2024-10-16 14:18:46 +03:00

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Version 0.3.0

Only a couple of very small breaking changes:

  • The embedded theme set now includes all of syntect's default themes instead of just bat's
  • The themes returned by EmbeddedLazyThemeSet::theme_names() are now alphabetized

Version 0.2.0

Feature Flags

There are a couple of changes around feature flags:

  • All the feature flags revolving around limited which embedded assets get pulled in have been ripped out. Luckily the linker is smart enough to strip out these unused assets which makes things a lot simpler
  • There are new features to indicate which regex implementation you're using with syntect. Some syntaxes use features that are only provided by onig and not fancy-regex, so matching two-face and syntect's implementation keeps regex compilation infallible


Acknowledgments now includes the full listing for all syntaxes and themes regardless of what is used. There are still individual methods to distinquish which acknowledgments are for what though


The two_face::syntax::extra() function is now two_face::syntax::extra_no_newlines() and two_face::extra::extra_newlines() has been added. This mirrors syntect's load_defaults_nonewlines() and load_defaults_newlines()


two_face::theme::extra() now includes an EmbeddedLazyThemeSet. This is just a wrapper around a LazyThemeSet tailored toward knowing all of the embedded themes