Parse tuples and objects 🍒
Generalizes the parsing of tuples, objects and function arguments into generic comma-separated collections.
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
//! Expressions in function headers.
use std::fmt::{self, Debug, Formatter};
use std::fmt::{self, Write, Debug, Formatter};
use std::iter::FromIterator;
use crate::error::Errors;
use crate::size::Size;
@ -90,7 +91,9 @@ impl Ident {
impl Debug for Ident {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
@ -143,15 +146,42 @@ impl Tuple {
/// Iterate over the items of this tuple.
pub fn iter<'a>(&'a self) -> std::slice::Iter<'a, Spanned<Expr>> {
impl IntoIterator for Tuple {
type Item = Spanned<Expr>;
type IntoIter = std::vec::IntoIter<Spanned<Expr>>;
fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter {
impl<'a> IntoIterator for &'a Tuple {
type Item = &'a Spanned<Expr>;
type IntoIter = std::slice::Iter<'a, Spanned<Expr>>;
fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter {
impl FromIterator<Spanned<Expr>> for Tuple {
fn from_iter<I: IntoIterator<Item=Spanned<Expr>>>(iter: I) -> Self {
Tuple { items: iter.into_iter().collect() }
impl Debug for Tuple {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
let mut tuple = f.debug_tuple("");
for item in &self.items {
@ -276,6 +306,35 @@ impl Object {
Err(err) => { errors.push(Spanned { v: err, span }); None }
/// Iterate over the pairs of this object.
pub fn iter<'a>(&'a self) -> std::slice::Iter<'a, Pair> {
impl IntoIterator for Object {
type Item = Pair;
type IntoIter = std::vec::IntoIter<Pair>;
fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter {
impl<'a> IntoIterator for &'a Object {
type Item = &'a Pair;
type IntoIter = std::slice::Iter<'a, Pair>;
fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter {
impl FromIterator<Pair> for Object {
fn from_iter<I: IntoIterator<Item=Pair>>(iter: I) -> Self {
Object { pairs: iter.into_iter().collect() }
impl Debug for Object {
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
//! Primitives for argument parsing in library functions.
use std::iter::FromIterator;
use crate::error::{Error, Errors};
use super::expr::{Expr, Ident, Tuple, Object, Pair};
use super::span::{Span, Spanned};
@ -55,6 +56,16 @@ impl FuncArgs {
impl FromIterator<FuncArg> for FuncArgs {
fn from_iter<I: IntoIterator<Item=FuncArg>>(iter: I) -> Self {
let mut args = FuncArgs::new();
for item in iter.into_iter() {
/// Either a positional or keyword argument.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub enum FuncArg {
@ -107,19 +107,23 @@ pub enum Decoration {
/// ^^^^^^
/// ```
/// The key of a keyword argument:
/// A key of a keyword argument:
/// ```typst
/// [box: width=5cm]
/// ^^^^^
/// ```
/// Italic.
/// A key in an object.
/// ```typst
/// [box: padding={ left: 1cm, right: 2cm}]
/// ^^^^ ^^^^^
/// ```
/// An italic word.
/// Bold.
/// A bold word.
/// Monospace.
/// A monospace word.
@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
//! Parsing of source code into syntax models.
use std::iter::FromIterator;
use crate::{Pass, Feedback};
use super::func::{FuncHeader, FuncArgs, FuncArg};
use super::expr::*;
@ -145,11 +147,10 @@ impl<'s> FuncParser<'s> {
let start = self.pos();
let name = match {
Some(Spanned { v: Token::ExprIdent(ident), span }) => {
Spanned { v: Ident(ident.to_string()), span }
other => {
let name = match self.parse_ident() {
Some(ident) => ident,
None => {
let other =;
self.expected_found_or_at("identifier", other, start);
return None;
@ -168,88 +169,62 @@ impl<'s> FuncParser<'s> {
Some(FuncHeader { name, args })
/// Parse the function arguments after a colon.
/// Parse the argument list between colons and end of the header.
fn parse_func_args(&mut self) -> FuncArgs {
let mut args = FuncArgs::new();
// Parse a collection until the token is `None`, that is, the end of the
// header.
self.parse_collection(None, |p| {
// If we have an identifier we might have a keyword argument,
// otherwise its for sure a postional argument.
if let Some(ident) = p.parse_ident() {
while self.peek().is_some() {
match self.parse_arg() {
Some(arg) => args.add(arg),
None => {}
if let Some(Token::Equals) = p.peekv() {
// Semantic highlighting for argument keys.
Spanned::new(Decoration::ArgumentKey, ident.span));
let value = p.parse_expr().ok_or(("value", None))?;
/// Parse a positional or keyword argument.
fn parse_arg(&mut self) -> Option<FuncArg> {
let first = self.peek()?;
let span = first.span;
let arg = if let Token::ExprIdent(ident) = first.v {
let ident = Ident(ident.to_string());
if let Some(Token::Equals) = self.peekv() {
||||, span));
self.parse_expr().map(|value| {
FuncArg::Key(Pair {
key: Spanned { v: ident, span },
// Add a keyword argument.
Ok(FuncArg::Key(Pair { key: ident, value }))
} else {
// Add a positional argument because there was no equals
// sign after the identifier that could have been a key.
Ok(FuncArg::Pos(|id| Expr::Ident(id))))
} else {
Some(FuncArg::Pos(Spanned::new(Expr::Ident(ident), span)))
// Add a positional argument because we haven't got an
// identifier that could be an argument key.
p.parse_expr().map(|expr| FuncArg::Pos(expr))
.ok_or(("argument", None))
} else {
self.parse_expr().map(|expr| FuncArg::Pos(expr))
if let Some(arg) = &arg {
match self.peekv() {
Some(Token::Comma) => {; }
Some(_) => self.expected_at("comma", arg.span().end),
_ => {}
} else {
let found =;
self.expected_found_or_at("value", found, self.pos());
/// Parse an atomic or compound (tuple / object) expression.
fn parse_expr(&mut self) -> Option<Spanned<Expr>> {
let first = self.peek()?;
let spanned = |v| Spanned { v, span: first.span };
macro_rules! take {
($v:expr) => ({; Spanned { v: $v, span: first.span } });
Some(match first.v {
Token::ExprIdent(i) => {
Token::ExprIdent(i) => take!((Expr::Ident(Ident(i.to_string())))),
Token::ExprStr { string, terminated } => {
if !terminated {
self.expected_at("quote", first.span.end);
Token::ExprNumber(n) => {; spanned(Expr::Number(n)) }
Token::ExprSize(s) => {; spanned(Expr::Size(s)) }
Token::ExprBool(b) => {; spanned(Expr::Bool(b)) }
Token::ExprNumber(n) => take!(Expr::Number(n)),
Token::ExprSize(s) => take!(Expr::Size(s)),
Token::ExprBool(b) => take!(Expr::Bool(b)),
Token::LeftParen => self.parse_tuple(),
Token::LeftBrace => self.parse_object(),
@ -258,30 +233,126 @@ impl<'s> FuncParser<'s> {
/// Parse a tuple expression.
/// Parse a tuple expression: `(<expr>, ...)`.
fn parse_tuple(&mut self) -> Spanned<Expr> {
let start = self.pos();
let token =;
debug_assert_eq!(, Some(Token::LeftParen));
// TODO: Do the thing.
self.eat_until(|t| t == Token::RightParen, true);
let end = self.pos();
let span = Span { start, end };
Spanned { v: Expr::Tuple(Tuple::new()), span }
// Parse a collection until a right paren appears and complain about
// missing a `value` when an invalid token is encoutered.
|p| p.parse_expr().ok_or(("value", None)))
.map(|tuple| Expr::Tuple(tuple))
/// Parse an object expression.
/// Parse an object expression: `{ <key>: <value>, ... }`.
fn parse_object(&mut self) -> Spanned<Expr> {
let token =;
debug_assert_eq!(, Some(Token::LeftBrace));
// Parse a collection until a right brace appears.
self.parse_collection(Some(Token::RightBrace), |p| {
// Expect an identifier as the key.
let key = p.parse_ident().ok_or(("key", None))?;
// Expect a colon behind the key (only separated by whitespace).
let behind_key = p.pos();
if p.peekv() != Some(Token::Colon) {
return Err(("colon", Some(behind_key)));
// Semantic highlighting for object keys.
Spanned::new(Decoration::ObjectKey, key.span));
let value = p.parse_expr().ok_or(("value", None))?;
Ok(Pair { key, value })
}).map(|object| Expr::Object(object))
/// Parse a comma-separated collection where each item is parsed through
/// `parse_item` until the `end` token is met.
fn parse_collection<C, I, F>(
&mut self,
end: Option<Token>,
mut parse_item: F
) -> Spanned<C>
C: FromIterator<I>,
F: FnMut(&mut Self) -> Result<I, (&'static str, Option<Position>)>,
let start = self.pos();
// TODO: Do the thing.
self.eat_until(|t| t == Token::RightBrace, true);
// Parse the comma separated items.
let collection = std::iter::from_fn(|| {
let peeked = self.peekv();
// We finished as expected.
if peeked == end {
return None;
// We finished without the expected end token (which has to be a
// `Some` value at this point since otherwise we would have already
// returned in the previous case).
if peeked == None {
self.expected_at(end.unwrap().name(), self.pos());
return None;
// Try to parse a collection item.
match parse_item(self) {
Ok(item) => {
// Expect a comma behind the item (only separated by
// whitespace).
let behind_item = self.pos();
match self.peekv() {
Some(Token::Comma) => {; }
t @ Some(_) if t != end => self.expected_at("comma", behind_item),
_ => {}
return Some(Some(item));
// The item parser expected something different at either some
// given position or instead of the currently peekable token.
Err((expected, Some(pos))) => self.expected_at(expected, pos),
Err((expected, None)) => {
let token = self.peek();
if != end {
self.expected_found_or_at(expected, token, self.pos());
}).filter_map(|x| x).collect();
let end = self.pos();
let span = Span { start, end };
Spanned::new(collection, Span { start, end })
Spanned { v: Expr::Object(Object::new()), span }
/// Try to parse an identifier and do nothing if the peekable token is no
/// identifier.
fn parse_ident(&mut self) -> Option<Spanned<Ident>> {
match self.peek() {
Some(Spanned { v: Token::ExprIdent(s), span }) => {
Some(Spanned { v: Ident(s.to_string()), span })
_ => None
/// Skip all whitespace/comment tokens.
@ -432,53 +503,48 @@ mod tests {
/// Test whether the given string parses into the given transform pass.
macro_rules! test {
($source:expr => [$($model:tt)*], $transform:expr) => {
let (exp, cmp) = spanned![vec $($model)*];
/// Test whether the given string parses into
/// - the given node list (required).
/// - the given error list (optional, if omitted checks against empty list).
/// - the given decoration list (optional, if omitted it is not tested).
macro_rules! p {
($source:expr => [$($model:tt)*]) => {
p!($source => [$($model)*], []);
($source:expr => [$($model:tt)*], [$($errors:tt)*] $(, [$($decos:tt)*])? $(,)?) => {
let mut scope = Scope::new::<DebugFn>();
let ctx = ParseContext { scope: &scope };
let pass = parse(Position::ZERO, $source, ctx);
let found = parse(Position::ZERO, $source, ctx);
let (exp, found) = $transform(exp, found);
// Test model
let (exp, cmp) = spanned![vec $($model)*];
check($source, exp, pass.output.nodes, cmp);
// Test errors
let (exp, cmp) = spanned![vec $($errors)*];
let exp = exp.into_iter()
.map(|s: Spanned<&str>||e| e.to_string()))
let found =
.map(|s||e| e.message))
check($source, exp, found, cmp);
/// Test whether the given string parses into the given node list.
macro_rules! p {
($($tts:tt)*) => {
test!($($tts)*, |exp, found: Pass<SyntaxModel>| (exp, found.output.nodes));
/// Test whether the given string yields the given parse errors.
macro_rules! e {
($($tts:tt)*) => {
test!($($tts)*, |exp: Vec<Spanned<&str>>, found: Pass<SyntaxModel>| (
exp.into_iter().map(|s||e| e.to_string())).collect::<Vec<_>>(),
|||||s||e| e.message))
/// Test whether the given string yields the given decorations.
macro_rules! d {
($($tts:tt)*) => {
test!($($tts)*, |exp, found: Pass<SyntaxModel>| (exp,;
// Test decos
$(let (exp, cmp) = spanned![vec $($decos)*];
check($source, exp,, cmp);)?
/// Write down a `DebugFn` function model compactly.
macro_rules! func {
($name:tt $(, ($($pos:tt)*), { $($key:tt)* } )? $(; $($body:tt)*)?) => ({
($name:tt $(: ($($pos:tt)*), { $($key:tt)* } )? $(; $($body:tt)*)?) => ({
let mut args = FuncArgs::new();
$(args.pos = Tuple::parse(zspan(tuple!($($pos)*))).unwrap();)?
@ -516,6 +582,7 @@ mod tests {
fn parse_flat_nodes() {
// Basic nodes
p!("" => []);
p!("hi" => [T("hi")]);
p!("*hi" => [Bold, T("hi")]);
@ -529,204 +596,305 @@ mod tests {
p!("first/*\n \n*/second" => [T("first"), T("second")]);
p!("💜\n\n 🌍" => [T("💜"), N, T("🌍")]);
p!("Hi" => [(0:0, 0:2, T("Hi"))]);
p!("*Hi*" => [(0:0, 0:1, Bold), (0:1, 0:3, T("Hi")), (0:3, 0:4, Bold)]);
p!("🌎*/[n]" => [(0:0, 0:1, T("🌎")), (0:3, 0:6, func!((0:1, 0:2, "n")))]);
e!("hi\n */" => [(1:1, 1:3, "unexpected end of block comment")]);
// Spanned nodes
p!("Hi" => [(0:0, 0:2, T("Hi"))]);
p!("*Hi*" => [(0:0, 0:1, Bold), (0:1, 0:3, T("Hi")), (0:3, 0:4, Bold)]);
p!("🌎\n*/[n]" =>
[(0:0, 0:1, T("🌎")), (0:1, 1:0, S), (1:2, 1:5, func!((0:1, 0:2, "n")))],
[(1:0, 1:2, "unexpected end of block comment")],
[(1:3, 1:4, ValidFuncName)],
fn parse_function_names() {
// No closing bracket
p!("[" => [func!("")]);
e!("[" => [
p!("[" => [func!("")], [
(0:1, 0:1, "expected identifier"),
(0:1, 0:1, "expected closing bracket")
// No name
p!("[]" => [func!("")]);
e!("[]" => [(0:1, 0:1, "expected identifier")]);
p!("[\"]" => [func!("")]);
e!("[\"]" => [
p!("[]" => [func!("")], [(0:1, 0:1, "expected identifier")]);
p!("[\"]" => [func!("")], [
(0:1, 0:3, "expected identifier, found string"),
(0:3, 0:3, "expected closing bracket"),
// A valid name
p!("[f]" => [func!("f")]);
e!("[f]" => []);
d!("[f]" => [(0:1, 0:2, ValidFuncName)]);
p!("[ f]" => [func!("f")]);
e!("[ f]" => []);
d!("[ f]" => [(0:3, 0:4, ValidFuncName)]);
// An unknown name
p!("[hi]" => [func!("hi")]);
e!("[hi]" => [(0:1, 0:3, "unknown function")]);
d!("[hi]" => [(0:1, 0:3, InvalidFuncName)]);
p!("[hi]" =>
[(0:1, 0:3, "unknown function")],
[(0:1, 0:3, InvalidFuncName)],
// An invalid token
p!("[🌎]" => [func!("")]);
e!("[🌎]" => [(0:1, 0:2, "expected identifier, found invalid token")]);
d!("[🌎]" => []);
p!("[ 🌎]" => [func!("")]);
e!("[ 🌎]" => [(0:3, 0:4, "expected identifier, found invalid token")]);
d!("[ 🌎]" => []);
// A valid name
p!("[f]" => [func!("f")], [], [(0:1, 0:2, ValidFuncName)]);
p!("[ f]" => [func!("f")], [], [(0:3, 0:4, ValidFuncName)]);
// An invalid token for a name
p!("[12]" => [func!("")], [(0:1, 0:3, "expected identifier, found number")], []);
p!("[🌎]" => [func!("")], [(0:1, 0:2, "expected identifier, found invalid token")], []);
p!("[ 🌎]" => [func!("")], [(0:3, 0:4, "expected identifier, found invalid token")], []);
fn parse_colon_starting_function_arguments() {
// No colon before arg
p!("[val\"s\"]" => [func!("val")]);
e!("[val\"s\"]" => [(0:4, 0:4, "expected colon")]);
p!("[val\"s\"]" => [func!("val")], [(0:4, 0:4, "expected colon")]);
// No colon before valid, but wrong token
p!("[val=]" => [func!("val")]);
e!("[val=]" => [(0:4, 0:4, "expected colon")]);
p!("[val=]" => [func!("val")], [(0:4, 0:4, "expected colon")]);
// No colon before invalid tokens, which are ignored
p!("[val/🌎:$]" => [func!("val")]);
e!("[val/🌎:$]" => [(0:4, 0:4, "expected colon")]);
d!("[val/🌎:$]" => [(0:1, 0:4, ValidFuncName)]);
p!("[val/🌎:$]" =>
[(0:4, 0:4, "expected colon")],
[(0:1, 0:4, ValidFuncName)],
// String in invalid header without colon still parsed as string
// Note: No "expected quote" error because not even the string was
// expected.
e!("[val/\"]" => [
p!("[val/\"]" => [func!("val")], [
(0:4, 0:4, "expected colon"),
(0:7, 0:7, "expected closing bracket"),
// Just colon without args
p!("[val:]" => [func!("val")]);
e!("[val:]" => []);
p!("[val:]" => [func!("val")]);
p!("[val:/*12pt*/]" => [func!("val")]);
// Whitespace / comments around colon
p!("[val\n:\ntrue]" => [func!("val", (Bool(true)), {})]);
p!("[val/*:*/://\ntrue]" => [func!("val", (Bool(true)), {})]);
e!("[val/*:*/://\ntrue]" => []);
p!("[val\n:\ntrue]" => [func!("val": (Bool(true)), {})]);
p!("[val/*:*/://\ntrue]" => [func!("val": (Bool(true)), {})]);
fn parse_one_positional_argument() {
// Different expressions
d!("[val: true]" => [(0:1, 0:4, ValidFuncName)]);
p!("[val: true]" => [func!("val", (Bool(true)), {})]);
p!("[val: _]" => [func!("val", (Id("_")), {})]);
p!("[val: name]" => [func!("val", (Id("name")), {})]);
p!("[val: \"hi\"]" => [func!("val", (Str("hi")), {})]);
p!("[val: \"a\n[]\\\"string\"]" => [func!("val", (Str("a\n[]\"string")), {})]);
p!("[val: 3.14]" => [func!("val", (Num(3.14)), {})]);
p!("[val: 4.5cm]" => [func!("val", (Sz(Size::cm(4.5))), {})]);
p!("[val: 12e1pt]" => [func!("val", (Pt(12e1)), {})]);
p!("[val: true]" =>
[func!("val": (Bool(true)), {})], [],
[(0:1, 0:4, ValidFuncName)],
p!("[val: _]" => [func!("val": (Id("_")), {})]);
p!("[val: name]" => [func!("val": (Id("name")), {})]);
p!("[val: \"hi\"]" => [func!("val": (Str("hi")), {})]);
p!("[val: \"a\n[]\\\"string\"]" => [func!("val": (Str("a\n[]\"string")), {})]);
p!("[val: 3.14]" => [func!("val": (Num(3.14)), {})]);
p!("[val: 4.5cm]" => [func!("val": (Sz(Size::cm(4.5))), {})]);
p!("[val: 12e1pt]" => [func!("val": (Pt(12e1)), {})]);
// Unclosed string.
p!("[val: \"hello]" => [func!("val", (Str("hello]")), {})]);
e!("[val: \"hello]" => [
p!("[val: \"hello]" => [func!("val": (Str("hello]")), {})], [
(0:13, 0:13, "expected quote"),
(0:13, 0:13, "expected closing bracket"),
// Tuple: unimplemented
p!("[val: ()]" => [func!("val", (tuple!()), {})]);
fn parse_tuples() {
// Empty tuple
p!("[val: ()]" => [func!("val": (tuple!()), {})]);
// Object: unimplemented
p!("[val: {}]" => [func!("val", (object! {}), {})]);
// Invalid value
p!("[val: (🌎)]" =>
[func!("val": (tuple!()), {})],
[(0:7, 0:8, "expected value, found invalid token")],
// Unclosed tuple
p!("[val: (hello]" =>
[func!("val": (tuple!(Id("hello"))), {})],
[(0:12, 0:12, "expected closing paren")],
// Valid values
p!("[val: (1, 2)]" => [func!("val": (tuple!(Num(1.0), Num(2.0))), {})]);
p!("[val: (\"s\",)]" => [func!("val": (tuple!(Str("s"))), {})]);
// Nested tuples
p!("[val: (1, (2))]" => [func!("val": (tuple!(Num(1.0), tuple!(Num(2.0)))), {})]);
// Invalid commas
p!("[val: (,)]" =>
[func!("val": (tuple!()), {})],
[(0:7, 0:8, "expected value, found comma")],
p!("[val: (true false)]" =>
[func!("val": (tuple!(Bool(true), Bool(false))), {})],
[(0:11, 0:11, "expected comma")],
fn parse_objects() {
let f = || func!("val": (object! {}), {});
// Okay objects
p!("[val: {}]" => [f()]);
p!("[val: { key: value }]" =>
[func!("val": (object! { "key" => Id("value") }), {})]);
// Unclosed object
p!("[val: {hello: world]" =>
[func!("val": (object! { "hello" => Id("world") }), {})],
[(0:19, 0:19, "expected closing brace")],
p!("[val: { a]" =>
[func!("val": (object! {}), {})],
[(0:9, 0:9, "expected colon"), (0:9, 0:9, "expected closing brace")],
// Missing key
p!("[val: {,}]" => [f()], [(0:7, 0:8, "expected key, found comma")]);
p!("[val: { 12pt }]" => [f()], [(0:8, 0:12, "expected key, found size")]);
p!("[val: { : }]" => [f()], [(0:8, 0:9, "expected key, found colon")]);
// Missing colon
p!("[val: { key }]" => [f()], [(0:11, 0:11, "expected colon")]);
p!("[val: { key false }]" => [f()], [
(0:11, 0:11, "expected colon"),
(0:12, 0:17, "expected key, found bool"),
p!("[val: { a b:c }]" =>
[func!("val": (object! { "b" => Id("c") }), {})],
[(0:9, 0:9, "expected colon")],
// Missing value
p!("[val: { key: : }]" => [f()], [(0:13, 0:14, "expected value, found colon")]);
p!("[val: { key: , k: \"s\" }]" =>
[func!("val": (object! { "k" => Str("s") }), {})],
[(0:13, 0:14, "expected value, found comma")],
// Missing comma, invalid token
p!("[val: left={ a: 2, b: false 🌎 }]" =>
[func!("val": (), {
"left" => object! {
"a" => Num(2.0),
"b" => Bool(false),
[(0:27, 0:27, "expected comma"),
(0:28, 0:29, "expected key, found invalid token")],
fn parse_nested_tuples_and_objects() {
p!("[val: (1, { ab: (), d: (3, 14pt) }), false]" => [func!("val": (
"ab" => tuple!(),
"d" => tuple!(Num(3.0), Pt(14.0)),
), {})]);
fn parse_one_keyword_argument() {
// Correct
p!("[val: x=true]" => [func!("val", (), { "x" => Bool(true) })]);
d!("[val: x=true]" => [(0:6, 0:7, ArgumentKey), (0:1, 0:4, ValidFuncName)]);
p!("[val: x=true]" =>
[func!("val": (), { "x" => Bool(true) })], [],
[(0:6, 0:7, ArgumentKey), (0:1, 0:4, ValidFuncName)],
// Spacing around keyword arguments
p!("\n [val: \n hi \n = /* //\n */ \"s\n\"]" => [S, func!("val", (), { "hi" => Str("s\n") })]);
d!("\n [val: \n hi \n = /* //\n */ \"s\n\"]" => [(2:1, 2:3, ArgumentKey), (1:2, 1:5, ValidFuncName)]);
e!("\n [val: \n hi \n = /* //\n */ \"s\n\"]" => []);
p!("\n [val: \n hi \n = /* //\n */ \"s\n\"]" =>
[S, func!("val": (), { "hi" => Str("s\n") })], [],
[(2:1, 2:3, ArgumentKey), (1:2, 1:5, ValidFuncName)],
// Missing value
p!("[val: x=]" => [func!("val")]);
e!("[val: x=]" => [(0:8, 0:8, "expected value")]);
d!("[val: x=]" => [(0:6, 0:7, ArgumentKey), (0:1, 0:4, ValidFuncName)]);
p!("[val: x=]" =>
[(0:8, 0:8, "expected value")],
[(0:6, 0:7, ArgumentKey), (0:1, 0:4, ValidFuncName)],
fn parse_multiple_mixed_arguments() {
p!("[val: a,]" => [func!("val", (Id("a")), {})]);
e!("[val: a,]" => []);
p!("[val: 12pt, key=value]" => [func!("val", (Pt(12.0)), { "key" => Id("value") })]);
d!("[val: 12pt, key=value]" => [(0:12, 0:15, ArgumentKey), (0:1, 0:4, ValidFuncName)]);
e!("[val: 12pt, key=value]" => []);
p!("[val: a , \"b\" , c]" => [func!("val", (Id("a"), Str("b"), Id("c")), {})]);
e!("[val: a , \"b\" , c]" => []);
p!("[val: a,]" => [func!("val": (Id("a")), {})]);
p!("[val: 12pt, key=value]" =>
[func!("val": (Pt(12.0)), { "key" => Id("value") })], [],
[(0:12, 0:15, ArgumentKey), (0:1, 0:4, ValidFuncName)],
p!("[val: a , \"b\" , c]" => [func!("val": (Id("a"), Str("b"), Id("c")), {})]);
fn parse_invalid_values() {
e!("[val: )]" => [(0:6, 0:7, "expected value, found closing paren")]);
e!("[val: }]" => [(0:6, 0:7, "expected value, found closing brace")]);
e!("[val: :]" => [(0:6, 0:7, "expected value, found colon")]);
e!("[val: ,]" => [(0:6, 0:7, "expected value, found comma")]);
e!("[val: =]" => [(0:6, 0:7, "expected value, found equals sign")]);
e!("[val: 🌎]" => [(0:6, 0:7, "expected value, found invalid token")]);
e!("[val: 12ept]" => [(0:6, 0:11, "expected value, found invalid token")]);
e!("[val: [hi]]" => [(0:6, 0:10, "expected value, found function")]);
d!("[val: [hi]]" => [(0:1, 0:4, ValidFuncName)]);
p!("[val: )]" => [func!("val")], [(0:6, 0:7, "expected argument, found closing paren")]);
p!("[val: }]" => [func!("val")], [(0:6, 0:7, "expected argument, found closing brace")]);
p!("[val: :]" => [func!("val")], [(0:6, 0:7, "expected argument, found colon")]);
p!("[val: ,]" => [func!("val")], [(0:6, 0:7, "expected argument, found comma")]);
p!("[val: =]" => [func!("val")], [(0:6, 0:7, "expected argument, found equals sign")]);
p!("[val: 🌎]" => [func!("val")], [(0:6, 0:7, "expected argument, found invalid token")]);
p!("[val: 12ept]" => [func!("val")], [(0:6, 0:11, "expected argument, found invalid token")]);
p!("[val: [hi]]" =>
[(0:6, 0:10, "expected argument, found function")],
[(0:1, 0:4, ValidFuncName)],
fn parse_invalid_key_value_pairs() {
// Invalid keys
p!("[val: true=you]" => [func!("val", (Bool(true), Id("you")), {})]);
e!("[val: true=you]" => [
(0:10, 0:10, "expected comma"),
(0:10, 0:11, "expected value, found equals sign"),
d!("[val: true=you]" => [(0:1, 0:4, ValidFuncName)]);
p!("[val: true=you]" =>
[func!("val": (Bool(true), Id("you")), {})],
[(0:10, 0:10, "expected comma"),
(0:10, 0:11, "expected argument, found equals sign")],
[(0:1, 0:4, ValidFuncName)],
p!("[box: z=y=4]" => [func!("box", (Num(4.0)), { "z" => Id("y") })]);
e!("[box: z=y=4]" => [
(0:9, 0:9, "expected comma"),
(0:9, 0:10, "expected value, found equals sign"),
p!("[box: z=y=4]" =>
[func!("box": (Num(4.0)), { "z" => Id("y") })],
[(0:9, 0:9, "expected comma"),
(0:9, 0:10, "expected argument, found equals sign")],
// Invalid colon after keyable positional argument
p!("[val: key:12]" => [func!("val", (Id("key"), Num(12.0)), {})]);
e!("[val: key:12]" => [
(0:9, 0:9, "expected comma"),
(0:9, 0:10, "expected value, found colon"),
d!("[val: key:12]" => [(0:1, 0:4, ValidFuncName)]);
p!("[val: key:12]" =>
[func!("val": (Id("key"), Num(12.0)), {})],
[(0:9, 0:9, "expected comma"),
(0:9, 0:10, "expected argument, found colon")],
[(0:1, 0:4, ValidFuncName)],
// Invalid colon after non-keyable positional argument
p!("[val: true:12]" => [func!("val", (Bool(true), Num(12.0)), {})]);
e!("[val: true:12]" => [
(0:10, 0:10, "expected comma"),
(0:10, 0:11, "expected value, found colon"),
d!("[val: true:12]" => [(0:1, 0:4, ValidFuncName)]);
p!("[val: true:12]" => [func!("val": (Bool(true), Num(12.0)), {})],
[(0:10, 0:10, "expected comma"),
(0:10, 0:11, "expected argument, found colon")],
[(0:1, 0:4, ValidFuncName)],
fn parse_invalid_commas() {
// Missing commas
p!("[val: 1pt 1]" => [func!("val", (Pt(1.0), Num(1.0)), {})]);
e!("[val: 1pt 1]" => [(0:9, 0:9, "expected comma")]);
p!(r#"[val: _"s"]"# => [func!("val", (Id("_"), Str("s")), {})]);
e!(r#"[val: _"s"]"# => [(0:7, 0:7, "expected comma")]);
p!("[val: 1pt 1]" =>
[func!("val": (Pt(1.0), Num(1.0)), {})],
[(0:9, 0:9, "expected comma")],
p!(r#"[val: _"s"]"# =>
[func!("val": (Id("_"), Str("s")), {})],
[(0:7, 0:7, "expected comma")],
// Unexpected commas
p!("[val:,]" => [func!("val")]);
e!("[val:,]" => [(0:5, 0:6, "expected value, found comma")]);
p!("[val:, true]" => [func!("val", (Bool(true)), {})]);
e!("[val:, true]" => [(0:5, 0:6, "expected value, found comma")]);
p!("[val: key=,]" => [func!("val")]);
e!("[val: key=,]" => [(0:10, 0:11, "expected value, found comma")]);
p!("[val:,]" => [func!("val")], [(0:5, 0:6, "expected argument, found comma")]);
p!("[val: key=,]" => [func!("val")], [(0:10, 0:11, "expected value, found comma")]);
p!("[val:, true]" =>
[func!("val": (Bool(true)), {})],
[(0:5, 0:6, "expected argument, found comma")],
@ -734,48 +902,56 @@ mod tests {
p!("[val][Hi]" => [func!("val"; [T("Hi")])]);
// Body nodes in bodies.
p!("[val:*][*Hi*]" => [func!("val"; [Bold, T("Hi"), Bold])]);
e!("[val:*][*Hi*]" => [(0:5, 0:6, "expected value, found invalid token")]);
p!("[val:*][*Hi*]" =>
[func!("val"; [Bold, T("Hi"), Bold])],
[(0:5, 0:6, "expected argument, found invalid token")],
// Errors in bodies.
p!(" [val][ */ ]" => [S, func!("val"; [S, S])]);
e!(" [val][ */ ]" => [(0:8, 0:10, "unexpected end of block comment")]);
p!(" [val][ */ ]" =>
[S, func!("val"; [S, S])],
[(0:8, 0:10, "unexpected end of block comment")],
fn parse_spanned_functions() {
// Space before function
p!(" [val]" => [(0:0, 0:1, S), (0:1, 0:6, func!((0:1, 0:4, "val")))]);
d!(" [val]" => [(0:2, 0:5, ValidFuncName)]);
p!(" [val]" =>
[(0:0, 0:1, S), (0:1, 0:6, func!((0:1, 0:4, "val")))], [],
[(0:2, 0:5, ValidFuncName)],
// Newline before function
p!(" \n\r\n[val]" => [(0:0, 2:0, N), (2:0, 2:5, func!((0:1, 0:4, "val")))]);
d!(" \n\r\n[val]" => [(2:1, 2:4, ValidFuncName)]);
p!(" \n\r\n[val]" =>
[(0:0, 2:0, N), (2:0, 2:5, func!((0:1, 0:4, "val")))], [],
[(2:1, 2:4, ValidFuncName)],
// Content before function
p!("hello [val][world] 🌎" => [
(0:0, 0:5, T("hello")),
(0:5, 0:6, S),
(0:6, 0:18, func!((0:1, 0:4, "val"); [(0:6, 0:11, T("world"))])),
(0:18, 0:19, S),
(0:19, 0:20, T("🌎")),
d!("hello [val][world] 🌎" => [(0:7, 0:10, ValidFuncName)]);
e!("hello [val][world] 🌎" => []);
p!("hello [val][world] 🌎" =>
(0:0, 0:5, T("hello")),
(0:5, 0:6, S),
(0:6, 0:18, func!((0:1, 0:4, "val"); [(0:6, 0:11, T("world"))])),
(0:18, 0:19, S),
(0:19, 0:20, T("🌎"))
], [],
[(0:7, 0:10, ValidFuncName)],
// Nested function
p!(" [val][\nbody[ box]\n ]" => [
(0:0, 0:1, S),
(0:1, 2:2, func!((0:1, 0:4, "val"); [
(0:6, 1:0, S),
(1:0, 1:4, T("body")),
(1:4, 1:10, func!((0:2, 0:5, "box"))),
(1:10, 2:1, S),
d!(" [val][\nbody[ box]\n ]" => [
(0:2, 0:5, ValidFuncName),
(1:6, 1:9, ValidFuncName)
p!(" [val][\nbody[ box]\n ]" =>
(0:0, 0:1, S),
(0:1, 2:2, func!((0:1, 0:4, "val"); [
(0:6, 1:0, S),
(1:0, 1:4, T("body")),
(1:4, 1:10, func!((0:2, 0:5, "box"))),
(1:10, 2:1, S),
], [],
[(0:2, 0:5, ValidFuncName), (1:6, 1:9, ValidFuncName)],
@ -149,9 +149,9 @@ impl<T> Spanned<T> {
impl<T: Debug> Debug for Spanned<T> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
f.write_str(": ")?;
f.write_str(" ")?;
@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ impl<'s> Token<'s> {
ExprStr { .. } => "string",
ExprNumber(_) => "number",
ExprSize(_) => "size",
ExprBool(_) => "boolean",
ExprBool(_) => "bool",
Star => "star",
Underscore => "underscore",
Backtick => "backtick",
@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ impl<'s> Iterator for Tokens<'s> {
'`' if self.mode == Body => Backtick,
// An escaped thing.
'\\' => self.parse_escaped(),
'\\' if self.mode == Body => self.parse_escaped(),
// Expressions or just strings.
c => {
@ -217,9 +217,10 @@ impl<'s> Iterator for Tokens<'s> {
let text = self.read_string_until(|n| {
match n {
c if c.is_whitespace() => true,
'\\' | '[' | ']' | '/' => true,
'*' | '_' | '`' if body => true,
':' | '=' | ',' | '"' if !body => true,
'[' | ']' | '/' => true,
'\\' | '*' | '_' | '`' if body => true,
':' | '=' | ',' | '"' |
'(' | ')' | '{' | '}' if !body => true,
_ => false,
}, false, -(c.len_utf8() as isize), 0).0;
@ -340,24 +341,19 @@ impl<'s> Tokens<'s> {
fn parse_escaped(&mut self) -> Token<'s> {
fn is_escapable(c: char) -> bool {
match c {
'\\' | '[' | ']' | '*' | '_' | '`' | '/' => true,
'[' | ']' | '\\' | '/' | '*' | '_' | '`' => true,
_ => false,
let c = self.peek().unwrap_or('n');
let string = if is_escapable(c) {
let index = self.index();
&self.src[index .. index + c.len_utf8()]
} else {
match self.mode {
Header => Invalid(string),
Body => Text(string),
Text(match self.peek() {
Some(c) if is_escapable(c) => {
let index = self.index();
&self.src[index .. index + c.len_utf8()]
_ => "\\"
fn parse_expr(&mut self, text: &'s str) -> Token<'s> {
@ -570,6 +566,8 @@ mod tests {
t!(Header, "2.3cm" => [Sz(Size::cm(2.3))]);
t!(Header, "02.4mm" => [Sz(Size::mm(2.4))]);
t!(Header, "" => [Invalid("")]);
t!(Header, "(1,2)" => [LP, Num(1.0), Comma, Num(2.0), RP]);
t!(Header, "{abc}" => [LB, Id("abc"), RB]);
t!(Header, "🌓, 🌍," => [Invalid("🌓"), Comma, S(0), Invalid("🌍"), Comma]);
@ -616,8 +614,8 @@ mod tests {
t!(Body, r"\a" => [T("\\"), T("a")]);
t!(Body, r"\:" => [T(r"\"), T(":")]);
t!(Body, r"\=" => [T(r"\"), T("=")]);
t!(Header, r"\\\\" => [Invalid("\\"), Invalid("\\")]);
t!(Header, r"\a" => [Invalid("\\"), Id("a")]);
t!(Header, r"\\\\" => [Invalid(r"\\\\")]);
t!(Header, r"\a" => [Invalid(r"\a")]);
t!(Header, r"\:" => [Invalid(r"\"), Colon]);
t!(Header, r"\=" => [Invalid(r"\"), Equals]);
t!(Header, r"\," => [Invalid(r"\"), Comma]);
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