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API Guide
This document describes how to do nearly everything in Ansible commander via the REST API.
To begin, you should have set up Ansible Commander (see SETUP.md) and created at least one Django super user. To do this from the development project, run "make adduser".
For the purposes of this guide, we will assume the superuser username and password is admin/admin.
- Ansible Commander uses a standard REST API, rooted at /api/v1/ on the server.
- All data is JSON. You may have to specify the content/type on POST or PUT requests accordingly.
- All URIs should end in "/" or you will get a 301 redirect.
Time to get started.
Aside: Django Admin
When working with REST objects it is often helpful to use the Django admin interface to pre-create objects, and then retrieve collections of objects with GET request to look at their structure. This will help users understand how to create new objects as well as how to edit them.
Aside: Read Only Fields
Certain fields in the REST API are marked read only. These usually include the URL of a resource, the ID, and occasionally some internal fields. For instance, the 'created_by' attribute of each object indicates which user created the resource, and can not be edited.
A Prelude: Workflow
Assume you are starting out with a blank Ansible Commander instance, and don't intend to use the GUI. What sort of REST operations do you need to perform to seed everything out and deploy your first playbook entirely via web services? It would look something like this.
Create Users and Organizations
- Confirm your super user account at /api/v1/me/
- Create some organizations at /api/v1/organizations/
- Create some users by posting to /api/v1/organizations/X/users/
- Add some users to be admins of those organizations by posting to /api/v1/organizations/X/admins/
- At this point, use your org admin account, instead of your superuser account, if you wish
Build Out Inventory
- Create an inventory resource by posting to /api/v1/organizations/X/inventories/
- Create a new host by posting to /api/v1/inventories/X/hosts/
- Add the group to inventory at /api/v1/inventories/X/groups/
- PUT variables to /api/v1/hosts/X/variables/
- PUT variables to /api/v1/groups/X/variables/
- POST a subgroup to a group at /api/v1/groups/X/children/
Set Up Projects and Teams
- Create a new project by posting to /api/v1/organizations/X/projects/
- Create some teams at /api/v1/organizations/X/teams/
- Create some projects at /api/v1/organizations/X/projects/
- Assign some projects to one or more teams at /api/v1/teams/X/projects/
Save Login Credentials and Grant Role (Team) Based Permissions
- Add credentials to some teams at /api/v1/teams/X/credentials/ OR
- Add credentials to some users at /api/v1/user/X/credentials/ (no fancy priveledges required)
- Create a permission tuple to allow a user or project to be used with an inventory source at /api/v1/permissions/ or /api/v1/users/permissions or /api/v1/teams/permissions/
- Permission tuples can allow execution, dry run execution, or inventory editing.
Launch Playbooks and View Results
- Create a job request by posting project, permission, and credential to /api/v1/jobs/
- Monitor the job results at /api/v1/jobs/X (API subject to change)
- See the history of runs on each host at /api/v1/hosts/X/events/ or /api/v1/groups/X/events/ or /api/v1/inventories/X/events/
Audit API based Activity, Search For Resources
- Apply tags or see applied tags on any resource at /api/v1/RESOURCE/X/tags/
- View audit trail information on any resource change at /api/v1/RESOURCE/X/audit_trail/
Working With Users
After a fresh install, there should be no organizations and only the superuser.
Since we're explaining our first resource, we'll be a bit more verbose with the user information than with some other REST resources.
Listing Users
We will pay special attention to this first access request, as any list view looks basically the same.
curl http://admin:admin@
"count": 1, "next": null, "previous": null,
"results": [
"url": "/api/v1/users/1/",
"id": 1, "username": "admin",
"first_name": "",
"last_name": "",
"email": "root@localhost.localdomain",
"is_active": true,
"is_superuser": true,
"related": {
"admin_of_organizations": "/api/v1/users/1/admin_of_organizations/",
"organizations": "/api/v1/users/1/organizations/",
"teams": "/api/v1/users/1/teams/"
Notice that the requests are paginated, so you may have to access additional URLs if 'previous' and 'next' are set to access the full collection.
You will also see 'related' URLs on each object, which tell you from any point in the API what resources you can get to from a particular resource.
Adding Users
To add a user, just POST to the users collection:
curl -X POST -d @input http://admin:admin@
"username" : "foo", "password: "foo"
And optionally specify other fields. Super users or organization admins can create users. We'll learn more about organizations shortly!
Getting a User
As you would expect, a user, superuser, or organization admin can retrieve the record of a user directly via:
curl http://admin:admin@
And recieves something very much like this:
"url": "/api/v1/users/1/",
"id": 1, "username": "admin",
"first_name": "",
"last_name": "",
"email": "root@localhost.localdomain",
"is_active": true,
"is_superuser": true,
"related": {
"admin_of_organizations": "/api/v1/users/1/admin_of_organizations/",
"organizations": "/api/v1/users/1/organizations/",
"teams": "/api/v1/users/1/teams/"
Deleting Users
In ansible commander, nothing is truly deleted, objects are only set inactive and renamed. This allows recovery of those objects using the Django administrative interface or the database command line.
To delete an object, just DELETE to a resource, like so:
curl -X DELETE http://admin:admin@
Only a user's organization admins, or a superuser, can mark a user as deleted.
Updating Users
A user may update only his password, and an organization admin or superuser can update a lot more about the user. To update a user, just PUT to the resource, like so:
curl -X PUT -d @input http://admin:admin@
'password': 'new_password'
Organizations are the basic unit of multi-tenancy and access in Ansible Commander.
At the basic level, when a user is created, he should then be added to one or more organziations.
These may represent concepts like "Engineering" or "Finance".
Under each organization, there will also be multiple teams, like "Engineering QA Team", or "Engineering Release Team".
Organizations also have admin users (which can be assigned by the super user or other organization admins) whom also have most of the powers of a superuser to users inside that organization.
Listing Organizations
GET /api/v1/organizations/
Editing Organizations
PUT /api/v1/organizations/1/
Adding users to an organization
POST the data you recieved from GET /api/v1/users/X/ to /api/v1/organizations/Y/organizations/
Similarly, you can list users of an organization if you are an org admin or superuser with:
GET /api/v1/organizations/X/users/
Note as a shortcut, most related resources in Ansible Commander will allow object creation if you post a resource without an 'id' field, and have a permission to create that resource.
Adding admins to an organization
POST the data you recieved from GET /api/v1/users/X/ to /api/v1/organizations/Y/admins/
Similarly, you can list admins of an organization if you are an org admin or superuser, with:
GET /api/v1/organizations/X/admins/
Note that adding a user as an admin does not automatically add them as a regular organization user. If the user is to be a member of any project teams, add them both to the admin list and the users list for a given organization.
Adding projects to an organization
An organization may also have projects, which would be a concept like "ACME Corp Application" or "Application Foo".
Projects are covered in a later section, but are added to organizations, once created, by posting the record recieved from /api/v1/projects/X/ to /api/v1/organizations/Y/.
Removing users, admins, and projects from organizations
Deleting from sub-collections in Ansible Commander is not handled by a DELETE verb, but by a modified POST.
To remove a user ID X from an organization Y, simply POST the following to the collection /api/v1/organizations/Y/users/:
{ 'id' : X, 'disassociate' : 1 }
A similar post can also be made to /api/v1/organizations/Y/admins/ to remove an admin user or /api/v1/organizations/Y/projects/.
The same removal facility is available elsewhere in Ansible commander for most related resources.
Adding Inventories
Adding Hosts
Adding Groups
Editing Hosts or Groups
Adding Host Variables
Adding Group Variables
Editing Host or Group Variables
Removing Host or Group Variables
Adding Sub Groups
Removing Sub Groups
Access Via Inventory Script
Creating credentials
Adding credentials to users, teams, or projects
Seeing what credentials a user has access to
Launch Jobs
Submitting A Launch Job
Getting Job Results
Browsing Log Data
Adding Tags
Finding Tagged Resources
Editing/Removing Tags
Permissions can be granted to users or teams and indicate they are allowed to use certain combinations of credentials, inventories to deploy to certain projects.
For instance, a permission may define that the QA Team can use certain credentials to push to a Test Inventory, while another permission may indicate the Release Engineering team can push a different project with different credentials to a Production inventory source.