typedef xmlRegexp *xmlRegexpPtr; |
A libxml regular expression, they can actually be far more complex
thank the POSIX regex expressions.
typedef xmlRegExecCtxt *xmlRegExecCtxtPtr; |
A libxml progressive regular expression evaluation context
xmlRegexpCompile ()
Parses a regular expression conforming to XML Schemas Part 2 Datatype
Appendix F and build an automata suitable for testing strings against
that regular expression
xmlRegFreeRegexp ()
Free a regexp
xmlRegexpExec ()
Check if the regular expression generate the value
xmlRegexpPrint ()
Print the content of the compiled regular expression
xmlRegexpIsDeterminist ()
Check if the regular expression is determinist
xmlRegFreeExecCtxt ()
Free the structures associated to a regular expression evaulation context.
xmlRegExecPushString ()
Push one input token in the execution context