Thoroughly improve documentation 📝

This commit is contained in:
Laurenz 2019-05-26 21:59:33 +02:00
parent b3734bbc04
commit c38e17d91f
11 changed files with 458 additions and 352 deletions

View File

@ -1,16 +1,25 @@
use std::env;
use std::fs::File;
use std::error::Error;
use std::process;
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::Read;
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use std::process;
use typeset::Typesetter;
use typeset::{font::FileSystemFontProvider, font_info};
use typeset::export::pdf::PdfExporter;
fn main() {
if let Err(err) = run() {
eprintln!("error: {}", err);
/// The actual main function.
fn run() -> Result<(), Box<Error>> {
// Check the command line arguments.
let args: Vec<String> = env::args().collect();
if args.len() < 2 || args.len() > 3 {
@ -19,9 +28,10 @@ fn run() -> Result<(), Box<Error>> {
// Open the input file.
let mut file = File::open(&args[1]).map_err(|_| "failed to open source file")?;
// The output file name.
let output_filename = if args.len() <= 2 {
let source_path = Path::new(&args[1]);
let source_path = Path::new(&args[1]);
// Compute the output filename from the input filename by replacing the extension.
let dest_path = if args.len() <= 2 {
let stem = source_path.file_stem().ok_or_else(|| "missing destation file name")?;
let base = source_path.parent().ok_or_else(|| "missing destation folder")?;
base.join(format!("{}.pdf", stem.to_string_lossy()))
@ -29,6 +39,11 @@ fn run() -> Result<(), Box<Error>> {
// We do not want to overwrite the source file.
if dest_path == source_path {
return Err("source and destination path are the same".into());
// Read the input file.
let mut src = String::new();
file.read_to_string(&mut src).map_err(|_| "failed to read from source file")?;
@ -50,22 +65,15 @@ fn run() -> Result<(), Box<Error>> {
// Export the document into a PDF file.
let exporter = PdfExporter::new();
let output_file = File::create(&output_filename)?;
let output_file = File::create(&dest_path)?;
exporter.export(&document, output_file)?;
fn main() {
if let Err(err) = run() {
eprintln!("error: {}", err);
/// Print a usage message and quit.
fn help_and_quit() {
let name = env::args().next().unwrap_or("help".to_string());
println!("usage: {} <source> [<destination>]", name);
let name = env::args().next().unwrap_or("typeset".to_string());
println!("usage: {} source [destination]", name);

View File

@ -9,35 +9,28 @@ use crate::layout::Size;
pub struct Document {
/// The pages of the document.
pub pages: Vec<Page>,
/// The fonts used in the document.
/// The fonts used (the page contents index into this).
pub fonts: Vec<Font>,
/// A page with text contents in a document.
/// A page of a document.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct Page {
/// The width of the page.
pub width: Size,
/// The height of the page.
pub height: Size,
/// Text content on the page.
pub text: Vec<Text>,
/// Text actions specifying how to draw text content on the page.
pub actions: Vec<TextAction>,
/// A series of text command, that can be written on to a page.
/// A series of text layouting actions.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct Text {
/// The text commands.
pub commands: Vec<TextCommand>,
/// Different commands for rendering text.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub enum TextCommand {
/// Writing of the text.
/// Moves from the *start* of the current line by an (x,y) offset.
Move(Size, Size),
/// Use the indexed font in the documents font list with a given font size.
pub enum TextAction {
/// Move from the _start_ of the current line by an (x, y) offset.
MoveNewline(Size, Size),
/// Write text starting at the current position.
/// Set the font by index and font size.
SetFont(usize, f32),

View File

@ -2,13 +2,19 @@
/// Create an error type.
macro_rules! error_type {
( // The variable used instead of self in functions
// followed by the error type things are happening on.
$var:ident: $err:ident,
// Optionally the name of a result type to generate.
$(res: $res:ident,)*
// A `Display` and `Debug` implementation.
show: $f:ident => $show:expr,
// Optionally a `source` function for the `std::error::Error` trait.
$(source: $source:expr,)*
// Any number of `From` implementations.
$(from: ($from:path, $conv:expr),)*
) => {
// Possibly create a result type.
$(type $res<T> = std::result::Result<T, $err>;)*
impl std::fmt::Display for $err {
@ -25,12 +31,14 @@ macro_rules! error_type {
impl std::error::Error for $err {
// The source method is only generated if an implementation was given.
$(fn source(&self) -> Option<&(dyn std::error::Error + 'static)> {
let $var = self;
// Create any number of from implementations.
$(impl From<$from> for $err {
fn from($var: $from) -> $err {

View File

@ -8,12 +8,13 @@ use pdf::doc::{Catalog, PageTree, Page, Resource, Text};
use pdf::font::{Type0Font, CIDFont, CIDFontType, CIDSystemInfo, FontDescriptor, FontFlags};
use pdf::font::{GlyphUnit, CMap, CMapEncoding, WidthRecord, FontStream};
use crate::doc::{Document, Text as DocText, TextCommand};
use crate::doc::{Document, TextAction};
use crate::font::{Font, FontError};
use crate::layout::Size;
/// Exports documents into _PDFs_.
pub struct PdfExporter {}
impl PdfExporter {
@ -32,6 +33,7 @@ impl PdfExporter {
/// Writes documents in the _PDF_ format.
struct PdfEngine<'d, W: Write> {
writer: PdfWriter<W>,
doc: &'d Document,
@ -40,7 +42,7 @@ struct PdfEngine<'d, W: Write> {
/// Offsets for the various groups of ids.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
struct Offsets {
catalog: Ref,
page_tree: Ref,
@ -50,14 +52,13 @@ struct Offsets {
impl<'d, W: Write> PdfEngine<'d, W> {
/// Create a new _PDF_ Creator.
/// Create a new _PDF_ engine.
fn new(doc: &'d Document, target: W) -> PdfResult<PdfEngine<'d, W>> {
// Calculate a unique id for all objects that will be written.
let catalog = 1;
let page_tree = catalog + 1;
let pages = (page_tree + 1, page_tree + doc.pages.len() as Ref);
let content_count = doc.pages.iter().flat_map(|p| p.text.iter()).count() as Ref;
let contents = (pages.1 + 1, pages.1 + content_count);
let contents = (pages.1 + 1, pages.1 + doc.pages.len() as Ref);
let fonts = (contents.1 + 1, contents.1 + 5 * doc.fonts.len() as Ref);
let offsets = Offsets { catalog, page_tree, pages, contents, fonts };
@ -66,13 +67,13 @@ impl<'d, W: Write> PdfEngine<'d, W> {
let mut font = 0usize;
let mut chars = vec![HashSet::new(); doc.fonts.len()];
// Iterate through every text object on every page and find out
// which characters they use.
for text in doc.pages.iter().flat_map(|page| page.text.iter()) {
for command in &text.commands {
match command {
TextCommand::Text(string) => chars[font].extend(string.chars()),
TextCommand::SetFont(id, _) => font = *id,
// Iterate through every text object on every page and find out which characters they
// use.
for page in &doc.pages {
for action in &page.actions {
match action {
TextAction::WriteText(string) => chars[font].extend(string.chars()),
TextAction::SetFont(id, _) => font = *id,
_ => {},
@ -94,7 +95,6 @@ impl<'d, W: Write> PdfEngine<'d, W> {
/// Write the complete document.
fn write(&mut self) -> PdfResult<usize> {
// Write all the things!
self.writer.write_header(&Version::new(1, 7))?;
@ -106,20 +106,20 @@ impl<'d, W: Write> PdfEngine<'d, W> {
/// Write the document catalog and page tree.
fn write_pages(&mut self) -> PdfResult<()> {
// The document catalog.
// The document catalog
self.writer.write_obj(self.offsets.catalog, &Catalog::new(self.offsets.page_tree))?;
// The font resources.
// The font resources
let fonts = (0 .. self.fonts.len())
.map(|i| Resource::Font((i + 1) as u32, self.offsets.fonts.0 + 5 * i as u32));
// The root page tree.
// The root page tree
self.writer.write_obj(self.offsets.page_tree, PageTree::new()
// The page objects.
// The page objects
for (id, page) in ids(self.offsets.pages).zip(&self.doc.pages) {
self.writer.write_obj(id, Page::new(self.offsets.page_tree)
.media_box(Rect::new(0.0, 0.0, page.width.to_points(), page.height.to_points()))
@ -132,26 +132,22 @@ impl<'d, W: Write> PdfEngine<'d, W> {
/// Write the contents of all pages.
fn write_contents(&mut self) -> PdfResult<()> {
let mut id = self.offsets.contents.0;
for page in &self.doc.pages {
for text in &page.text {
self.write_text(id, text)?;
id += 1;
for (id, page) in ids(self.offsets.contents).zip(&self.doc.pages) {
self.write_text_actions(id, &page.actions)?;
/// Write one text object.
fn write_text(&mut self, id: u32, doc_text: &DocText) -> PdfResult<()> {
/// Write a series of text actions.
fn write_text_actions(&mut self, id: u32, actions: &[TextAction]) -> PdfResult<()> {
let mut font = 0;
let mut text = Text::new();
for command in &doc_text.commands {
match command {
TextCommand::Text(string) => {[font].encode(&string)); },
TextCommand::Move(x, y) => {, y.to_points()); },
TextCommand::SetFont(id, size) => {
for action in actions {
match action {
TextAction::MoveNewline(x, y) => {, y.to_points()); },
TextAction::WriteText(string) => {[font].encode(&string)); },
TextAction::SetFont(id, size) => {
font = *id;*id as u32 + 1, *size);
@ -220,7 +216,7 @@ impl<'d, W: Write> PdfEngine<'d, W> {
/// Create an iterator from reference pair.
/// Create an iterator from a reference pair.
fn ids((start, end): (Ref, Ref)) -> impl Iterator<Item=Ref> {
start ..= end
@ -240,30 +236,30 @@ struct PdfFont {
impl PdfFont {
/// Create a subetted version of the font and calculate some information
/// needed for creating the _PDF_.
/// Create a subetted version of the font and calculate some information needed for creating the
/// _PDF_.
fn new(font: &Font, chars: &HashSet<char>) -> PdfResult<PdfFont> {
/// Convert a size into a _PDF_ glyph unit.
fn size_to_glyph_unit(size: Size) -> GlyphUnit {
(1000.0 * size.to_points()).round() as GlyphUnit
// Subset the font using the selected characters
// Subset the font using the selected characters.
let subsetted = font.subsetted(
&["head", "hhea", "maxp", "hmtx", "loca", "glyf"][..],
&["cvt ", "prep", "fpgm", /* "OS/2", "cmap", "name", "post" */][..],
// Specify flags for the font
// Specify flags for the font.
let mut flags = FontFlags::empty();
flags.set(FontFlags::FIXED_PITCH, font.metrics.is_fixed_pitch);
flags.set(FontFlags::FIXED_PITCH, font.metrics.monospace);
flags.set(FontFlags::ITALIC, font.metrics.is_italic);
flags.set(FontFlags::ITALIC, font.metrics.italic);
// Transform the widths
// Transform the widths.
let widths = subsetted.widths.iter().map(|&x| size_to_glyph_unit(x)).collect();
Ok(PdfFont {

View File

@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ use opentype::global::{MacStyleFlags, NameEntry};
use crate::layout::Size;
/// A loaded font, containing relevant information for typesetting.
/// A loaded and parsed font program.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct Font {
/// The base name of the font.
@ -38,19 +38,19 @@ pub struct Font {
pub widths: Vec<Size>,
/// The fallback glyph.
pub default_glyph: u16,
/// The relevant metrics of this font.
/// The typesetting-relevant metrics of this font.
pub metrics: FontMetrics,
impl Font {
/// Create a new font from a font program.
/// Create a new font from a raw font program.
pub fn new(program: Vec<u8>) -> FontResult<Font> {
// Create opentype reader to parse font tables
// Create an OpentypeReader to parse the font tables.
let cursor = Cursor::new(&program);
let mut reader = OpenTypeReader::new(cursor);
// Read the relevant tables
// (all of these are required by the OpenType specification)
// (all of these are required by the OpenType specification, so we expect them).
let head = reader.read_table::<Header>()?;
let name = reader.read_table::<Name>()?;
let os2 = reader.read_table::<OS2>()?;
@ -58,21 +58,21 @@ impl Font {
let hmtx = reader.read_table::<HorizontalMetrics>()?;
let post = reader.read_table::<Post>()?;
// Create conversion function between font units and sizes
// Create a conversion function between font units and sizes.
let font_unit_ratio = 1.0 / (head.units_per_em as f32);
let font_unit_to_size = |x| Size::from_points(font_unit_ratio * x as f32);
// Find out the name of the font
// Find out the name of the font.
let font_name = name.get_decoded(NameEntry::PostScriptName)
.unwrap_or_else(|| "unknown".to_owned());
// Convert the widths
// Convert the widths from font units to sizes.
let widths = hmtx.metrics.iter().map(|m| font_unit_to_size(m.advance_width)).collect();
// Calculate some metrics
// Calculate the typesetting-relevant metrics.
let metrics = FontMetrics {
is_italic: head.mac_style.contains(MacStyleFlags::ITALIC),
is_fixed_pitch: post.is_fixed_pitch,
italic: head.mac_style.contains(MacStyleFlags::ITALIC),
monospace: post.is_fixed_pitch,
italic_angle: post.italic_angle.to_f32(),
bounding_box: [
@ -105,6 +105,7 @@ impl Font {
/// Encode the given text for this font (into glyph ids).
pub fn encode(&self, text: &str) -> Vec<u8> {
// Each glyph id takes two bytes that we encode in big endian.
let mut bytes = Vec::with_capacity(2 * text.len());
for glyph in text.chars().map(|c| {
bytes.push((glyph >> 8) as u8);
@ -113,62 +114,37 @@ impl Font {
/// Generate a subsetted version of this font including only the chars listed in
/// `chars`.
/// Generate a subsetted version of this font including only the chars listed in `chars`.
/// All needed tables will be included (returning an error if a table was not present
/// in the source font) and optional tables will be included if there were present
/// in the source font. All other tables will be dropped.
pub fn subsetted<C, I, S>(
chars: C,
needed_tables: I,
optional_tables: I,
) -> Result<Font, FontError>
/// All needed tables will be included (returning an error if a table was not present in the
/// source font) and optional tables will be included if they were present in the source font.
/// All other tables will be dropped.
pub fn subsetted<C, I, S>(&self, chars: C, needed_tables: I, optional_tables: I)
-> Result<Font, FontError>
C: IntoIterator<Item=char>,
I: IntoIterator<Item=S>,
S: AsRef<str>,
S: AsRef<str>
let mut chars: Vec<char> = chars.into_iter().collect();
let mut reader = OpenTypeReader::from_slice(&self.program);
let outlines = reader.outlines()?;
let tables = reader.tables()?.to_vec();
let subsetter = Subsetter {
font: &self,
cmap: None,
hmtx: None,
loca: None,
glyphs: Vec::with_capacity(1 + chars.len()),
records: vec![],
body: vec![],
subsetter.subset(needed_tables, optional_tables)
Subsetter::subset(self, chars, needed_tables, optional_tables)
/// Font metrics relevant to the typesetting engine.
/// Font metrics relevant to the typesetting or exporting processes.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
pub struct FontMetrics {
/// Whether the font is italic.
pub is_italic: bool,
/// Whether font is fixed pitch.
pub is_fixed_pitch: bool,
/// The angle of italics.
pub italic: bool,
/// Whether font is monospace.
pub monospace: bool,
/// The angle of text in italics.
pub italic_angle: f32,
/// The glyph bounding box: [x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max],
pub bounding_box: [Size; 4],
/// The typographics ascender relevant for line spacing.
/// The typographics ascender.
pub ascender: Size,
/// The typographics descender relevant for line spacing.
/// The typographics descender.
pub descender: Size,
/// The approximate height of capital letters.
pub cap_height: Size,
@ -176,25 +152,34 @@ pub struct FontMetrics {
pub weight_class: u16,
/// Describes a font.
/// Categorizes a font.
/// Can be constructed conveniently with the [`font_info`] macro.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
pub struct FontInfo {
/// The font families this font is part of.
pub families: Vec<FontFamily>,
/// Whether the font is in italics.
/// Whether the font is italic.
pub italic: bool,
/// Whether the font is bold.
/// Whether the font bold.
pub bold: bool,
/// A family of fonts.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
pub enum FontFamily {
/// A custom class like _Arial_ or _Times_.
/// A macro to create [FontInfos](crate::font::FontInfo) easily.
/// Accepts first a bracketed (ordered) list of font families. Allowed are string expressions
/// as well as the three base families `SansSerif`, `Serif` and `Monospace`.
/// Then there may follow (separated by commas) the keywords `italic` and/or `bold`.
/// Accepts first a bracketed, ordered list of font families. Allowed are string expressions as well
/// as the three base families `SansSerif`, `Serif` and `Monospace`. Then there may follow
/// (separated by commas) the keywords `italic` and/or `bold`.
/// # Examples
/// The font _Noto Sans_ in regular typeface.
@ -259,48 +244,43 @@ macro_rules! font_info {
(@__gen Monospace) => { $crate::font::FontFamily::Monospace };
/// A family of fonts (either generic or named).
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
pub enum FontFamily {
/// A type that provides fonts.
pub trait FontProvider {
/// Returns the font with the given info if this provider has it.
/// Returns a font with the given info if this provider has one.
fn get(&self, info: &FontInfo) -> Option<Box<dyn FontData>>;
/// The available fonts this provider can serve. While these should generally be retrievable
/// through the `get` method, it is not guaranteed that a font info that is contained here
/// yields a `Some` value when passed into `get`.
fn available<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a [FontInfo];
/// through the `get` method, it does not have to be guaranteed that a font info, that is
/// contained, here yields a `Some` value when passed into `get`.
fn available<'p>(&'p self) -> &'p [FontInfo];
/// A wrapper trait around `Read + Seek`.
/// This type is needed because currently you can't make a trait object
/// with two traits, like `Box<dyn Read + Seek>`.
/// Automatically implemented for all types that are [`Read`] and [`Seek`].
/// This type is needed because currently you can't make a trait object with two traits, like
/// `Box<dyn Read + Seek>`. Automatically implemented for all types that are [`Read`] and [`Seek`].
pub trait FontData: Read + Seek {}
impl<T> FontData for T where T: Read + Seek {}
/// A font provider serving fonts from a folder on the local file system.
pub struct FileSystemFontProvider {
/// The root folder.
base: PathBuf,
/// Paths of the fonts relative to the `base` path.
paths: Vec<PathBuf>,
/// The information for the font with the same index in `paths`.
infos: Vec<FontInfo>,
impl FileSystemFontProvider {
/// Create a new provider from a folder and an iterator of pairs of
/// font paths and font infos.
/// Create a new provider from a folder and an iterator of pairs of font paths and font infos.
/// # Example
/// Serve the two fonts `NotoSans-Regular` and `NotoSans-Italic` from the local
/// folder `../fonts`.
/// Serve the two fonts `NotoSans-Regular` and `NotoSans-Italic` from the local folder
/// `../fonts`.
/// ```
/// # use typeset::{font::FileSystemFontProvider, font_info};
/// FileSystemFontProvider::new("../fonts", vec![
@ -315,8 +295,8 @@ impl FileSystemFontProvider {
I: IntoIterator<Item = (P, FontInfo)>,
P: Into<PathBuf>,
// Find out how long the iterator is at least, to reserve the correct
// capacity for the vectors.
// Find out how long the iterator is at least, to reserve the correct capacity for the
// vectors.
let iter = infos.into_iter();
let min = iter.size_hint().0;
@ -339,42 +319,52 @@ impl FileSystemFontProvider {
impl FontProvider for FileSystemFontProvider {
fn get(&self, info: &FontInfo) -> Option<Box<dyn FontData>> {
// Find the index of the font in both arrays (early exit if there is no match).
let index = self.infos.iter().position(|i| i == info)?;
// Open the file and return a boxed reader operating on it.
let path = &self.paths[index];
let file = File::open(self.base.join(path)).ok()?;
Some(Box::new(BufReader::new(file)) as Box<FontData>)
fn available<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a [FontInfo] {
fn available<'p>(&'p self) -> &'p [FontInfo] {
/// Serves matching fonts given a query.
/// Serves fonts matching queries.
pub struct FontLoader<'p> {
/// The font providers.
providers: Vec<&'p (dyn FontProvider + 'p)>,
/// All available fonts indexed by provider.
/// The fonts available from each provider (indexed like `providers`).
provider_fonts: Vec<&'p [FontInfo]>,
/// The internal state.
/// The internal state. Uses interior mutability because the loader works behind
/// an immutable reference to ease usage.
state: RefCell<FontLoaderState<'p>>,
/// Internal state of the font loader (wrapped in a RefCell).
/// Internal state of the font loader (seperated to wrap it in a `RefCell`).
struct FontLoaderState<'p> {
/// The loaded fonts along with their external indices.
/// The loaded fonts alongside their external indices. Some fonts may not have external indices
/// because they were loaded but did not contain the required character. However, these are
/// still stored because they may be needed later. The index is just set to `None` then.
fonts: Vec<(Option<usize>, Font)>,
/// Allows to retrieve cached results for queries.
query_cache: HashMap<FontQuery<'p>, usize>,
/// Allows to lookup fonts by their infos.
/// Allows to retrieve a font (index) quickly if a query was submitted before.
query_cache: HashMap<FontQuery, usize>,
/// Allows to re-retrieve loaded fonts by their info instead of loading them again.
info_cache: HashMap<&'p FontInfo, usize>,
/// Indexed by outside and indices maps to internal indices.
/// Indexed by external indices (the ones inside the tuples in the `fonts` vector) and maps to
/// internal indices (the actual indices into the vector).
inner_index: Vec<usize>,
impl<'p> FontLoader<'p> {
/// Create a new font loader.
/// Create a new font loader using a set of providers.
pub fn new<P: 'p>(providers: &'p [P]) -> FontLoader<'p> where P: AsRef<dyn FontProvider + 'p> {
let providers: Vec<_> = providers.iter().map(|p| p.as_ref()).collect();
let provider_fonts = providers.iter().map(|prov| prov.available()).collect();
@ -391,12 +381,13 @@ impl<'p> FontLoader<'p> {
/// Return the best matching font and it's index (if there is any) given the query.
pub fn get(&self, query: FontQuery<'p>) -> Option<(usize, Ref<Font>)> {
// Check if we had the exact same query before.
/// Returns the font (and its index) best matching the query, if there is any.
pub fn get(&self, query: FontQuery) -> Option<(usize, Ref<Font>)> {
// Load results from the cache, if we had the exact same query before.
let state = self.state.borrow();
if let Some(&index) = state.query_cache.get(&query) {
// That this is the query cache means it must has an index as we've served it before.
// The font must have an external index already because it is in the query cache.
// It has been served before.
let extern_index = state.fonts[index].0.unwrap();
let font = Ref::map(state, |s| &s.fonts[index].1);
@ -404,94 +395,99 @@ impl<'p> FontLoader<'p> {
// Go over all font infos from all font providers that match the query.
for family in query.families {
// The outermost loop goes over the families because we want to serve
// the font that matches the first possible family.
for family in &query.families {
// For each family now go over all font infos from all font providers.
for (provider, infos) in self.providers.iter().zip(&self.provider_fonts) {
for info in infos.iter() {
// Check whether this info matches the query.
if Self::matches(query, family, info) {
// Proceed only if this font matches the query.
if Self::matches(&query, family, info) {
let mut state = self.state.borrow_mut();
// Check if we have already loaded this font before.
// Otherwise we'll fetch the font from the provider.
// Check if we have already loaded this font before, otherwise, we will
// load it from the provider. Anyway, have it stored and find out its
// internal index.
let index = if let Some(&index) = state.info_cache.get(info) {
} else if let Some(mut source) = provider.get(info) {
// Read the font program into a vec.
// Read the font program into a vector and parse it.
let mut program = Vec::new();
source.read_to_end(&mut program).ok()?;
// Create a font from it.
let font = Font::new(program).ok()?;
// Insert it into the storage.
// Insert it into the storage and cache it by its info.
let index = state.fonts.len();
state.info_cache.insert(info, index);
state.fonts.push((None, font));
} else {
// Strangely, this provider lied and cannot give us the promised font.
// Check whether this font has the character we need.
// Proceed if this font has the character we need.
let has_char = state.fonts[index].1.mapping.contains_key(&query.character);
if has_char {
// We can take this font, so we store the query.
// This font is suitable, thus we cache the query result.
state.query_cache.insert(query, index);
// Now we have to find out the external index of it, or assign a new
// one if it has not already one.
let maybe_extern_index = state.fonts[index].0;
let extern_index = maybe_extern_index.unwrap_or_else(|| {
// Now we have to find out the external index of it or assign a new one
// if it has none.
let external_index = state.fonts[index].0.unwrap_or_else(|| {
// We have to assign an external index before serving.
let extern_index = state.inner_index.len();
let new_index = state.inner_index.len();
state.fonts[index].0 = Some(extern_index);
state.fonts[index].0 = Some(new_index);
// Release the mutable borrow and borrow immutably.
// Release the mutable borrow to be allowed to borrow immutably.
let font = Ref::map(self.state.borrow(), |s| &s.fonts[index].1);
// Finally we can return it.
return Some((extern_index, font));
// Finally, get a reference to the actual font.
let font = Ref::map(self.state.borrow(), |s| &s.fonts[index].1);
return Some((external_index, font));
// Not a single match!
/// Return a loaded font at an index. Panics if the index is out of bounds.
/// Return the font previously loaded at this index. Panics if the index is not assigned.
pub fn get_with_index(&self, index: usize) -> Ref<Font> {
let state = self.state.borrow();
let internal = state.inner_index[index];
Ref::map(state, |s| &s.fonts[internal].1)
/// Return the list of fonts.
/// Move the whole list of fonts out.
pub fn into_fonts(self) -> Vec<Font> {
// Sort the fonts by external key so that they are in the correct order.
// Sort the fonts by external index so that they are in the correct order.
// All fonts that were cached but not used by the outside are sorted to the back
// and are removed in the next step.
let mut fonts = self.state.into_inner().fonts;
fonts.sort_by_key(|&(maybe_index, _)| match maybe_index {
Some(index) => index as isize,
None => -1,
Some(index) => index,
None => std::usize::MAX,
// Remove the fonts that are not used from the outside
// Remove the fonts that are not used from the outside.
fonts.into_iter().filter_map(|(maybe_index, font)| {|_| font)
if maybe_index.is_some() { Some(font) } else { None }
/// Check whether the query and the current family match the info.
fn matches(query: FontQuery, family: &FontFamily, info: &FontInfo) -> bool {
&& info.italic == query.italic && info.bold == query.bold
/// Checks whether the query and the family match the info.
fn matches(query: &FontQuery, family: &FontFamily, info: &FontInfo) -> bool {
info.italic == query.italic && info.bold == query.bold
&& info.families.contains(family)
@ -510,21 +506,25 @@ impl Debug for FontLoader<'_> {
/// A query for a font with specific properties.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
pub struct FontQuery<'a> {
/// A fallback list of font families to accept. The first family in this list, that also
/// satisfies the other conditions, shall be returned.
pub families: &'a [FontFamily],
/// Whether the font shall be in italics.
pub italic: bool,
/// Whether the font shall be in boldface.
pub bold: bool,
/// Which character we need.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
pub struct FontQuery {
/// Which character is needed.
pub character: char,
/// Whether the font should be in italics.
pub italic: bool,
/// Whether the font should be in boldface.
pub bold: bool,
/// A fallback list of font families to accept. The font matching the first possible family in
/// this list satisfying all other constraints should be returned.
pub families: Vec<FontFamily>,
/// Subsets a font.
struct Subsetter<'a> {
// Original font
// The original font
font: &'a Font,
reader: OpenTypeReader<Cursor<&'a [u8]>>,
outlines: Outlines,
@ -534,17 +534,53 @@ struct Subsetter<'a> {
loca: Option<Vec<u32>>,
glyphs: Vec<u16>,
// Subsetted font
// The subsetted font
chars: Vec<char>,
records: Vec<TableRecord>,
body: Vec<u8>,
impl<'a> Subsetter<'a> {
fn subset<I, S>(mut self, needed_tables: I, optional_tables: I) -> FontResult<Font>
/// Subset a font. See [`Font::subetted`] for more details.
pub fn subset<C, I, S>(
font: &Font,
chars: C,
needed_tables: I,
optional_tables: I,
) -> Result<Font, FontError>
C: IntoIterator<Item=char>,
I: IntoIterator<Item=S>,
S: AsRef<str>
// Parse some header information and keep the reading around.
let mut reader = OpenTypeReader::from_slice(&font.program);
let outlines = reader.outlines()?;
let tables = reader.tables()?.to_vec();
let chars: Vec<_> = chars.into_iter().collect();
let subsetter = Subsetter {
cmap: None,
hmtx: None,
loca: None,
glyphs: Vec::with_capacity(1 + chars.len()),
records: vec![],
body: vec![],
};, optional_tables)
fn run<I, S>(mut self, needed_tables: I, optional_tables: I) -> FontResult<Font>
where I: IntoIterator<Item=S>, S: AsRef<str> {
// Find out which glyphs to include based on which characters we want
// and which glyphs are used by composition.
// Find out which glyphs to include based on which characters we want and which glyphs are
// used by other composite glyphs.
// Iterate through the needed tables first
@ -553,7 +589,7 @@ impl<'a> Subsetter<'a> {
let tag: Tag = table.parse()
.map_err(|_| FontError::UnsupportedTable(table.to_string()))?;
if self.contains(tag) {
if self.contains_table(tag) {
} else {
return Err(FontError::MissingTable(tag.to_string()));
@ -566,7 +602,7 @@ impl<'a> Subsetter<'a> {
let tag: Tag = table.parse()
.map_err(|_| FontError::UnsupportedTable(table.to_string()))?;
if self.contains(tag) {
if self.contains_table(tag) {
@ -598,16 +634,16 @@ impl<'a> Subsetter<'a> {
let cmap = self.cmap.as_ref().unwrap();
// The default glyph should be always present.
// The default glyph should be always present, others only if used.
for &c in &self.chars {
self.glyphs.push(cmap.get(c).ok_or_else(|| FontError::MissingCharacter(c))?)
let glyph = cmap.get(c).ok_or_else(|| FontError::MissingCharacter(c))?;
// Composite glyphs may need additional glyphs we have not yet in our list.
// So now we have a look at the glyf table to check that and add glyphs
// we need additionally.
if self.contains("glyf".parse().unwrap()) {
// Composite glyphs may need additional glyphs we do not have in our list yet. So now we
// have a look at the `glyf` table to check that and add glyphs we need additionally.
if self.contains_table("glyf".parse().unwrap()) {
let loca = self.loca.as_ref().unwrap();
let table = self.get_table_data("glyf".parse().unwrap())?;
@ -880,7 +916,8 @@ impl<'a> Subsetter<'a> {
fn contains(&self, tag: Tag) -> bool {
/// Whether this font contains some table.
fn contains_table(&self, tag: Tag) -> bool {
self.tables.binary_search_by_key(&tag, |r| r.tag).is_ok()
@ -916,8 +953,8 @@ impl<'a> Subsetter<'a> {
/// Calculate a checksum over the sliced data as sum of u32's.
/// The data length has to be a multiple of four.
/// Calculate a checksum over the sliced data as sum of u32's. The data length has to be a multiple
/// of four.
fn calculate_check_sum(data: &[u8]) -> u32 {
let mut sum = 0u32;
data.chunks_exact(4).for_each(|c| {
@ -931,13 +968,12 @@ fn calculate_check_sum(data: &[u8]) -> u32 {
/// Helper trait to create subsetting errors more easily.
trait TakeInvalid<T>: Sized {
/// Pull the type out of the option, returning a subsetting error
/// about an invalid font wrong.
/// Pull the type out of the option, returning an invalid font error if self was not valid.
fn take_invalid<S: Into<String>>(self, message: S) -> FontResult<T>;
/// Pull the type out of the option, returning an error about missing
/// bytes if it is nothing.
/// Same as above with predefined message "expected more bytes".
fn take_bytes(self) -> FontResult<T> {
self.take_invalid("expected more bytes")
@ -949,15 +985,17 @@ impl<T> TakeInvalid<T> for Option<T> {
/// The error type for font operations.
pub enum FontError {
/// The font file is incorrect.
/// A requested table was not present in the source font.
/// The table is unknown to the subsetting engine (unimplemented or invalid).
/// The table is unknown to the subsetting engine.
/// A requested character was not present in the source font.
/// A character requested for subsetting was not present in the source font.
/// An I/O Error occured while reading the font program.

View File

@ -4,27 +4,27 @@ use std::any::Any;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::fmt::{self, Debug, Formatter};
use crate::syntax::FuncHeader;
use crate::parsing::{ParseContext, ParseResult};
use crate::layout::{Layout, LayoutContext, LayoutResult};
use crate::parsing::{ParseContext, ParseResult};
use crate::syntax::FuncHeader;
/// Types that act as functions.
/// Typesetting function types.
/// These types have to be able to parse tokens into themselves and store the
/// relevant information from the parsing to do their role in typesetting later.
/// These types have to be able to parse tokens into themselves and store the relevant information
/// from the parsing to do their role in typesetting later.
/// The trait `FunctionBounds` is automatically implemented for types which can be
/// used as functions, that is they fulfill the bounds `Debug + PartialEq + 'static`.
/// The trait `FunctionBounds` is automatically implemented for types which can be used as
/// functions, that is they fulfill the bounds `Debug + PartialEq + 'static`.
pub trait Function: FunctionBounds {
/// Parse the header and body into this function given this context.
/// Parse the header and body into this function given a context.
fn parse(header: &FuncHeader, body: Option<&str>, ctx: &ParseContext)
-> ParseResult<Self> where Self: Sized;
/// Layout this function given a context.
/// Returns optionally the resulting layout and a if changes to the context
/// should be made new context.
/// Returns optionally the resulting layout and a new context if changes to the context should
/// be made.
fn layout(&self, ctx: &LayoutContext)
-> LayoutResult<(Option<Layout>, Option<LayoutContext>)>;
@ -37,8 +37,8 @@ impl PartialEq for dyn Function {
/// A helper trait that describes requirements for types that can implement [`Function`].
/// Automatically implemented for all types which fulfill to the bounds
/// `Debug + PartialEq + 'static`. There should be no need to implement this manually.
/// Automatically implemented for all types which fulfill to the bounds `Debug + PartialEq +
/// 'static`. There should be no need to implement this manually.
pub trait FunctionBounds: Debug {
/// Cast self into `Any`.
fn help_cast_as_any(&self) -> &dyn Any;
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ pub struct Scope {
parsers: HashMap<String, Box<ParseFunc>>,
/// A function which transforms a parsing context into a boxed function.
/// A function which parses a function invocation into a function type.
type ParseFunc = dyn Fn(&FuncHeader, Option<&str>, &ParseContext)
-> ParseResult<Box<dyn Function>>;
@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ impl Scope {
/// Add a function type to the scope with a given name.
/// Add a function type to the scope giving it a name.
pub fn add<F: Function + 'static>(&mut self, name: &str) {

View File

@ -1,73 +1,73 @@
//! Layouting engine.
//! The layouting engine.
use crate::doc::Document;
use crate::doc::{Document, Page, TextAction};
use crate::font::{Font, FontLoader, FontFamily, FontError};
use crate::syntax::SyntaxTree;
mod size;
pub use size::Size;
/// Layout a syntax tree given a context.
/// Layout a syntax tree in a given context.
pub fn layout(tree: &SyntaxTree, ctx: &LayoutContext) -> LayoutResult<Layout> {
Ok(Layout {})
Ok(Layout {
extent: LayoutDimensions { width: Size::zero(), height: Size::zero() },
actions: vec![],
/// A collection of layouted content.
pub struct Layout {}
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct Layout {
/// The extent of this layout into all directions.
extent: LayoutDimensions,
/// Actions composing this layout.
actions: Vec<TextAction>,
impl Layout {
/// Convert this layout into a document given the list of fonts referenced by it.
pub fn into_document(self, fonts: Vec<Font>) -> Document {
Document {
pages: vec![],
pages: vec![Page {
width: self.extent.width,
height: self.extent.height,
actions: self.actions,
/// Types supporting some kind of layouting.
pub trait Layouter {
/// Finishing the current layouting process and return a layout.
fn finish(self) -> LayoutResult<Layout>;
/// The context for layouting.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct LayoutContext<'a, 'p> {
/// Loads fonts matching queries.
pub loader: &'a FontLoader<'p>,
/// The spacial constraints to layout in.
pub max_extent: LayoutDimensions,
/// Base style to set text with.
pub text_style: TextStyle,
/// Default styles for pages.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct PageStyle {
/// The width of the paper.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct LayoutDimensions {
/// Horizontal extent.
pub width: Size,
/// The height of the paper.
/// Vertical extent.
pub height: Size,
/// The left margin of the paper.
pub margin_left: Size,
/// The top margin of the paper.
pub margin_top: Size,
/// The right margin of the paper.
pub margin_right: Size,
/// The bottom margin of the paper.
pub margin_bottom: Size,
impl Default for PageStyle {
fn default() -> PageStyle {
PageStyle {
// A4 paper.
width: Size::from_mm(210.0),
height: Size::from_mm(297.0),
// Margins. A bit more on top and bottom.
margin_left: Size::from_cm(3.0),
margin_top: Size::from_cm(3.0),
margin_right: Size::from_cm(3.0),
margin_bottom: Size::from_cm(3.0),
/// Default styles for texts.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
/// Default styles for text.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct TextStyle {
/// A fallback list of font families to use.
pub font_families: Vec<FontFamily>,
@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ pub struct TextStyle {
pub font_size: f32,
/// The line spacing (as a multiple of the font size).
pub line_spacing: f32,
/// The spacing for paragraphs (as a multiple of the line spacing).
/// The paragraphs spacing (as a multiple of the line spacing).
pub paragraph_spacing: f32,
@ -92,10 +92,44 @@ impl Default for TextStyle {
/// Default styles for pages.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct PageStyle {
/// The width of the page.
pub width: Size,
/// The height of the page.
pub height: Size,
/// The amount of white space on the left side.
pub margin_left: Size,
/// The amount of white space on the top side.
pub margin_top: Size,
/// The amount of white space on the right side.
pub margin_right: Size,
/// The amount of white space on the bottom side.
pub margin_bottom: Size,
impl Default for PageStyle {
fn default() -> PageStyle {
PageStyle {
// A4 paper.
width: Size::from_mm(210.0),
height: Size::from_mm(297.0),
// All the same margins.
margin_left: Size::from_cm(3.0),
margin_top: Size::from_cm(3.0),
margin_right: Size::from_cm(3.0),
margin_bottom: Size::from_cm(3.0),
/// The error type for layouting.
pub enum LayoutError {
/// There was no suitable font.
/// An error occured while gathering font data.
@ -106,7 +140,7 @@ pub type LayoutResult<T> = Result<T, LayoutError>;
error_type! {
err: LayoutError,
show: f => match err {
LayoutError::MissingFont => write!(f, "missing font"),
LayoutError::NoSuitableFont => write!(f, "no suitable font"),
LayoutError::Font(err) => write!(f, "font error: {}", err),
source: match err {

View File

@ -1,10 +1,12 @@
//! A general spacing type.
use std::cmp::Ordering;
use std::fmt::{self, Display, Debug, Formatter};
use std::iter::Sum;
use std::ops::*;
/// A general size (unit of length) type.
/// A general spacing type.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Default)]
pub struct Size {
/// The size in typographic points (1/72 inches).
@ -12,39 +14,39 @@ pub struct Size {
impl Size {
/// Create an zeroed size.
/// Create a zeroed size.
pub fn zero() -> Size { Size { points: 0.0 } }
/// Create a size from a number of points.
/// Create a size from an amount of points.
pub fn from_points(points: f32) -> Size { Size { points } }
/// Create a size from a number of inches.
/// Create a size from an amount of inches.
pub fn from_inches(inches: f32) -> Size { Size { points: 72.0 * inches } }
/// Create a size from a number of millimeters.
/// Create a size from an amount of millimeters.
pub fn from_mm(mm: f32) -> Size { Size { points: 2.83465 * mm } }
/// Create a size from a number of centimeters.
/// Create a size from an amount of centimeters.
pub fn from_cm(cm: f32) -> Size { Size { points: 28.3465 * cm } }
/// Create a size from a number of points.
/// Convert this size into points.
pub fn to_points(&self) -> f32 { self.points }
/// Create a size from a number of inches.
/// Convert this size into inches.
pub fn to_inches(&self) -> f32 { self.points * 0.0138889 }
/// Create a size from a number of millimeters.
/// Convert this size into millimeters.
pub fn to_mm(&self) -> f32 { self.points * 0.352778 }
/// Create a size from a number of centimeters.
/// Convert this size into centimeters.
pub fn to_cm(&self) -> f32 { self.points * 0.0352778 }

View File

@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
//! The compiler for the _Typeset_ typesetting language 📜.
//! # Compilation
//! - **Parsing:** The parsing step first transforms a plain string into an
//! [iterator of tokens](crate::parsing::Tokens). Then the [parser](crate::parsing::Parser)
//! operates on that to construct a syntax tree. The structures describing the tree can be found
//! in the [syntax] module.
//! - **Layouting:** The next step is to transform the syntax tree into a portable representation
//! of the typesetted document. Types for these can be found in the [doc] and [layout] modules.
//! This representation contains already the finished layout.
//! - **Parsing:** The parsing step first transforms a plain string into an [iterator of
//! tokens](crate::parsing::Tokens). Then the [parser](crate::parsing::Parser) operates on that to
//! construct a syntax tree. The structures describing the tree can be found in the [syntax]
//! module.
//! - **Layouting:** The next step is to transform the syntax tree into a portable representation of
//! the typesetted document. Types for these can be found in the [doc] and [layout] modules. This
//! representation contains already the finished layout.
//! - **Exporting:** The finished document can then be exported into supported formats. Submodules
//! for the supported formats are located in the [export] module. Currently the only supported
//! format is _PDF_.
@ -43,11 +43,13 @@
//! exporter.export(&document, file).unwrap();
//! ```
use std::fmt::{self, Debug, Formatter};
use crate::doc::Document;
use crate::func::Scope;
use crate::font::{Font, FontLoader, FontProvider};
use crate::layout::{layout, Layout, LayoutContext, LayoutResult, LayoutError};
use crate::layout::{PageStyle, TextStyle};
use crate::func::Scope;
use crate::layout::{layout, Layout, LayoutContext, LayoutDimensions};
use crate::layout::{PageStyle, TextStyle, LayoutResult, LayoutError};
use crate::parsing::{parse, ParseContext, ParseResult, ParseError};
use crate::syntax::SyntaxTree;
@ -65,12 +67,12 @@ pub mod syntax;
/// Transforms source code into typesetted documents.
/// Holds the typesetting context, which can be configured through various methods.
/// Can be configured through various methods.
pub struct Typesetter<'p> {
/// The default page style.
base_page_style: PageStyle,
page_style: PageStyle,
/// The default text style.
base_text_style: TextStyle,
text_style: TextStyle,
/// Font providers.
font_providers: Vec<Box<dyn FontProvider + 'p>>,
@ -80,8 +82,8 @@ impl<'p> Typesetter<'p> {
pub fn new() -> Typesetter<'p> {
Typesetter {
base_page_style: PageStyle::default(),
base_text_style: TextStyle::default(),
page_style: PageStyle::default(),
text_style: TextStyle::default(),
font_providers: vec![],
@ -89,13 +91,13 @@ impl<'p> Typesetter<'p> {
/// Set the default page style for the document.
pub fn set_page_style(&mut self, style: PageStyle) {
self.base_page_style = style;
self.page_style = style;
/// Set the default text style for the document.
pub fn set_text_style(&mut self, style: TextStyle) {
self.base_text_style = style;
self.text_style = style;
/// Add a font provider to the context of this typesetter.
@ -112,12 +114,23 @@ impl<'p> Typesetter<'p> {
parse(src, &ctx)
/// Layout a parsed syntax tree and return the layout and the referenced font list.
/// Layout a syntax tree and return the layout and the referenced font list.
pub fn layout(&self, tree: &SyntaxTree) -> LayoutResult<(Layout, Vec<Font>)> {
let loader = FontLoader::new(&self.font_providers);
let ctx = LayoutContext { loader: &loader };
let page = &self.page_style;
let ctx = LayoutContext {
loader: &loader,
text_style: self.text_style.clone(),
max_extent: LayoutDimensions {
width: page.width - page.margin_left - page.margin_right,
height: page.height - page.margin_top - page.margin_bottom,
let layout = layout(&tree, &ctx)?;
Ok((layout, loader.into_fonts()))
@ -127,14 +140,25 @@ impl<'p> Typesetter<'p> {
let tree = self.parse(src)?;
let (layout, fonts) = self.layout(&tree)?;
let document = layout.into_document(fonts);
println!("fonts = {}", document.fonts.len());
println!("document = {:?}", document.pages);
impl Debug for Typesetter<'_> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
.field("page_style", &self.page_style)
.field("text_style", &self.text_style)
.field("font_providers", &self.font_providers.len())
/// The general error type for typesetting.
pub enum TypesetError {
/// An error that occured while transforming source code into
/// an abstract syntax tree.
/// An error that occured while parsing.
/// An error that occured while layouting.
@ -163,7 +187,7 @@ mod test {
use crate::export::pdf::PdfExporter;
use crate::font::FileSystemFontProvider;
/// Create a pdf with a name from the source code.
/// Create a _PDF_ with a name from the source code.
fn test(name: &str, src: &str) {
let mut typesetter = Typesetter::new();
typesetter.add_font_provider(FileSystemFontProvider::new("../fonts", vec![
@ -175,10 +199,10 @@ mod test {
("NotoEmoji-Regular.ttf", font_info!(["NotoEmoji", "Noto", SansSerif, Serif, Monospace])),
// Typeset into document
// Typeset into document.
let document = typesetter.typeset(src).unwrap();
// Write to file
// Write to file.
let path = format!("../target/typeset-unit-{}.pdf", name);
let file = BufWriter::new(File::create(path).unwrap());
let exporter = PdfExporter::new();

View File

@ -1,14 +1,13 @@
//! Tokenization and parsing of source code into syntax trees.
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::mem::swap;
use std::str::CharIndices;
use smallvec::SmallVec;
use unicode_xid::UnicodeXID;
use crate::syntax::*;
use crate::func::{Function, Scope};
use crate::syntax::*;
/// Builds an iterator over the tokens of the source code.
@ -27,7 +26,7 @@ pub struct Tokens<'s> {
/// The state the tokenizer is in.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
enum TokensState {
/// The base state if there is nothing special we are in.
@ -55,9 +54,9 @@ impl<'s> Tokens<'s> {
/// Switch to the given state.
fn switch(&mut self, mut state: TokensState) {
swap(&mut state, &mut self.state);
fn switch(&mut self, state: TokensState) {
self.state = state;
/// Go back to the top-of-stack state.
@ -84,7 +83,7 @@ impl<'s> Iterator for Tokens<'s> {
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Token<'s>> {
use TokensState as TS;
// Function maybe has a body
// Go to the body state if the function has a body or return to the top-of-stack state.
if self.state == TS::MaybeBody {
if self.chars.peek()?.1 == '[' {
self.state = TS::Body;
@ -244,7 +243,7 @@ fn is_newline_char(character: char) -> bool {
/// A index + char iterator with double lookahead.
/// A (index, char) iterator with double lookahead.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
struct PeekableChars<'s> {
offset: usize,
@ -324,6 +323,8 @@ impl Iterator for PeekableChars<'_> {
/// Parses source code into a syntax tree given a context.
pub fn parse(src: &str, ctx: &ParseContext) -> ParseResult<SyntaxTree> {
@ -338,6 +339,7 @@ pub struct ParseContext<'a> {
/// Transforms token streams to syntax trees.
struct Parser<'s> {
src: &'s str,
tokens: PeekableTokens<'s>,
@ -358,7 +360,7 @@ enum ParserState {
impl<'s> Parser<'s> {
/// Create a new parser from a stream of tokens and a scope of functions.
/// Create a new parser from the source and the context.
fn new(src: &'s str, ctx: &'s ParseContext) -> Parser<'s> {
Parser {
@ -380,7 +382,7 @@ impl<'s> Parser<'s> {
/// Parse part of the body.
/// Parse the next part of the body.
fn parse_body_part(&mut self) -> ParseResult<()> {
if let Some(token) = self.tokens.peek() {
match token {
@ -398,8 +400,8 @@ impl<'s> Parser<'s> {
Token::Colon | Token::Equals => panic!("bad token for body: {:?}", token),
// The rest is handled elsewhere or should not happen, because Tokens does
// not yield colons or equals in the body, but their text equivalents instead.
// The rest is handled elsewhere or should not happen, because `Tokens` does not
// yield colons or equals in the body, but their text equivalents instead.
_ => panic!("unexpected token: {:?}", token),
@ -526,6 +528,7 @@ impl<'s> Parser<'s> {
@ -564,7 +567,7 @@ impl<'s> Parser<'s> {
/// Find the index of the first unbalanced (unescaped) closing bracket.
/// Find the index of the first unbalanced and unescaped closing bracket.
fn find_closing_bracket(src: &str) -> Option<usize> {
let mut parens = 0;
let mut escaped = false;
@ -584,8 +587,8 @@ fn find_closing_bracket(src: &str) -> Option<usize> {
/// A peekable iterator for tokens which allows access to the original iterator
/// inside this module (which is needed by the parser).
/// A peekable iterator for tokens which allows access to the original iterator inside this module
/// (which is needed by the parser).
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
struct PeekableTokens<'s> {
tokens: Tokens<'s>,
@ -649,6 +652,8 @@ fn is_identifier(string: &str) -> bool {
/// The error type for parsing.
pub struct ParseError(String);
@ -693,7 +698,7 @@ mod token_tests {
test("\n", vec![N]);
/// This test looks if LF- and CRLF-style newlines get both identified correctly
/// This test looks if LF- and CRLF-style newlines get both identified correctly.
fn tokenize_whitespace_newlines() {
test(" \t", vec![S]);
@ -743,8 +748,8 @@ mod token_tests {
/// This test checks whether the colon and equals symbols get parsed correctly
/// depending on the context: Either in a function header or in a body.
/// This test checks whether the colon and equals symbols get parsed correctly depending on the
/// context: Either in a function header or in a body.
fn tokenize_symbols_context() {
test("[func: key=value][Answer: 7]",
@ -801,8 +806,8 @@ mod parse_tests {
use Node::{Space as S, Newline as N, Func as F};
use funcs::*;
/// Two test functions, one which parses it's body as another syntax tree
/// and another one which does not expect a body.
/// Two test functions, one which parses it's body as another syntax tree and another one which
/// does not expect a body.
mod funcs {
use super::*;
@ -871,8 +876,7 @@ mod parse_tests {
fn T(s: &str) -> Node { Node::Text(s.to_owned()) }
/// Shortcut macro to create a syntax tree.
/// Is `vec`-like and the elements are the nodes.
/// Shortcut macro to create a syntax tree. Is `vec`-like and the elements are the nodes.
macro_rules! tree {
($($x:expr),*) => (
SyntaxTree { nodes: vec![$($x),*] }

View File

@ -17,8 +17,8 @@ pub enum Token<'s> {
/// A colon (`:`) indicating the beginning of function arguments.
/// If a colon occurs outside of a function header, it will be
/// tokenized as a [Word](Token::Word).
/// If a colon occurs outside of a function header, it will be tokenized as a
/// [Word](Token::Word).
/// An equals (`=`) sign assigning a function argument a value.
@ -34,9 +34,8 @@ pub enum Token<'s> {
LineComment(&'s str),
/// A block comment.
BlockComment(&'s str),
/// A star followed by a slash unexpectedly ending a block comment
/// (the comment was not started before, otherwise a
/// [BlockComment](Token::BlockComment) would be returned).
/// A star followed by a slash unexpectedly ending a block comment (the comment was not started
/// before, otherwise a [BlockComment](Token::BlockComment) would be returned).
/// Everything else is just text.
Text(&'s str),
@ -64,11 +63,11 @@ pub enum Node {
/// A line feed.
/// Indicates that italics were enabled/disabled.
/// Indicates that italics were enabled / disabled.
/// Indicates that boldface was enabled/disabled.
/// Indicates that boldface was enabled / disabled.
/// Indicates that math mode was enabled/disabled.
/// Indicates that math mode was enabled / disabled.
/// Literal text.