mirror of https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/libxml2.git synced 2024-10-26 20:25:14 +03:00
2022-09-04 20:27:27 +02:00

66 lines
1.5 KiB

# Maintainer's Guide
## Making a release
### Rebuild generated files and documentation
The documentation and some generated files can be rebuilt by running
make -C doc rebuild
This requires `xsltproc` and the libxml2 Python bindings to be installed.
### Update the NEWS file
You can get started by running
git log --format='- %s (%an)' [previous-release-tag]..
### Bump the version number
Edit the version number in `configure.ac` if you haven't done so already.
### Build the tarball
I'd recommend to build the tarball by running
make distcheck
which performs some useful checks as well.
### Upload the tarball
Follow the instructions at
scp libxml2-[version].tar.xz master.gnome.org:
ssh master.gnome.org ftpadmin install libxml2-[version].tar.xz
### Tag the release
Create an annotated tag and push it:
git tag -a [version] -m 'Release [version]'
git push origin [version]
### Create a GitLab release
Create a new GitLab release on
### Announce the release
Announce the release by sending an email to the mailing list at
## Updating the CI Docker image
Note that the CI image is used for libxslt as well. Run the following
commands with the Dockerfile in the .gitlab-ci directory:
docker login registry.gitlab.gnome.org
docker build -t registry.gitlab.gnome.org/gnome/libxml2 - \
< .gitlab-ci/Dockerfile
docker push registry.gitlab.gnome.org/gnome/libxml2