typedef xmlMutex *xmlMutexPtr; |
xmlNewMutex() is used to allocate a libxml2 token struct for use in
synchronizing access to data.
>xmlMutexLock ()
xmlMutexLock() is used to lock a libxml2 token.
>xmlFreeMutex ()
xmlFreeMutex() is used to reclaim resources associated with a libxml2 token
typedef xmlRMutex *xmlRMutexPtr; |
>xmlRMutexLock ()
xmlRMutexLock() is used to lock a libxml2 token_r.
>xmlInitThreads ()
void xmlInitThreads (void); |
xmlInitThreads() is used to to initialize all the thread related
data of the libxml2 library.
>xmlLockLibrary ()
void xmlLockLibrary (void); |
xmlLockLibrary() is used to take out a re-entrant lock on the libxml2
>xmlUnlockLibrary ()
void xmlUnlockLibrary (void); |
xmlUnlockLibrary() is used to release a re-entrant lock on the libxml2
>xmlGetThreadId ()
int xmlGetThreadId (void); |
xmlGetThreadId() find the current thread ID number
>xmlIsMainThread ()
int xmlIsMainThread (void); |
xmlIsMainThread() check whether the current thread is the main thread.
>xmlCleanupThreads ()
void xmlCleanupThreads (void); |
xmlCleanupThreads() is used to to cleanup all the thread related
data of the libxml2 library once processing has ended.
>xmlGetGlobalState ()
xmlGetGlobalState() is called to retrieve the global state for a thread.