

nanoftp -- 


void        (*ftpListCallback)              (void *userData,
                                             const char *filename,
                                             const char *attrib,
                                             const char *owner,
                                             const char *group,
                                             unsigned long size,
                                             int links,
                                             int year,
                                             const char *month,
                                             int day,
                                             int hour,
                                             int minute);
void        (*ftpDataCallback)              (void *userData,
                                             const char *data,
                                             int len);
void        xmlNanoFTPInit                  (void);
void        xmlNanoFTPCleanup               (void);
void*       xmlNanoFTPNewCtxt               (const char *URL);
void        xmlNanoFTPFreeCtxt              (void *ctx);
void*       xmlNanoFTPConnectTo             (const char *server,
                                             int port);
void*       xmlNanoFTPOpen                  (const char *URL);
int         xmlNanoFTPConnect               (void *ctx);
int         xmlNanoFTPClose                 (void *ctx);
int         xmlNanoFTPQuit                  (void *ctx);
void        xmlNanoFTPScanProxy             (const char *URL);
void        xmlNanoFTPProxy                 (const char *host,
                                             int port,
                                             const char *user,
                                             const char *passwd,
                                             int type);
int         xmlNanoFTPUpdateURL             (void *ctx,
                                             const char *URL);
int         xmlNanoFTPGetResponse           (void *ctx);
int         xmlNanoFTPCheckResponse         (void *ctx);
int         xmlNanoFTPCwd                   (void *ctx,
                                             char *directory);
int         xmlNanoFTPGetConnection         (void *ctx);
int         xmlNanoFTPCloseConnection       (void *ctx);
int         xmlNanoFTPList                  (void *ctx,
                                             ftpListCallback callback,
                                             void *userData,
                                             char *filename);
int         xmlNanoFTPGetSocket             (void *ctx,
                                             const char *filename);
int         xmlNanoFTPGet                   (void *ctx,
                                             ftpDataCallback callback,
                                             void *userData,
                                             const char *filename);
int         xmlNanoFTPRead                  (void *ctx,
                                             void *dest,
                                             int len);



>ftpListCallback ()

void        (*ftpListCallback)              (void *userData,
                                             const char *filename,
                                             const char *attrib,
                                             const char *owner,
                                             const char *group,
                                             unsigned long size,
                                             int links,
                                             int year,
                                             const char *month,
                                             int day,
                                             int hour,
                                             int minute);

A callback for the xmlNanoFTPList command Note that only one of year and day:minute are specified

userData : user provided data for the callback
filename : the file name (including "->" when links are shown)
attrib : the attribute string
owner : the owner string
group : the group string
Param6 : 
links : the link count
year : the year
month : the month
day : the day
hour : the hour
minute : the minute

>ftpDataCallback ()

void        (*ftpDataCallback)              (void *userData,
                                             const char *data,
                                             int len);

A callback for the xmlNanoFTPGet command

userData : the user provided context
data : the data received
len : its size in bytes

>xmlNanoFTPInit ()

void        xmlNanoFTPInit                  (void);

Initialize the FTP protocol layer. Currently it just checks for proxy informations, and get the hostname

>xmlNanoFTPCleanup ()

void        xmlNanoFTPCleanup               (void);

Cleanup the FTP protocol layer. This cleanup proxy informations.

>xmlNanoFTPNewCtxt ()

void*       xmlNanoFTPNewCtxt               (const char *URL);

Allocate and initialize a new FTP context.

URL : The URL used to initialize the context

>xmlNanoFTPFreeCtxt ()

void        xmlNanoFTPFreeCtxt              (void *ctx);

Frees the context after closing the connection.

ctx : an FTP context

>xmlNanoFTPConnectTo ()

void*       xmlNanoFTPConnectTo             (const char *server,
                                             int port);

Tries to open a control connection to the given server/port

server : an FTP server name
port : the port (use 21 if 0)

>xmlNanoFTPOpen ()

void*       xmlNanoFTPOpen                  (const char *URL);

Start to fetch the given ftp:// resource

URL : the URL to the resource

>xmlNanoFTPConnect ()

int         xmlNanoFTPConnect               (void *ctx);

Tries to open a control connection

ctx : an FTP context
Returns :-1 in case of error, 0 otherwise

>xmlNanoFTPClose ()

int         xmlNanoFTPClose                 (void *ctx);

Close the connection and both control and transport

ctx : an FTP context
Returns :-1 incase of error, 0 otherwise

>xmlNanoFTPQuit ()

int         xmlNanoFTPQuit                  (void *ctx);

Send a QUIT command to the server

ctx : an FTP context
Returns :-1 in case of error, 0 otherwise

>xmlNanoFTPScanProxy ()

void        xmlNanoFTPScanProxy             (const char *URL);

(Re)Initialize the FTP Proxy context by parsing the URL and finding the protocol host port it indicates. Should be like ftp://myproxy/ or ftp://myproxy:3128/ A NULL URL cleans up proxy informations.

URL : The proxy URL used to initialize the proxy context

>xmlNanoFTPProxy ()

void        xmlNanoFTPProxy                 (const char *host,
                                             int port,
                                             const char *user,
                                             const char *passwd,
                                             int type);

Setup the FTP proxy informations. This can also be done by using ftp_proxy ftp_proxy_user and ftp_proxy_password environment variables.

host : the proxy host name
port : the proxy port
user : the proxy user name
passwd : the proxy password
type : the type of proxy 1 for using SITE, 2 for USER ab

>xmlNanoFTPUpdateURL ()

int         xmlNanoFTPUpdateURL             (void *ctx,
                                             const char *URL);

Update an FTP context by parsing the URL and finding new path it indicates. If there is an error in the protocol, hostname, port or other information, the error is raised. It indicates a new connection has to be established.

ctx : an FTP context
URL : The URL used to update the context
Returns :0 if Ok, -1 in case of error (other host).

>xmlNanoFTPGetResponse ()

int         xmlNanoFTPGetResponse           (void *ctx);

Get the response from the FTP server after a command.

ctx : an FTP context
Returns :the code number

>xmlNanoFTPCheckResponse ()

int         xmlNanoFTPCheckResponse         (void *ctx);

Check if there is a response from the FTP server after a command.

ctx : an FTP context
Returns :the code number, or 0

>xmlNanoFTPCwd ()

int         xmlNanoFTPCwd                   (void *ctx,
                                             char *directory);

Tries to change the remote directory

ctx : an FTP context
directory : a directory on the server
Returns :-1 incase of error, 1 if CWD worked, 0 if it failed

>xmlNanoFTPGetConnection ()

int         xmlNanoFTPGetConnection         (void *ctx);

Try to open a data connection to the server. Currently only passive mode is supported.

ctx : an FTP context
Returns :-1 incase of error, 0 otherwise

>xmlNanoFTPCloseConnection ()

int         xmlNanoFTPCloseConnection       (void *ctx);

Close the data connection from the server

ctx : an FTP context
Returns :-1 incase of error, 0 otherwise

>xmlNanoFTPList ()

int         xmlNanoFTPList                  (void *ctx,
                                             ftpListCallback callback,
                                             void *userData,
                                             char *filename);

Do a listing on the server. All files info are passed back in the callbacks.

ctx : an FTP context
callback : the user callback
userData : the user callback data
filename : optional files to list
Returns :-1 incase of error, 0 otherwise

>xmlNanoFTPGetSocket ()

int         xmlNanoFTPGetSocket             (void *ctx,
                                             const char *filename);

Initiate fetch of the given file from the server.

ctx : an FTP context
filename : the file to retrieve (or NULL if path is in context).
Returns :the socket for the data connection, or <0 in case of error

>xmlNanoFTPGet ()

int         xmlNanoFTPGet                   (void *ctx,
                                             ftpDataCallback callback,
                                             void *userData,
                                             const char *filename);

Fetch the given file from the server. All data are passed back in the callbacks. The last callback has a size of 0 block.

ctx : an FTP context
callback : the user callback
userData : the user callback data
filename : the file to retrieve
Returns :-1 incase of error, 0 otherwise

>xmlNanoFTPRead ()

int         xmlNanoFTPRead                  (void *ctx,
                                             void *dest,
                                             int len);

This function tries to read len bytes from the existing FTP connection and saves them in dest. This is a blocking call.

ctx : the FTP context
dest : a buffer
len : the buffer length
Returns :the number of byte read. 0 is an indication of an end of connection. -1 indicates a parameter error.