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Module xmlreader from libxml2

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API of the XML streaming API based on C# interfaces.

Table of Contents

Enum xmlParserProperties
Enum xmlParserSeverities
Enum xmlReaderTypes
Structure xmlTextReader
struct _xmlTextReader The content of this structure is not made public by the API.
Typedef void * xmlTextReaderLocatorPtr
Typedef xmlTextReader * xmlTextReaderPtr
void	xmlFreeTextReader		(xmlTextReaderPtr reader)
xmlTextReaderPtr	xmlNewTextReader	(xmlParserInputBufferPtr input, 
const char * URI)
xmlTextReaderPtr	xmlNewTextReaderFilename	(const char * URI)
xmlTextReaderPtr	xmlReaderForDoc	(const xmlChar * cur, 
const char * URL,
const char * encoding,
int options)
xmlTextReaderPtr	xmlReaderForFd	(int fd, 
const char * URL,
const char * encoding,
int options)
xmlTextReaderPtr	xmlReaderForFile	(const char * filename, 
const char * encoding,
int options)
xmlTextReaderPtr	xmlReaderForIO	(xmlInputReadCallback ioread, 
xmlInputCloseCallback ioclose,
void * ioctx,
const char * URL,
const char * encoding,
int options)
xmlTextReaderPtr	xmlReaderForMemory	(const char * buffer, 
int size,
const char * URL,
const char * encoding,
int options)
int	xmlReaderNewDoc			(xmlTextReaderPtr reader, 
const xmlChar * cur,
const char * URL,
const char * encoding,
int options)
int	xmlReaderNewFd			(xmlTextReaderPtr reader, 
int fd,
const char * URL,
const char * encoding,
int options)
int	xmlReaderNewFile		(xmlTextReaderPtr reader, 
const char * filename,
const char * encoding,
int options)
int	xmlReaderNewIO			(xmlTextReaderPtr reader, 
xmlInputReadCallback ioread,
xmlInputCloseCallback ioclose,
void * ioctx,
const char * URL,
const char * encoding,
int options)
int	xmlReaderNewMemory		(xmlTextReaderPtr reader, 
const char * buffer,
int size,
const char * URL,
const char * encoding,
int options)
int	xmlReaderNewWalker		(xmlTextReaderPtr reader, 
xmlDocPtr doc)
xmlTextReaderPtr	xmlReaderWalker	(xmlDocPtr doc)
int	xmlTextReaderAttributeCount	(xmlTextReaderPtr reader)
xmlChar *	xmlTextReaderBaseUri	(xmlTextReaderPtr reader)
int	xmlTextReaderClose		(xmlTextReaderPtr reader)
const xmlChar *	xmlTextReaderConstBaseUri	(xmlTextReaderPtr reader)
const xmlChar *	xmlTextReaderConstLocalName	(xmlTextReaderPtr reader)
const xmlChar *	xmlTextReaderConstName	(xmlTextReaderPtr reader)
const xmlChar *	xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri	(xmlTextReaderPtr reader)
const xmlChar *	xmlTextReaderConstPrefix	(xmlTextReaderPtr reader)
const xmlChar *	xmlTextReaderConstString	(xmlTextReaderPtr reader, 
const xmlChar * str)
const xmlChar *	xmlTextReaderConstValue	(xmlTextReaderPtr reader)
const xmlChar *	xmlTextReaderConstXmlLang	(xmlTextReaderPtr reader)
xmlDocPtr	xmlTextReaderCurrentDoc	(xmlTextReaderPtr reader)
xmlNodePtr	xmlTextReaderCurrentNode	(xmlTextReaderPtr reader)
int	xmlTextReaderDepth		(xmlTextReaderPtr reader)
Function type: xmlTextReaderErrorFunc
void	xmlTextReaderErrorFunc		(void * arg, 
const char * msg,
xmlParserSeverities severity,
xmlTextReaderLocatorPtr locator)
xmlNodePtr	xmlTextReaderExpand	(xmlTextReaderPtr reader)
xmlChar *	xmlTextReaderGetAttribute	(xmlTextReaderPtr reader, 
const xmlChar * name)
xmlChar *	xmlTextReaderGetAttributeNo	(xmlTextReaderPtr reader, 
int no)
xmlChar *	xmlTextReaderGetAttributeNs	(xmlTextReaderPtr reader, 
const xmlChar * localName,
const xmlChar * namespaceURI)
void	xmlTextReaderGetErrorHandler	(xmlTextReaderPtr reader, 
xmlTextReaderErrorFunc * f,
void ** arg)
int	xmlTextReaderGetParserProp	(xmlTextReaderPtr reader, 
int prop)
xmlParserInputBufferPtr	xmlTextReaderGetRemainder	(xmlTextReaderPtr reader)
int	xmlTextReaderHasAttributes	(xmlTextReaderPtr reader)
int	xmlTextReaderHasValue		(xmlTextReaderPtr reader)
int	xmlTextReaderIsDefault		(xmlTextReaderPtr reader)
int	xmlTextReaderIsEmptyElement	(xmlTextReaderPtr reader)
int	xmlTextReaderIsValid		(xmlTextReaderPtr reader)
xmlChar *	xmlTextReaderLocalName	(xmlTextReaderPtr reader)
xmlChar *	xmlTextReaderLocatorBaseURI	(xmlTextReaderLocatorPtr locator)
int	xmlTextReaderLocatorLineNumber	(xmlTextReaderLocatorPtr locator)
xmlChar *	xmlTextReaderLookupNamespace	(xmlTextReaderPtr reader, 
const xmlChar * prefix)
int	xmlTextReaderMoveToAttribute	(xmlTextReaderPtr reader, 
const xmlChar * name)
int	xmlTextReaderMoveToAttributeNo	(xmlTextReaderPtr reader, 
int no)
int	xmlTextReaderMoveToAttributeNs	(xmlTextReaderPtr reader, 
const xmlChar * localName,
const xmlChar * namespaceURI)
int	xmlTextReaderMoveToElement	(xmlTextReaderPtr reader)
int	xmlTextReaderMoveToFirstAttribute	(xmlTextReaderPtr reader)
int	xmlTextReaderMoveToNextAttribute	(xmlTextReaderPtr reader)
xmlChar *	xmlTextReaderName	(xmlTextReaderPtr reader)
xmlChar *	xmlTextReaderNamespaceUri	(xmlTextReaderPtr reader)
int	xmlTextReaderNext		(xmlTextReaderPtr reader)
int	xmlTextReaderNextSibling	(xmlTextReaderPtr reader)
int	xmlTextReaderNodeType		(xmlTextReaderPtr reader)
int	xmlTextReaderNormalization	(xmlTextReaderPtr reader)
xmlChar *	xmlTextReaderPrefix	(xmlTextReaderPtr reader)
xmlNodePtr	xmlTextReaderPreserve	(xmlTextReaderPtr reader)
int	xmlTextReaderPreservePattern	(xmlTextReaderPtr reader, 
const xmlChar * pattern,
const xmlChar ** namespaces)
int	xmlTextReaderQuoteChar		(xmlTextReaderPtr reader)
int	xmlTextReaderRead		(xmlTextReaderPtr reader)
int	xmlTextReaderReadAttributeValue	(xmlTextReaderPtr reader)
xmlChar *	xmlTextReaderReadInnerXml	(xmlTextReaderPtr reader)
xmlChar *	xmlTextReaderReadOuterXml	(xmlTextReaderPtr reader)
int	xmlTextReaderReadState		(xmlTextReaderPtr reader)
xmlChar *	xmlTextReaderReadString	(xmlTextReaderPtr reader)
int	xmlTextReaderRelaxNGSetSchema	(xmlTextReaderPtr reader, 
xmlRelaxNGPtr schema)
int	xmlTextReaderRelaxNGValidate	(xmlTextReaderPtr reader, 
const char * rng)
void	xmlTextReaderSetErrorHandler	(xmlTextReaderPtr reader, 
xmlTextReaderErrorFunc f,
void * arg)
int	xmlTextReaderSetParserProp	(xmlTextReaderPtr reader, 
int prop,
int value)
xmlChar *	xmlTextReaderValue	(xmlTextReaderPtr reader)
xmlChar *	xmlTextReaderXmlLang	(xmlTextReaderPtr reader)


Enum xmlParserProperties

Enum xmlParserProperties {

Enum xmlParserSeverities

Enum xmlParserSeverities {

Enum xmlReaderTypes

Enum xmlReaderTypes {

Structure xmlTextReader

Structure xmlTextReader
struct _xmlTextReader { The content of this structure is not made public by the API. }

Function: xmlFreeTextReader

void	xmlFreeTextReader		(xmlTextReaderPtr reader)

Deallocate all the resources associated to the reader

reader:the xmlTextReaderPtr

Function: xmlNewTextReader

xmlTextReaderPtr	xmlNewTextReader	(xmlParserInputBufferPtr input, 
const char * URI)

Create an xmlTextReader structure fed with @input

input:the xmlParserInputBufferPtr used to read data
URI:the URI information for the source if available
Returns:the new xmlTextReaderPtr or NULL in case of error

Function: xmlNewTextReaderFilename

xmlTextReaderPtr	xmlNewTextReaderFilename	(const char * URI)

Create an xmlTextReader structure fed with the resource at @URI

URI:the URI of the resource to process
Returns:the new xmlTextReaderPtr or NULL in case of error

Function: xmlReaderForDoc

xmlTextReaderPtr	xmlReaderForDoc	(const xmlChar * cur, 
const char * URL,
const char * encoding,
int options)

Create an xmltextReader for an XML in-memory document. The parsing flags @options are a combination of xmlParserOption.

cur:a pointer to a zero terminated string
URL:the base URL to use for the document
encoding:the document encoding, or NULL
options:a combination of xmlParserOption
Returns:the new reader or NULL in case of error.

Function: xmlReaderForFd

xmlTextReaderPtr	xmlReaderForFd	(int fd, 
const char * URL,
const char * encoding,
int options)

Create an xmltextReader for an XML from a file descriptor. The parsing flags @options are a combination of xmlParserOption. NOTE that the file descriptor will not be closed when the reader is closed or reset.

fd:an open file descriptor
URL:the base URL to use for the document
encoding:the document encoding, or NULL
options:a combination of xmlParserOption
Returns:the new reader or NULL in case of error.

Function: xmlReaderForFile

xmlTextReaderPtr	xmlReaderForFile	(const char * filename, 
const char * encoding,
int options)

parse an XML file from the filesystem or the network. The parsing flags @options are a combination of xmlParserOption.

filename:a file or URL
encoding:the document encoding, or NULL
options:a combination of xmlParserOption
Returns:the new reader or NULL in case of error.

Function: xmlReaderForIO

xmlTextReaderPtr	xmlReaderForIO	(xmlInputReadCallback ioread, 
xmlInputCloseCallback ioclose,
void * ioctx,
const char * URL,
const char * encoding,
int options)

Create an xmltextReader for an XML document from I/O functions and source. The parsing flags @options are a combination of xmlParserOption.

ioread:an I/O read function
ioclose:an I/O close function
ioctx:an I/O handler
URL:the base URL to use for the document
encoding:the document encoding, or NULL
options:a combination of xmlParserOption
Returns:the new reader or NULL in case of error.

Function: xmlReaderForMemory

xmlTextReaderPtr	xmlReaderForMemory	(const char * buffer, 
int size,
const char * URL,
const char * encoding,
int options)

Create an xmltextReader for an XML in-memory document. The parsing flags @options are a combination of xmlParserOption.

buffer:a pointer to a char array
size:the size of the array
URL:the base URL to use for the document
encoding:the document encoding, or NULL
options:a combination of xmlParserOption
Returns:the new reader or NULL in case of error.

Function: xmlReaderNewDoc

int	xmlReaderNewDoc			(xmlTextReaderPtr reader, 
const xmlChar * cur,
const char * URL,
const char * encoding,
int options)

Setup an xmltextReader to parse an XML in-memory document. The parsing flags @options are a combination of xmlParserOption. This reuses the existing @reader xmlTextReader.

reader:an XML reader
cur:a pointer to a zero terminated string
URL:the base URL to use for the document
encoding:the document encoding, or NULL
options:a combination of xmlParserOption
Returns:0 in case of success and -1 in case of error

Function: xmlReaderNewFd

int	xmlReaderNewFd			(xmlTextReaderPtr reader, 
int fd,
const char * URL,
const char * encoding,
int options)

Setup an xmltextReader to parse an XML from a file descriptor. NOTE that the file descriptor will not be closed when the reader is closed or reset. The parsing flags @options are a combination of xmlParserOption. This reuses the existing @reader xmlTextReader.

reader:an XML reader
fd:an open file descriptor
URL:the base URL to use for the document
encoding:the document encoding, or NULL
options:a combination of xmlParserOption
Returns:0 in case of success and -1 in case of error

Function: xmlReaderNewFile

int	xmlReaderNewFile		(xmlTextReaderPtr reader, 
const char * filename,
const char * encoding,
int options)

parse an XML file from the filesystem or the network. The parsing flags @options are a combination of xmlParserOption. This reuses the existing @reader xmlTextReader.

reader:an XML reader
filename:a file or URL
encoding:the document encoding, or NULL
options:a combination of xmlParserOption
Returns:0 in case of success and -1 in case of error

Function: xmlReaderNewIO

int	xmlReaderNewIO			(xmlTextReaderPtr reader, 
xmlInputReadCallback ioread,
xmlInputCloseCallback ioclose,
void * ioctx,
const char * URL,
const char * encoding,
int options)

Setup an xmltextReader to parse an XML document from I/O functions and source. The parsing flags @options are a combination of xmlParserOption. This reuses the existing @reader xmlTextReader.

reader:an XML reader
ioread:an I/O read function
ioclose:an I/O close function
ioctx:an I/O handler
URL:the base URL to use for the document
encoding:the document encoding, or NULL
options:a combination of xmlParserOption
Returns:0 in case of success and -1 in case of error

Function: xmlReaderNewMemory

int	xmlReaderNewMemory		(xmlTextReaderPtr reader, 
const char * buffer,
int size,
const char * URL,
const char * encoding,
int options)

Setup an xmltextReader to parse an XML in-memory document. The parsing flags @options are a combination of xmlParserOption. This reuses the existing @reader xmlTextReader.

reader:an XML reader
buffer:a pointer to a char array
size:the size of the array
URL:the base URL to use for the document
encoding:the document encoding, or NULL
options:a combination of xmlParserOption
Returns:0 in case of success and -1 in case of error

Function: xmlReaderNewWalker

int	xmlReaderNewWalker		(xmlTextReaderPtr reader, 
xmlDocPtr doc)

Setup an xmltextReader to parse a preparsed XML document. This reuses the existing @reader xmlTextReader.

reader:an XML reader
doc:a preparsed document
Returns:0 in case of success and -1 in case of error

Function: xmlReaderWalker

xmlTextReaderPtr	xmlReaderWalker	(xmlDocPtr doc)

Create an xmltextReader for a preparsed document.

doc:a preparsed document
Returns:the new reader or NULL in case of error.

Function: xmlTextReaderAttributeCount

int	xmlTextReaderAttributeCount	(xmlTextReaderPtr reader)

Provides the number of attributes of the current node

reader:the xmlTextReaderPtr used
Returns:0 i no attributes, -1 in case of error or the attribute count

Function: xmlTextReaderBaseUri

xmlChar *	xmlTextReaderBaseUri	(xmlTextReaderPtr reader)

The base URI of the node.

reader:the xmlTextReaderPtr used
Returns:the base URI or NULL if not available

Function: xmlTextReaderClose

int	xmlTextReaderClose		(xmlTextReaderPtr reader)

This method releases any resources allocated by the current instance changes the state to Closed and close any underlying input.

reader:the xmlTextReaderPtr used
Returns:0 or -1 in case of error

Function: xmlTextReaderConstBaseUri

const xmlChar *	xmlTextReaderConstBaseUri	(xmlTextReaderPtr reader)

The base URI of the node.

reader:the xmlTextReaderPtr used
Returns:the base URI or NULL if not available, the string will be deallocated with the reader

Function: xmlTextReaderConstLocalName

const xmlChar *	xmlTextReaderConstLocalName	(xmlTextReaderPtr reader)

The local name of the node.

reader:the xmlTextReaderPtr used
Returns:the local name or NULL if not available, the string will be deallocated with the reader.

Function: xmlTextReaderConstName

const xmlChar *	xmlTextReaderConstName	(xmlTextReaderPtr reader)

The qualified name of the node, equal to Prefix :LocalName.

reader:the xmlTextReaderPtr used
Returns:the local name or NULL if not available, the string is deallocated with the reader.

Function: xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri

const xmlChar *	xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri	(xmlTextReaderPtr reader)

The URI defining the namespace associated with the node.

reader:the xmlTextReaderPtr used
Returns:the namespace URI or NULL if not available, the string will be deallocated with the reader

Function: xmlTextReaderConstPrefix

const xmlChar *	xmlTextReaderConstPrefix	(xmlTextReaderPtr reader)

A shorthand reference to the namespace associated with the node.

reader:the xmlTextReaderPtr used
Returns:the prefix or NULL if not available, the string is deallocated with the reader.

Function: xmlTextReaderConstString

const xmlChar *	xmlTextReaderConstString	(xmlTextReaderPtr reader, 
const xmlChar * str)

Get an interned string from the reader, allows for example to speedup string name comparisons

reader:the xmlTextReaderPtr used
str:the string to intern.
Returns:an interned copy of the string or NULL in case of error. The string will be deallocated with the reader.

Function: xmlTextReaderConstValue

const xmlChar *	xmlTextReaderConstValue	(xmlTextReaderPtr reader)

Provides the text value of the node if present

reader:the xmlTextReaderPtr used
Returns:the string or NULL if not available. The result will be deallocated on the next Read() operation.

Function: xmlTextReaderConstXmlLang

const xmlChar *	xmlTextReaderConstXmlLang	(xmlTextReaderPtr reader)

The xml:lang scope within which the node resides.

reader:the xmlTextReaderPtr used
Returns:the xml:lang value or NULL if none exists.

Function: xmlTextReaderCurrentDoc

xmlDocPtr	xmlTextReaderCurrentDoc	(xmlTextReaderPtr reader)

Hacking interface allowing to get the xmlDocPtr correponding to the current document being accessed by the xmlTextReader. NOTE: as a result of this call, the reader will not destroy the associated XML document and calling xmlFreeDoc() on the result is needed once the reader parsing has finished.

reader:the xmlTextReaderPtr used
Returns:the xmlDocPtr or NULL in case of error.

Function: xmlTextReaderCurrentNode

xmlNodePtr	xmlTextReaderCurrentNode	(xmlTextReaderPtr reader)

Hacking interface allowing to get the xmlNodePtr correponding to the current node being accessed by the xmlTextReader. This is dangerous because the underlying node may be destroyed on the next Reads.

reader:the xmlTextReaderPtr used
Returns:the xmlNodePtr or NULL in case of error.

Function: xmlTextReaderDepth

int	xmlTextReaderDepth		(xmlTextReaderPtr reader)

The depth of the node in the tree.

reader:the xmlTextReaderPtr used
Returns:the depth or -1 in case of error

Function type: xmlTextReaderErrorFunc

Function type: xmlTextReaderErrorFunc
void	xmlTextReaderErrorFunc		(void * arg, 
const char * msg,
xmlParserSeverities severity,
xmlTextReaderLocatorPtr locator)


Function: xmlTextReaderExpand

xmlNodePtr	xmlTextReaderExpand	(xmlTextReaderPtr reader)

Reads the contents of the current node and the full subtree. It then makes the subtree available until the next xmlTextReaderRead() call

reader:the xmlTextReaderPtr used
Returns:a node pointer valid until the next xmlTextReaderRead() call or NULL in case of error.

Function: xmlTextReaderGetAttribute

xmlChar *	xmlTextReaderGetAttribute	(xmlTextReaderPtr reader, 
const xmlChar * name)

Provides the value of the attribute with the specified qualified name.

reader:the xmlTextReaderPtr used
name:the qualified name of the attribute.
Returns:a string containing the value of the specified attribute, or NULL in case of error. The string must be deallocated by the caller.

Function: xmlTextReaderGetAttributeNo

xmlChar *	xmlTextReaderGetAttributeNo	(xmlTextReaderPtr reader, 
int no)

Provides the value of the attribute with the specified index relative to the containing element.

reader:the xmlTextReaderPtr used
no:the zero-based index of the attribute relative to the containing element
Returns:a string containing the value of the specified attribute, or NULL in case of error. The string must be deallocated by the caller.

Function: xmlTextReaderGetAttributeNs

xmlChar *	xmlTextReaderGetAttributeNs	(xmlTextReaderPtr reader, 
const xmlChar * localName,
const xmlChar * namespaceURI)

Provides the value of the specified attribute

reader:the xmlTextReaderPtr used
localName:the local name of the attribute.
namespaceURI:the namespace URI of the attribute.
Returns:a string containing the value of the specified attribute, or NULL in case of error. The string must be deallocated by the caller.

Function: xmlTextReaderGetErrorHandler

void	xmlTextReaderGetErrorHandler	(xmlTextReaderPtr reader, 
xmlTextReaderErrorFunc * f,
void ** arg)

Retrieve the error callback function and user argument.

reader:the xmlTextReaderPtr used
f:the callback function or NULL is no callback has been registered
arg:a user argument

Function: xmlTextReaderGetParserProp

int	xmlTextReaderGetParserProp	(xmlTextReaderPtr reader, 
int prop)

Read the parser internal property.

reader:the xmlTextReaderPtr used
prop:the xmlParserProperties to get
Returns:the value, usually 0 or 1, or -1 in case of error.

Function: xmlTextReaderGetRemainder

xmlParserInputBufferPtr	xmlTextReaderGetRemainder	(xmlTextReaderPtr reader)

Method to get the remainder of the buffered XML. this method stops the parser, set its state to End Of File and return the input stream with what is left that the parser did not use.

reader:the xmlTextReaderPtr used
Returns:the xmlParserInputBufferPtr attached to the XML or NULL in case of error.

Function: xmlTextReaderHasAttributes

int	xmlTextReaderHasAttributes	(xmlTextReaderPtr reader)

Whether the node has attributes.

reader:the xmlTextReaderPtr used
Returns:1 if true, 0 if false, and -1 in case or error

Function: xmlTextReaderHasValue

int	xmlTextReaderHasValue		(xmlTextReaderPtr reader)

Whether the node can have a text value.

reader:the xmlTextReaderPtr used
Returns:1 if true, 0 if false, and -1 in case or error

Function: xmlTextReaderIsDefault

int	xmlTextReaderIsDefault		(xmlTextReaderPtr reader)

Whether an Attribute node was generated from the default value defined in the DTD or schema.

reader:the xmlTextReaderPtr used
Returns:0 if not defaulted, 1 if defaulted, and -1 in case of error

Function: xmlTextReaderIsEmptyElement

int	xmlTextReaderIsEmptyElement	(xmlTextReaderPtr reader)

Check if the current node is empty

reader:the xmlTextReaderPtr used
Returns:1 if empty, 0 if not and -1 in case of error

Function: xmlTextReaderIsValid

int	xmlTextReaderIsValid		(xmlTextReaderPtr reader)

Retrieve the validity status from the parser context

reader:the xmlTextReaderPtr used
Returns:the flag value 1 if valid, 0 if no, and -1 in case of error

Function: xmlTextReaderLocalName

xmlChar *	xmlTextReaderLocalName	(xmlTextReaderPtr reader)

The local name of the node.

reader:the xmlTextReaderPtr used
Returns:the local name or NULL if not available

Function: xmlTextReaderLocatorBaseURI

xmlChar *	xmlTextReaderLocatorBaseURI	(xmlTextReaderLocatorPtr locator)

Obtain the base URI for the given locator.

locator:the xmlTextReaderLocatorPtr used
Returns:the base URI or NULL in case of error.

Function: xmlTextReaderLocatorLineNumber

int	xmlTextReaderLocatorLineNumber	(xmlTextReaderLocatorPtr locator)

Obtain the line number for the given locator.

locator:the xmlTextReaderLocatorPtr used
Returns:the line number or -1 in case of error.

Function: xmlTextReaderLookupNamespace

xmlChar *	xmlTextReaderLookupNamespace	(xmlTextReaderPtr reader, 
const xmlChar * prefix)

Resolves a namespace prefix in the scope of the current element.

reader:the xmlTextReaderPtr used
prefix:the prefix whose namespace URI is to be resolved. To return the default namespace, specify NULL
Returns:a string containing the namespace URI to which the prefix maps or NULL in case of error. The string must be deallocated by the caller.

Function: xmlTextReaderMoveToAttribute

int	xmlTextReaderMoveToAttribute	(xmlTextReaderPtr reader, 
const xmlChar * name)

Moves the position of the current instance to the attribute with the specified qualified name.

reader:the xmlTextReaderPtr used
name:the qualified name of the attribute.
Returns:1 in case of success, -1 in case of error, 0 if not found

Function: xmlTextReaderMoveToAttributeNo

int	xmlTextReaderMoveToAttributeNo	(xmlTextReaderPtr reader, 
int no)

Moves the position of the current instance to the attribute with the specified index relative to the containing element.

reader:the xmlTextReaderPtr used
no:the zero-based index of the attribute relative to the containing element.
Returns:1 in case of success, -1 in case of error, 0 if not found

Function: xmlTextReaderMoveToAttributeNs

int	xmlTextReaderMoveToAttributeNs	(xmlTextReaderPtr reader, 
const xmlChar * localName,
const xmlChar * namespaceURI)

Moves the position of the current instance to the attribute with the specified local name and namespace URI.

reader:the xmlTextReaderPtr used
localName:the local name of the attribute.
namespaceURI:the namespace URI of the attribute.
Returns:1 in case of success, -1 in case of error, 0 if not found

Function: xmlTextReaderMoveToElement

int	xmlTextReaderMoveToElement	(xmlTextReaderPtr reader)

Moves the position of the current instance to the node that contains the current Attribute node.

reader:the xmlTextReaderPtr used
Returns:1 in case of success, -1 in case of error, 0 if not moved

Function: xmlTextReaderMoveToFirstAttribute

int	xmlTextReaderMoveToFirstAttribute	(xmlTextReaderPtr reader)

Moves the position of the current instance to the first attribute associated with the current node.

reader:the xmlTextReaderPtr used
Returns:1 in case of success, -1 in case of error, 0 if not found

Function: xmlTextReaderMoveToNextAttribute

int	xmlTextReaderMoveToNextAttribute	(xmlTextReaderPtr reader)

Moves the position of the current instance to the next attribute associated with the current node.

reader:the xmlTextReaderPtr used
Returns:1 in case of success, -1 in case of error, 0 if not found

Function: xmlTextReaderName

xmlChar *	xmlTextReaderName	(xmlTextReaderPtr reader)

The qualified name of the node, equal to Prefix :LocalName.

reader:the xmlTextReaderPtr used
Returns:the local name or NULL if not available

Function: xmlTextReaderNamespaceUri

xmlChar *	xmlTextReaderNamespaceUri	(xmlTextReaderPtr reader)

The URI defining the namespace associated with the node.

reader:the xmlTextReaderPtr used
Returns:the namespace URI or NULL if not available

Function: xmlTextReaderNext

int	xmlTextReaderNext		(xmlTextReaderPtr reader)

Skip to the node following the current one in document order while avoiding the subtree if any.

reader:the xmlTextReaderPtr used
Returns:1 if the node was read successfully, 0 if there is no more nodes to read, or -1 in case of error

Function: xmlTextReaderNextSibling

int	xmlTextReaderNextSibling	(xmlTextReaderPtr reader)

Skip to the node following the current one in document order while avoiding the subtree if any. Currently implemented only for Readers built on a document

reader:the xmlTextReaderPtr used
Returns:1 if the node was read successfully, 0 if there is no more nodes to read, or -1 in case of error

Function: xmlTextReaderNodeType

int	xmlTextReaderNodeType		(xmlTextReaderPtr reader)

Get the node type of the current node Reference:

reader:the xmlTextReaderPtr used
Returns:the xmlNodeType of the current node or -1 in case of error

Function: xmlTextReaderNormalization

int	xmlTextReaderNormalization	(xmlTextReaderPtr reader)

The value indicating whether to normalize white space and attribute values. Since attribute value and end of line normalizations are a MUST in the XML specification only the value true is accepted. The broken bahaviour of accepting out of range character entities like � is of course not supported either.

reader:the xmlTextReaderPtr used
Returns:1 or -1 in case of error.

Function: xmlTextReaderPrefix

xmlChar *	xmlTextReaderPrefix	(xmlTextReaderPtr reader)

A shorthand reference to the namespace associated with the node.

reader:the xmlTextReaderPtr used
Returns:the prefix or NULL if not available

Function: xmlTextReaderPreserve

xmlNodePtr	xmlTextReaderPreserve	(xmlTextReaderPtr reader)

current node being accessed by the xmlTextReader. This is dangerous because the underlying node may be destroyed on the next Reads.

reader:the xmlTextReaderPtr used
Returns:the xmlNodePtr or NULL in case of error.

Function: xmlTextReaderPreservePattern

int	xmlTextReaderPreservePattern	(xmlTextReaderPtr reader, 
const xmlChar * pattern,
const xmlChar ** namespaces)

This tells the XML Reader to preserve all nodes matched by the pattern. The caller must also use xmlTextReaderCurrentDoc() to keep an handle on the resulting document once parsing has finished

reader:the xmlTextReaderPtr used
pattern:an XPath subset pattern
namespaces:the prefix definitions, array of [URI, prefix] or NULL
Returns:a positive number in case of success and -1 in case of error

Function: xmlTextReaderQuoteChar

int	xmlTextReaderQuoteChar		(xmlTextReaderPtr reader)

The quotation mark character used to enclose the value of an attribute.

reader:the xmlTextReaderPtr used
Returns:" or ' and -1 in case of error

Function: xmlTextReaderRead

int	xmlTextReaderRead		(xmlTextReaderPtr reader)

Moves the position of the current instance to the next node in the stream, exposing its properties.

reader:the xmlTextReaderPtr used
Returns:1 if the node was read successfully, 0 if there is no more nodes to read, or -1 in case of error

Function: xmlTextReaderReadAttributeValue

int	xmlTextReaderReadAttributeValue	(xmlTextReaderPtr reader)

Parses an attribute value into one or more Text and EntityReference nodes.

reader:the xmlTextReaderPtr used
Returns:1 in case of success, 0 if the reader was not positionned on an ttribute node or all the attribute values have been read, or -1 in case of error.

Function: xmlTextReaderReadInnerXml

xmlChar *	xmlTextReaderReadInnerXml	(xmlTextReaderPtr reader)

Reads the contents of the current node, including child nodes and markup.

reader:the xmlTextReaderPtr used
Returns:a string containing the XML content, or NULL if the current node is neither an element nor attribute, or has no child nodes. The string must be deallocated by the caller.

Function: xmlTextReaderReadOuterXml

xmlChar *	xmlTextReaderReadOuterXml	(xmlTextReaderPtr reader)

Reads the contents of the current node, including child nodes and markup.

reader:the xmlTextReaderPtr used
Returns:a string containing the XML content, or NULL if the current node is neither an element nor attribute, or has no child nodes. The string must be deallocated by the caller.

Function: xmlTextReaderReadState

int	xmlTextReaderReadState		(xmlTextReaderPtr reader)

Gets the read state of the reader.

reader:the xmlTextReaderPtr used
Returns:the state value, or -1 in case of error

Function: xmlTextReaderReadString

xmlChar *	xmlTextReaderReadString	(xmlTextReaderPtr reader)

Reads the contents of an element or a text node as a string.

reader:the xmlTextReaderPtr used
Returns:a string containing the contents of the Element or Text node, or NULL if the reader is positioned on any other type of node. The string must be deallocated by the caller.

Function: xmlTextReaderRelaxNGSetSchema

int	xmlTextReaderRelaxNGSetSchema	(xmlTextReaderPtr reader, 
xmlRelaxNGPtr schema)

Use RelaxNG to validate the document as it is processed. Activation is only possible before the first Read(). if @schema is NULL, then RelaxNG validation is desactivated. @ The @schema should not be freed until the reader is deallocated or its use has been deactivated.

reader:the xmlTextReaderPtr used
schema:a precompiled RelaxNG schema
Returns:0 in case the RelaxNG validation could be (des)activated and -1 in case of error.

Function: xmlTextReaderRelaxNGValidate

int	xmlTextReaderRelaxNGValidate	(xmlTextReaderPtr reader, 
const char * rng)

Use RelaxNG to validate the document as it is processed. Activation is only possible before the first Read(). if @rng is NULL, then RelaxNG validation is desactivated.

reader:the xmlTextReaderPtr used
rng:the path to a RelaxNG schema or NULL
Returns:0 in case the RelaxNG validation could be (des)activated and -1 in case of error.

Function: xmlTextReaderSetErrorHandler

void	xmlTextReaderSetErrorHandler	(xmlTextReaderPtr reader, 
xmlTextReaderErrorFunc f,
void * arg)

Register a callback function that will be called on error and warnings. If @f is NULL, the default error and warning handlers are restored.

reader:the xmlTextReaderPtr used
f:the callback function to call on error and warnings
arg:a user argument to pass to the callback function

Function: xmlTextReaderSetParserProp

int	xmlTextReaderSetParserProp	(xmlTextReaderPtr reader, 
int prop,
int value)

Change the parser processing behaviour by changing some of its internal properties. Note that some properties can only be changed before any read has been done.

reader:the xmlTextReaderPtr used
prop:the xmlParserProperties to set
value:usually 0 or 1 to (de)activate it
Returns:0 if the call was successful, or -1 in case of error

Function: xmlTextReaderValue

xmlChar *	xmlTextReaderValue	(xmlTextReaderPtr reader)

Provides the text value of the node if present

reader:the xmlTextReaderPtr used
Returns:the string or NULL if not available. The result must be deallocated with xmlFree()

Function: xmlTextReaderXmlLang

xmlChar *	xmlTextReaderXmlLang	(xmlTextReaderPtr reader)

The xml:lang scope within which the node resides.

reader:the xmlTextReaderPtr used
Returns:the xml:lang value or NULL if none exists.

Daniel Veillard