

tree —


enum        xmlElementType;
typedef     xmlChar;
#define     CHAR
#define     BAD_CAST
typedef     xmlNotationPtr;
enum        xmlAttributeType;
enum        xmlAttributeDefault;
typedef     xmlEnumerationPtr;
typedef     xmlAttributePtr;
enum        xmlElementContentType;
enum        xmlElementContentOccur;
typedef     xmlElementContentPtr;
enum        xmlElementTypeVal;
typedef     xmlElementPtr;
enum        xmlNsType;
typedef     xmlNsPtr;
typedef     xmlDtdPtr;
typedef     xmlAttrPtr;
typedef     xmlIDPtr;
typedef     xmlRefPtr;
enum        xmlBufferAllocationScheme;
typedef     xmlBuffer;
typedef     xmlBufferPtr;
typedef     xmlNode;
typedef     xmlNodePtr;
typedef     xmlDoc;
typedef     xmlDocPtr;
extern      xmlNsPtr baseDTD;
extern      int oldXMLWDcompatibility;
extern      int xmlIndentTreeOutput;
extern      xmlBufferAllocationScheme xmlBufferAllocScheme;
xmlBufferPtr xmlBufferCreate                (void);
xmlBufferPtr xmlBufferCreateSize            (size_t size);
void        xmlBufferFree                   (xmlBufferPtr buf);
int         xmlBufferDump                   (FILE *file,
                                             xmlBufferPtr buf);
void        xmlBufferAdd                    (xmlBufferPtr buf,
                                             const xmlChar *str,
                                             int len);
void        xmlBufferCat                    (xmlBufferPtr buf,
                                             const xmlChar *str);
void        xmlBufferCCat                   (xmlBufferPtr buf,
                                             const char *str);
int         xmlBufferShrink                 (xmlBufferPtr buf,
                                             int len);
void        xmlBufferEmpty                  (xmlBufferPtr buf);
const xmlChar* xmlBufferContent             (const xmlBufferPtr buf);
int         xmlBufferUse                    (const xmlBufferPtr buf);
void        xmlBufferSetAllocationScheme    (xmlBufferPtr buf,
                                             xmlBufferAllocationScheme scheme);
int         xmlBufferLength                 (const xmlBufferPtr buf);
xmlDtdPtr   xmlCreateIntSubset              (xmlDocPtr doc,
                                             const xmlChar *name,
                                             const xmlChar *ExternalID,
                                             const xmlChar *SystemID);
xmlDtdPtr   xmlNewDtd                       (xmlDocPtr doc,
                                             const xmlChar *name,
                                             const xmlChar *ExternalID,
                                             const xmlChar *SystemID);
void        xmlFreeDtd                      (xmlDtdPtr cur);
xmlNsPtr    xmlNewGlobalNs                  (xmlDocPtr doc,
                                             const xmlChar *href,
                                             const xmlChar *prefix);
xmlNsPtr    xmlNewNs                        (xmlNodePtr node,
                                             const xmlChar *href,
                                             const xmlChar *prefix);
void        xmlFreeNs                       (xmlNsPtr cur);
xmlDocPtr   xmlNewDoc                       (const xmlChar *version);
void        xmlFreeDoc                      (xmlDocPtr cur);
xmlAttrPtr  xmlNewDocProp                   (xmlDocPtr doc,
                                             const xmlChar *name,
                                             const xmlChar *value);
xmlAttrPtr  xmlNewProp                      (xmlNodePtr node,
                                             const xmlChar *name,
                                             const xmlChar *value);
xmlAttrPtr  xmlNewNsProp                    (xmlNodePtr node,
                                             xmlNsPtr ns,
                                             const xmlChar *name,
                                             const xmlChar *value);
void        xmlFreePropList                 (xmlAttrPtr cur);
void        xmlFreeProp                     (xmlAttrPtr cur);
xmlAttrPtr  xmlCopyProp                     (xmlNodePtr target,
                                             xmlAttrPtr cur);
xmlAttrPtr  xmlCopyPropList                 (xmlNodePtr target,
                                             xmlAttrPtr cur);
xmlDtdPtr   xmlCopyDtd                      (xmlDtdPtr dtd);
xmlDocPtr   xmlCopyDoc                      (xmlDocPtr doc,
                                             int recursive);
xmlNodePtr  xmlNewDocNode                   (xmlDocPtr doc,
                                             xmlNsPtr ns,
                                             const xmlChar *name,
                                             const xmlChar *content);
xmlNodePtr  xmlNewDocRawNode                (xmlDocPtr doc,
                                             xmlNsPtr ns,
                                             const xmlChar *name,
                                             const xmlChar *content);
xmlNodePtr  xmlNewNode                      (xmlNsPtr ns,
                                             const xmlChar *name);
xmlNodePtr  xmlNewChild                     (xmlNodePtr parent,
                                             xmlNsPtr ns,
                                             const xmlChar *name,
                                             const xmlChar *content);
xmlNodePtr  xmlNewTextChild                 (xmlNodePtr parent,
                                             xmlNsPtr ns,
                                             const xmlChar *name,
                                             const xmlChar *content);
xmlNodePtr  xmlNewDocText                   (xmlDocPtr doc,
                                             const xmlChar *content);
xmlNodePtr  xmlNewText                      (const xmlChar *content);
xmlNodePtr  xmlNewPI                        (const xmlChar *name,
                                             const xmlChar *content);
xmlNodePtr  xmlNewDocTextLen                (xmlDocPtr doc,
                                             const xmlChar *content,
                                             int len);
xmlNodePtr  xmlNewTextLen                   (const xmlChar *content,
                                             int len);
xmlNodePtr  xmlNewDocComment                (xmlDocPtr doc,
                                             const xmlChar *content);
xmlNodePtr  xmlNewComment                   (const xmlChar *content);
xmlNodePtr  xmlNewCDataBlock                (xmlDocPtr doc,
                                             const xmlChar *content,
                                             int len);
xmlNodePtr  xmlNewReference                 (xmlDocPtr doc,
                                             const xmlChar *name);
xmlNodePtr  xmlCopyNode                     (xmlNodePtr node,
                                             int recursive);
xmlNodePtr  xmlCopyNodeList                 (xmlNodePtr node);
xmlNodePtr  xmlDocGetRootElement            (xmlDocPtr doc);
xmlNodePtr  xmlGetLastChild                 (xmlNodePtr parent);
int         xmlNodeIsText                   (xmlNodePtr node);
xmlNodePtr  xmlAddChild                     (xmlNodePtr parent,
                                             xmlNodePtr cur);
xmlNodePtr  xmlAddSibling                   (xmlNodePtr cur,
                                             xmlNodePtr elem);
void        xmlUnlinkNode                   (xmlNodePtr cur);
xmlNodePtr  xmlTextMerge                    (xmlNodePtr first,
                                             xmlNodePtr second);
void        xmlTextConcat                   (xmlNodePtr node,
                                             const xmlChar *content,
                                             int len);
void        xmlFreeNodeList                 (xmlNodePtr cur);
void        xmlFreeNode                     (xmlNodePtr cur);
xmlNsPtr    xmlSearchNs                     (xmlDocPtr doc,
                                             xmlNodePtr node,
                                             const xmlChar *nameSpace);
xmlNsPtr    xmlSearchNsByHref               (xmlDocPtr doc,
                                             xmlNodePtr node,
                                             const xmlChar *href);
xmlNsPtr*   xmlGetNsList                    (xmlDocPtr doc,
                                             xmlNodePtr node);
void        xmlSetNs                        (xmlNodePtr node,
                                             xmlNsPtr ns);
xmlNsPtr    xmlCopyNamespace                (xmlNsPtr cur);
xmlNsPtr    xmlCopyNamespaceList            (xmlNsPtr cur);
xmlAttrPtr  xmlSetProp                      (xmlNodePtr node,
                                             const xmlChar *name,
                                             const xmlChar *value);
xmlChar*    xmlGetProp                      (xmlNodePtr node,
                                             const xmlChar *name);
xmlChar*    xmlGetNsProp                    (xmlNodePtr node,
                                             const xmlChar *name,
                                             const xmlChar *nameSpace);
xmlNodePtr  xmlStringGetNodeList            (xmlDocPtr doc,
                                             const xmlChar *value);
xmlNodePtr  xmlStringLenGetNodeList         (xmlDocPtr doc,
                                             const xmlChar *value,
                                             int len);
xmlChar*    xmlNodeListGetString            (xmlDocPtr doc,
                                             xmlNodePtr list,
                                             int inLine);
void        xmlNodeSetContent               (xmlNodePtr cur,
                                             const xmlChar *content);
void        xmlNodeSetContentLen            (xmlNodePtr cur,
                                             const xmlChar *content,
                                             int len);
void        xmlNodeAddContent               (xmlNodePtr cur,
                                             const xmlChar *content);
void        xmlNodeAddContentLen            (xmlNodePtr cur,
                                             const xmlChar *content,
                                             int len);
xmlChar*    xmlNodeGetContent               (xmlNodePtr cur);
xmlChar*    xmlNodeGetLang                  (xmlNodePtr cur);
void        xmlNodeSetLang                  (xmlNodePtr cur,
                                             const xmlChar *lang);
xmlChar*    xmlNodeGetBase                  (xmlDocPtr doc,
                                             xmlNodePtr cur);
int         xmlRemoveProp                   (xmlAttrPtr attr);
int         xmlRemoveNode                   (xmlNodePtr node);
void        xmlBufferWriteCHAR              (xmlBufferPtr buf,
                                             const xmlChar *string);
void        xmlBufferWriteChar              (xmlBufferPtr buf,
                                             const char *string);
void        xmlBufferWriteQuotedString      (xmlBufferPtr buf,
                                             const xmlChar *string);
void        xmlDocDumpMemory                (xmlDocPtr cur,
                                             xmlChar **mem,
                                             int *size);
void        xmlDocDump                      (FILE *f,
                                             xmlDocPtr cur);
int         xmlSaveFile                     (const char *filename,
                                             xmlDocPtr cur);
int         xmlGetDocCompressMode           (xmlDocPtr doc);
void        xmlSetDocCompressMode           (xmlDocPtr doc,
                                             int mode);
int         xmlGetCompressMode              (void);
void        xmlSetCompressMode              (int mode);



enum xmlElementType

typedef enum {
    XML_TEXT_NODE=		3,
    XML_PI_NODE=		7,
} xmlElementType;



#define CHAR xmlChar


#define BAD_CAST (xmlChar *)


typedef xmlNotation *xmlNotationPtr;

enum xmlAttributeType

typedef enum {
} xmlAttributeType;

enum xmlAttributeDefault

typedef enum {
} xmlAttributeDefault;


typedef xmlEnumeration *xmlEnumerationPtr;


typedef xmlAttribute *xmlAttributePtr;

enum xmlElementContentType

typedef enum {
} xmlElementContentType;

enum xmlElementContentOccur

typedef enum {
} xmlElementContentOccur;


typedef xmlElementContent *xmlElementContentPtr;

enum xmlElementTypeVal

typedef enum {
} xmlElementTypeVal;


typedef xmlElement *xmlElementPtr;

enum xmlNsType

typedef enum {
    XML_GLOBAL_NAMESPACE = 1,	/* old style global namespace */
    XML_LOCAL_NAMESPACE		/* new style local scoping */
} xmlNsType;


typedef xmlNs *xmlNsPtr;


typedef xmlDtd *xmlDtdPtr;


typedef xmlAttr *xmlAttrPtr;


typedef xmlID *xmlIDPtr;


typedef xmlRef *xmlRefPtr;

enum xmlBufferAllocationScheme

typedef enum {
} xmlBufferAllocationScheme;

Sets the allocation scheme for this buffer


typedef _xmlBuffer xmlBuffer;


typedef xmlBuffer *xmlBufferPtr;


typedef _xmlNode xmlNode;


typedef _xmlNode *xmlNodePtr;


typedef _xmlDoc xmlDoc;


typedef xmlDoc *xmlDocPtr;


extern xmlNsPtr baseDTD;


extern int oldXMLWDcompatibility;/* maintain compatibility with old WD */


extern int xmlIndentTreeOutput;  /* try to indent the tree dumps */


extern xmlBufferAllocationScheme xmlBufferAllocScheme; /* alloc scheme to use */

xmlBufferCreate ()

xmlBufferPtr xmlBufferCreate                (void);

routine to create an XML buffer.

Returns :the new structure.

xmlBufferCreateSize ()

xmlBufferPtr xmlBufferCreateSize            (size_t size);

routine to create an XML buffer.

size : initial size of buffer
Returns :the new structure.

xmlBufferFree ()

void        xmlBufferFree                   (xmlBufferPtr buf);

Frees an XML buffer.

buf : the buffer to free

xmlBufferDump ()

int         xmlBufferDump                   (FILE *file,
                                             xmlBufferPtr buf);

Dumps an XML buffer to a FILE *.

file : the file output
buf : the buffer to dump
Returns :the number of xmlChar written

xmlBufferAdd ()

void        xmlBufferAdd                    (xmlBufferPtr buf,
                                             const xmlChar *str,
                                             int len);

Add a string range to an XML buffer. if len == -1, the lenght of str is recomputed.

buf : the buffer to dump
str : the xmlChar string
len : the number of xmlChar to add

xmlBufferCat ()

void        xmlBufferCat                    (xmlBufferPtr buf,
                                             const xmlChar *str);

Append a zero terminated string to an XML buffer.

buf : the buffer to dump
str : the xmlChar string

xmlBufferCCat ()

void        xmlBufferCCat                   (xmlBufferPtr buf,
                                             const char *str);

Append a zero terminated C string to an XML buffer.

buf : the buffer to dump
str : the C char string

xmlBufferShrink ()

int         xmlBufferShrink                 (xmlBufferPtr buf,
                                             int len);

Remove the beginning of an XML buffer.

buf : the buffer to dump
len : the number of xmlChar to remove
Returns :the number of xmlChar removed, or -1 in case of failure.

xmlBufferEmpty ()

void        xmlBufferEmpty                  (xmlBufferPtr buf);

empty a buffer.

buf : the buffer

xmlBufferContent ()

const xmlChar* xmlBufferContent             (const xmlBufferPtr buf);

buf : the buffer to resize
Returns :the internal content

xmlBufferUse ()

int         xmlBufferUse                    (const xmlBufferPtr buf);

buf : 
Returns : 

xmlBufferSetAllocationScheme ()

void        xmlBufferSetAllocationScheme    (xmlBufferPtr buf,
                                             xmlBufferAllocationScheme scheme);

buf : 
scheme : 

xmlBufferLength ()

int         xmlBufferLength                 (const xmlBufferPtr buf);

buf : the buffer
Returns :the length of data in the internal content

xmlCreateIntSubset ()

xmlDtdPtr   xmlCreateIntSubset              (xmlDocPtr doc,
                                             const xmlChar *name,
                                             const xmlChar *ExternalID,
                                             const xmlChar *SystemID);

Create the internal subset of a document

doc : the document pointer
name : the DTD name
ExternalID : the external ID
SystemID : the system ID
Returns :a pointer to the new DTD structure

xmlNewDtd ()

xmlDtdPtr   xmlNewDtd                       (xmlDocPtr doc,
                                             const xmlChar *name,
                                             const xmlChar *ExternalID,
                                             const xmlChar *SystemID);

Creation of a new DTD.

doc : the document pointer
name : the DTD name
ExternalID : the external ID
SystemID : the system ID
Returns :a pointer to the new DTD structure

xmlFreeDtd ()

void        xmlFreeDtd                      (xmlDtdPtr cur);

Free a DTD structure.

cur : the DTD structure to free up

xmlNewGlobalNs ()

xmlNsPtr    xmlNewGlobalNs                  (xmlDocPtr doc,
                                             const xmlChar *href,
                                             const xmlChar *prefix);

Creation of a Namespace, the old way using PI and without scoping, to AVOID.

doc : the document carrying the namespace
href : the URI associated
prefix : the prefix for the namespace
Returns :returns a new namespace pointer

xmlNewNs ()

xmlNsPtr    xmlNewNs                        (xmlNodePtr node,
                                             const xmlChar *href,
                                             const xmlChar *prefix);

Creation of a new Namespace.

node : the element carrying the namespace
href : the URI associated
prefix : the prefix for the namespace
Returns :returns a new namespace pointer

xmlFreeNs ()

void        xmlFreeNs                       (xmlNsPtr cur);

Free up the structures associated to a namespace

cur : the namespace pointer

xmlNewDoc ()

xmlDocPtr   xmlNewDoc                       (const xmlChar *version);

version : xmlChar string giving the version of XML "1.0"
Returns :a new document

xmlFreeDoc ()

void        xmlFreeDoc                      (xmlDocPtr cur);

Free up all the structures used by a document, tree included.

cur : pointer to the document @:

xmlNewDocProp ()

xmlAttrPtr  xmlNewDocProp                   (xmlDocPtr doc,
                                             const xmlChar *name,
                                             const xmlChar *value);

Create a new property carried by a document.

doc : the document
name : the name of the attribute
value : the value of the attribute
Returns :a pointer to the attribute

xmlNewProp ()

xmlAttrPtr  xmlNewProp                      (xmlNodePtr node,
                                             const xmlChar *name,
                                             const xmlChar *value);

Create a new property carried by a node.

node : the holding node
name : the name of the attribute
value : the value of the attribute
Returns :a pointer to the attribute

xmlNewNsProp ()

xmlAttrPtr  xmlNewNsProp                    (xmlNodePtr node,
                                             xmlNsPtr ns,
                                             const xmlChar *name,
                                             const xmlChar *value);

Create a new property tagged with a namespace and carried by a node.

node : the holding node
ns : the namespace
name : the name of the attribute
value : the value of the attribute
Returns :a pointer to the attribute

xmlFreePropList ()

void        xmlFreePropList                 (xmlAttrPtr cur);

Free a property and all its siblings, all the childs are freed too.

cur : the first property in the list

xmlFreeProp ()

void        xmlFreeProp                     (xmlAttrPtr cur);

Free one property, all the childs are freed too.

cur : the first property in the list

xmlCopyProp ()

xmlAttrPtr  xmlCopyProp                     (xmlNodePtr target,
                                             xmlAttrPtr cur);

Do a copy of the attribute.

target : the element where the attribute will be grafted
cur : the attribute
Returns : a new xmlAttrPtr, or NULL in case of error.

xmlCopyPropList ()

xmlAttrPtr  xmlCopyPropList                 (xmlNodePtr target,
                                             xmlAttrPtr cur);

Do a copy of an attribute list.

target : the element where the attributes will be grafted
cur : the first attribute
Returns : a new xmlAttrPtr, or NULL in case of error.

xmlCopyDtd ()

xmlDtdPtr   xmlCopyDtd                      (xmlDtdPtr dtd);

Do a copy of the dtd.

dtd : the dtd
Returns : a new xmlDtdPtr, or NULL in case of error.

xmlCopyDoc ()

xmlDocPtr   xmlCopyDoc                      (xmlDocPtr doc,
                                             int recursive);

Do a copy of the document info. If recursive, the content tree will be copied too as well as Dtd, namespaces and entities.

doc : the document
recursive : if 1 do a recursive copy.
Returns : a new xmlDocPtr, or NULL in case of error.

xmlNewDocNode ()

xmlNodePtr  xmlNewDocNode                   (xmlDocPtr doc,
                                             xmlNsPtr ns,
                                             const xmlChar *name,
                                             const xmlChar *content);

Creation of a new node element within a document. ns and content are optionnal (NULL). NOTE: content is supposed to be a piece of XML CDATA, so it allow entities references, but XML special chars need to be escaped first by using xmlEncodeEntitiesReentrant(). Use xmlNewDocRawNode() if you don't need entities support.

doc : the document
ns : namespace if any
name : the node name
content : the XML text content if any
Returns :a pointer to the new node object.

xmlNewDocRawNode ()

xmlNodePtr  xmlNewDocRawNode                (xmlDocPtr doc,
                                             xmlNsPtr ns,
                                             const xmlChar *name,
                                             const xmlChar *content);

Creation of a new node element within a document. ns and content are optionnal (NULL).

doc : the document
ns : namespace if any
name : the node name
content : the text content if any
Returns :a pointer to the new node object.

xmlNewNode ()

xmlNodePtr  xmlNewNode                      (xmlNsPtr ns,
                                             const xmlChar *name);

Creation of a new node element. ns and content are optionnal (NULL). If content is non NULL, a child list containing the TEXTs and ENTITY_REFs node will be created.

ns : namespace if any
name : the node name
Returns :a pointer to the new node object.

xmlNewChild ()

xmlNodePtr  xmlNewChild                     (xmlNodePtr parent,
                                             xmlNsPtr ns,
                                             const xmlChar *name,
                                             const xmlChar *content);

Creation of a new child element, added at the end of parent childs list. ns and content parameters are optionnal (NULL). If content is non NULL, a child list containing the TEXTs and ENTITY_REFs node will be created. NOTE: content is supposed to be a piece of XML CDATA, so it allow entities references, but XML special chars need to be escaped first by using xmlEncodeEntitiesReentrant(). Use xmlNewTextChild() if entities support is not needed.

parent : the parent node
ns : a namespace if any
name : the name of the child
content : the XML content of the child if any.
Returns :a pointer to the new node object.

xmlNewTextChild ()

xmlNodePtr  xmlNewTextChild                 (xmlNodePtr parent,
                                             xmlNsPtr ns,
                                             const xmlChar *name,
                                             const xmlChar *content);

Creation of a new child element, added at the end of parent childs list. ns and content parameters are optionnal (NULL). If content is non NULL, a child TEXT node will be created containing the string content.

parent : the parent node
ns : a namespace if any
name : the name of the child
content : the text content of the child if any.
Returns :a pointer to the new node object.

xmlNewDocText ()

xmlNodePtr  xmlNewDocText                   (xmlDocPtr doc,
                                             const xmlChar *content);

Creation of a new text node within a document.

doc : the document
content : the text content
Returns :a pointer to the new node object.

xmlNewText ()

xmlNodePtr  xmlNewText                      (const xmlChar *content);

Creation of a new text node.

content : the text content
Returns :a pointer to the new node object.

xmlNewPI ()

xmlNodePtr  xmlNewPI                        (const xmlChar *name,
                                             const xmlChar *content);

Creation of a processing instruction element.

name : the processing instruction name
content : the PI content
Returns :a pointer to the new node object.

xmlNewDocTextLen ()

xmlNodePtr  xmlNewDocTextLen                (xmlDocPtr doc,
                                             const xmlChar *content,
                                             int len);

Creation of a new text node with an extra content lenght parameter. The text node pertain to a given document.

doc : the document
content : the text content
len : the text len.
Returns :a pointer to the new node object.

xmlNewTextLen ()

xmlNodePtr  xmlNewTextLen                   (const xmlChar *content,
                                             int len);

Creation of a new text node with an extra parameter for the content's lenght

content : the text content
len : the text len.
Returns :a pointer to the new node object.

xmlNewDocComment ()

xmlNodePtr  xmlNewDocComment                (xmlDocPtr doc,
                                             const xmlChar *content);

Creation of a new node containing a commentwithin a document.

doc : the document
content : the comment content
Returns :a pointer to the new node object.

xmlNewComment ()

xmlNodePtr  xmlNewComment                   (const xmlChar *content);

Creation of a new node containing a comment.

content : the comment content
Returns :a pointer to the new node object.

xmlNewCDataBlock ()

xmlNodePtr  xmlNewCDataBlock                (xmlDocPtr doc,
                                             const xmlChar *content,
                                             int len);

Creation of a new node containing a CData block.

doc : the document
content : the CData block content content
len : the length of the block
Returns :a pointer to the new node object.

xmlNewReference ()

xmlNodePtr  xmlNewReference                 (xmlDocPtr doc,
                                             const xmlChar *name);

Creation of a new reference node.

doc : the document
name : the reference name, or the reference string with & and ;
Returns :a pointer to the new node object.

xmlCopyNode ()

xmlNodePtr  xmlCopyNode                     (xmlNodePtr node,
                                             int recursive);

Do a copy of the node.

node : the node
recursive : if 1 do a recursive copy.
Returns : a new xmlNodePtr, or NULL in case of error.

xmlCopyNodeList ()

xmlNodePtr  xmlCopyNodeList                 (xmlNodePtr node);

Do a recursive copy of the node list.

node : the first node in the list.
Returns : a new xmlNodePtr, or NULL in case of error.

xmlDocGetRootElement ()

xmlNodePtr  xmlDocGetRootElement            (xmlDocPtr doc);

Get the root element of the document (doc->root is a list containing possibly comments, PIs, etc ...).

doc : the document
Returns :the xmlNodePtr for the root or NULL

xmlGetLastChild ()

xmlNodePtr  xmlGetLastChild                 (xmlNodePtr parent);

Search the last child of a node.

parent : the parent node
Returns :the last child or NULL if none.

xmlNodeIsText ()

int         xmlNodeIsText                   (xmlNodePtr node);

Is this node a Text node ?

node : the node
Returns :1 yes, 0 no

xmlAddChild ()

xmlNodePtr  xmlAddChild                     (xmlNodePtr parent,
                                             xmlNodePtr cur);

Add a new child element, to parent, at the end of the child list.

parent : the parent node
cur : the child node
Returns :the child or NULL in case of error.

xmlAddSibling ()

xmlNodePtr  xmlAddSibling                   (xmlNodePtr cur,
                                             xmlNodePtr elem);

Add a new element to the list of siblings of cur

cur : the child node
elem : the new node
Returns :the element or NULL in case of error.

xmlUnlinkNode ()

void        xmlUnlinkNode                   (xmlNodePtr cur);

Unlink a node from it's current context, the node is not freed

cur : the node

xmlTextMerge ()

xmlNodePtr  xmlTextMerge                    (xmlNodePtr first,
                                             xmlNodePtr second);

Merge two text nodes into one

first : the first text node
second : the second text node being merged
Returns :the first text node augmented

xmlTextConcat ()

void        xmlTextConcat                   (xmlNodePtr node,
                                             const xmlChar *content,
                                             int len);

Concat the given string at the end of the existing node content

node : the node
content : the content
len : content lenght

xmlFreeNodeList ()

void        xmlFreeNodeList                 (xmlNodePtr cur);

Free a node and all its siblings, this is a recursive behaviour, all the childs are freed too.

cur : the first node in the list

xmlFreeNode ()

void        xmlFreeNode                     (xmlNodePtr cur);

Free a node, this is a recursive behaviour, all the childs are freed too.

cur : the node

xmlSearchNs ()

xmlNsPtr    xmlSearchNs                     (xmlDocPtr doc,
                                             xmlNodePtr node,
                                             const xmlChar *nameSpace);

Search a Ns registered under a given name space for a document. recurse on the parents until it finds the defined namespace or return NULL otherwise. nameSpace can be NULL, this is a search for the default namespace.

doc : the document
node : the current node
nameSpace : the namespace string
Returns :the namespace pointer or NULL.

xmlSearchNsByHref ()

xmlNsPtr    xmlSearchNsByHref               (xmlDocPtr doc,
                                             xmlNodePtr node,
                                             const xmlChar *href);

Search a Ns aliasing a given URI. Recurse on the parents until it finds the defined namespace or return NULL otherwise.

doc : the document
node : the current node
href : the namespace value
Returns :the namespace pointer or NULL.

xmlGetNsList ()

xmlNsPtr*   xmlGetNsList                    (xmlDocPtr doc,
                                             xmlNodePtr node);

Search all the namespace applying to a given element.

doc : the document
node : the current node
Returns :an NULL terminated array of all the xmlNsPtr found that need to be freed by the caller or NULL if no namespace if defined

xmlSetNs ()

void        xmlSetNs                        (xmlNodePtr node,
                                             xmlNsPtr ns);

Associate a namespace to a node, a posteriori.

node : a node in the document
ns : a namespace pointer

xmlCopyNamespace ()

xmlNsPtr    xmlCopyNamespace                (xmlNsPtr cur);

Do a copy of the namespace.

cur : the namespace
Returns : a new xmlNsPtr, or NULL in case of error.

xmlCopyNamespaceList ()

xmlNsPtr    xmlCopyNamespaceList            (xmlNsPtr cur);

Do a copy of an namespace list.

cur : the first namespace
Returns : a new xmlNsPtr, or NULL in case of error.

xmlSetProp ()

xmlAttrPtr  xmlSetProp                      (xmlNodePtr node,
                                             const xmlChar *name,
                                             const xmlChar *value);

Set (or reset) an attribute carried by a node.

node : the node
name : the attribute name
value : the attribute value
Returns :the attribute pointer.

xmlGetProp ()

xmlChar*    xmlGetProp                      (xmlNodePtr node,
                                             const xmlChar *name);

Search and get the value of an attribute associated to a node This does the entity substitution. This function looks in DTD attribute declaration for FIXED or default declaration values unless DTD use has been turned off.

node : the node
name : the attribute name
Returns :the attribute value or NULL if not found. It's up to the caller to free the memory.

xmlGetNsProp ()

xmlChar*    xmlGetNsProp                    (xmlNodePtr node,
                                             const xmlChar *name,
                                             const xmlChar *nameSpace);

Search and get the value of an attribute associated to a node This attribute has to be anchored in the namespace specified. This does the entity substitution. This function looks in DTD attribute declaration for FIXED or default declaration values unless DTD use has been turned off.

node : the node
name : the attribute name
nameSpace : the URI of the namespace
Returns :the attribute value or NULL if not found. It's up to the caller to free the memory.

xmlStringGetNodeList ()

xmlNodePtr  xmlStringGetNodeList            (xmlDocPtr doc,
                                             const xmlChar *value);

Parse the value string and build the node list associated. Should produce a flat tree with only TEXTs and ENTITY_REFs.

doc : the document
value : the value of the attribute
Returns :a pointer to the first child

xmlStringLenGetNodeList ()

xmlNodePtr  xmlStringLenGetNodeList         (xmlDocPtr doc,
                                             const xmlChar *value,
                                             int len);

Parse the value string and build the node list associated. Should produce a flat tree with only TEXTs and ENTITY_REFs.

doc : the document
value : the value of the text
len : the length of the string value
Returns :a pointer to the first child

xmlNodeListGetString ()

xmlChar*    xmlNodeListGetString            (xmlDocPtr doc,
                                             xmlNodePtr list,
                                             int inLine);

Returns the string equivalent to the text contained in the Node list made of TEXTs and ENTITY_REFs

doc : the document
list : a Node list
inLine : should we replace entity contents or show their external form
Returns :a pointer to the string copy, the calller must free it.

xmlNodeSetContent ()

void        xmlNodeSetContent               (xmlNodePtr cur,
                                             const xmlChar *content);

Replace the content of a node.

cur : the node being modified
content : the new value of the content

xmlNodeSetContentLen ()

void        xmlNodeSetContentLen            (xmlNodePtr cur,
                                             const xmlChar *content,
                                             int len);

Replace the content of a node.

cur : the node being modified
content : the new value of the content
len : the size of content

xmlNodeAddContent ()

void        xmlNodeAddContent               (xmlNodePtr cur,
                                             const xmlChar *content);

Append the extra substring to the node content.

cur : the node being modified
content : extra content

xmlNodeAddContentLen ()

void        xmlNodeAddContentLen            (xmlNodePtr cur,
                                             const xmlChar *content,
                                             int len);

Append the extra substring to the node content.

cur : the node being modified
content : extra content
len : the size of content

xmlNodeGetContent ()

xmlChar*    xmlNodeGetContent               (xmlNodePtr cur);

Read the value of a node, this can be either the text carried directly by this node if it's a TEXT node or the aggregate string of the values carried by this node child's (TEXT and ENTITY_REF). Entity references are substitued.

cur : the node being read
Returns :a new xmlChar * or NULL if no content is available. It's up to the caller to free the memory.

xmlNodeGetLang ()

xmlChar*    xmlNodeGetLang                  (xmlNodePtr cur);

Searches the language of a node, i.e. the values of the xml:lang attribute or the one carried by the nearest ancestor.

cur : the node being checked
Returns :a pointer to the lang value, or NULL if not found It's up to the caller to free the memory.

xmlNodeSetLang ()

void        xmlNodeSetLang                  (xmlNodePtr cur,
                                             const xmlChar *lang);

Searches the language of a node, i.e. the values of the xml:lang attribute or the one carried by the nearest ancestor.

cur : the node being changed
lang : the langage description

xmlNodeGetBase ()

xmlChar*    xmlNodeGetBase                  (xmlDocPtr doc,
                                             xmlNodePtr cur);

Searches for the BASE URL. The code should work on both XML and HTML document even if base mechanisms are completely different.

doc : the document the node pertains to
cur : the node being checked
Returns :a pointer to the base URL, or NULL if not found It's up to the caller to free the memory.

xmlRemoveProp ()

int         xmlRemoveProp                   (xmlAttrPtr attr);

attr : 
Returns : 

xmlRemoveNode ()

int         xmlRemoveNode                   (xmlNodePtr node);

node : 
Returns : 

xmlBufferWriteCHAR ()

void        xmlBufferWriteCHAR              (xmlBufferPtr buf,
                                             const xmlChar *string);

routine which manage and grows an output buffer. This one add xmlChars at the end of the buffer.

buf : the XML buffer
string : the string to add

xmlBufferWriteChar ()

void        xmlBufferWriteChar              (xmlBufferPtr buf,
                                             const char *string);

routine which manage and grows an output buffer. This one add C chars at the end of the array.

buf : the XML buffer output
string : the string to add

xmlBufferWriteQuotedString ()

void        xmlBufferWriteQuotedString      (xmlBufferPtr buf,
                                             const xmlChar *string);

routine which manage and grows an output buffer. This one writes a quoted or double quoted xmlChar string, checking first if it holds quote or double-quotes internally

buf : the XML buffer output
string : the string to add

xmlDocDumpMemory ()

void        xmlDocDumpMemory                (xmlDocPtr cur,
                                             xmlChar **mem,
                                             int *size);

Dump an XML document in memory and return the xmlChar * and it's size. It's up to the caller to free the memory.

cur : the document
mem : OUT: the memory pointer
size : OUT: the memory lenght

xmlDocDump ()

void        xmlDocDump                      (FILE *f,
                                             xmlDocPtr cur);

Dump an XML document to an open FILE.

f : the FILE*
cur : the document

xmlSaveFile ()

int         xmlSaveFile                     (const char *filename,
                                             xmlDocPtr cur);

Dump an XML document to a file. Will use compression if compiled in and enabled. If filename is "-" the stdout file is used.

filename : the filename
cur : the document
Returns : the number of file written or -1 in case of failure.

xmlGetDocCompressMode ()

int         xmlGetDocCompressMode           (xmlDocPtr doc);

get the compression ratio for a document, ZLIB based

doc : the document
Returns :0 (uncompressed) to 9 (max compression)

xmlSetDocCompressMode ()

void        xmlSetDocCompressMode           (xmlDocPtr doc,
                                             int mode);

set the compression ratio for a document, ZLIB based Correct values: 0 (uncompressed) to 9 (max compression)

doc : the document
mode : the compression ratio

xmlGetCompressMode ()

int         xmlGetCompressMode              (void);

get the default compression mode used, ZLIB based.

Returns :0 (uncompressed) to 9 (max compression)

xmlSetCompressMode ()

void        xmlSetCompressMode              (int mode);

set the default compression mode used, ZLIB based Correct values: 0 (uncompressed) to 9 (max compression)

mode : the compression ratio