!(Header, "2.3cm" => [ExprSize(Size::cm(2.3))]);
t!(Header, "02.4mm" => [ExprSize(Size::mm(2.4))]);
t!(Header, "12_pt, 12pt" => [Invalid("12_pt"), Comma, S(0), Sz(Size::pt(12.0))]);
t!(Header, "1e5in" => [Sz(Size::inches(100000.0))]);
t!(Header, "2.3cm" => [Sz(Size::cm(2.3))]);
t!(Header, "02.4mm" => [Sz(Size::mm(2.4))]);
t!(Header, "2.4.cm" => [Invalid("2.4.cm")]);
t!(Header, "🌓, 🌍," => [Invalid("🌓"), Comma, S(0), Invalid("🌍"), Comma]);
@ -586,10 +588,14 @@ mod tests {
fn tokenize_functions() {
t!(Body, "a[f]" => [T("a"), func!("f", None, true)]);
t!(Body, "[f]a" => [func!("f", None, true), T("a")]);
t!(Body, "\n\n[f][ ]" => [S(2), func!("f", Some((0:4, 0:5, " ")), true)]);
t!(Body, "abc [f][ ]a" => [T("abc"), S(0), func!("f", Some((0:4, 0:5, " ")), true), T("a")]);
t!(Body, "[f: [=][*]]" => [func!("f: [=][*]", None, true)]);
t!(Body, "[_][[,],]," => [func!("_", Some((0:3, 0:9, "[,],")), true), T(",")]);
t!(Body, "[=][=][=]" => [func!("=", Some((0:3, 0:6, "=")), true), func!("=", None, true)]);
t!(Body, "[=][[=][=][=]]" => [func!("=", Some((0:3, 0:14, "[=][=][=]")), true)]);
t!(Body, "[_][[,],]," => [func!("_", Some((0:4, 0:8, "[,],")), true), T(",")]);
t!(Body, "[=][=][=]" => [func!("=", Some((0:4, 0:5, "=")), true), func!("=", None, true)]);
t!(Body, "[=][[=][=][=]]" => [func!("=", Some((0:4, 0:13, "[=][=][=]")), true)]);
t!(Header, "[" => [func!("", None, false)]);
t!(Header, "]" => [Invalid("]")]);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user