Eric Curtin bc5c0717fc docs/atomic-rollbacks: Add a section on rollbacks
Describing how different types of rollbacks work.

Signed-off-by: Eric Curtin <ecurtin@redhat.com>
2024-02-13 17:07:17 +00:00

8.4 KiB


OSTree data formats

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On the topic of "smart servers"

One really crucial difference between OSTree and git is that git has a "smart server". Even when fetching over https://, it isn't just a static webserver, but one that e.g. dynamically computes and compresses pack files for each client.

In contrast, the author of OSTree feels that for operating system updates, many deployments will want to use simple static webservers, the same target most package systems were designed to use. The primary advantages are security and compute efficiency. Services like Amazon S3 and CDNs are a canonical target, as well as a stock static nginx server.

The archive format

In the repo section, the concept of objects was introduced, where file/content objects are checksummed and managed individually. (Unlike a package system, which operates on compressed aggregates).

The archive format simply gzip-compresses each content object. Metadata objects are stored uncompressed. This means that it's easy to serve via static HTTP. Note: the repo config file still uses the historical term archive-z2 as mode. But this essentially indicates the modern archive format.

When you commit new content, you will see new .filez files appearing in objects/.

archive efficiency

The advantages of archive:

  • It's easy to understand and implement
  • Can be served directly over plain HTTP by a static webserver
  • Clients can download/unpack updates incrementally
  • Space efficient on the server

The biggest disadvantage of this format is that for a client to perform an update, one HTTP request per changed file is required. In some scenarios, this actually isn't bad at all, particularly with techniques to reduce HTTP overhead, such as HTTP/2.

In order to make this format work well, you should design your content such that large data that changes infrequently (e.g. graphic images) are stored separately from small frequently changing data (application code).

Other disadvantages of archive:

  • It's quite bad when clients are performing an initial pull (without HTTP/2),
  • One doesn't know the total size (compressed or uncompressed) of content before downloading everything

Aside: bare formats

The most common operation is to pull from a remote archive repository into a local one. This latter is not compressed on disk. In other words, pulling to a local repository is similar to unpacking (but not installing) the content of an RPM/deb package.

The bare repository format is the simplest one. In this mode regular files are directly stored to disk, and all metadata (e.g. uid/gid and xattrs) is reflected to the filesystem. It allows further direct access to content and metadata, but it may require elevated privileges when writing objects to the repository.

The bare-user format is a bit special in that the uid/gid and xattrs from the content are ignored. This is primarily useful if you want to have the same OSTree-managed content that can be run on a host system or an unprivileged container.

Similarly, the bare-split-xattrs format is a special mode where xattrs are stored as separate repository objects, and not directly reflected to the filesystem. This is primarily useful when transporting xattrs through lossy environments (e.g. tar streams and containerized environments). It also allows carrying security-sensitive xattrs (e.g. SELinux labels) out-of-band without involving OS filesystem logic.

Static deltas

OSTree itself was originally focused on a continuous delivery model, where client systems are expected to update regularly. However, many OS vendors would like to supply content that's updated e.g. once a month or less often.

For this model, we can do a lot better to support batched updates than a basic archive repo. However, we still want to preserve the model of "static webserver only". Given this, OSTree has gained the concept of a "static delta".

These deltas are targeted to be a delta between two specific commit objects, including "bsdiff" and "rsync-style" deltas within a content object. Static deltas also support from NULL, where the client can more efficiently download a commit object from scratch - this is mostly useful when using OSTree for containers, rather than OS images. For OS images, one tends to download an installer ISO or qcow2 image which is a single file that contains the tree data already.

Effectively, we're spending server-side storage (and one-time compute cost), and gaining efficiency in client network bandwidth.

Static delta repository layout

Since static deltas may not exist, the client first needs to attempt to locate one. Suppose a client wants to retrieve commit ${new} while currently running ${current}.

In order to save space, these two commits are "modified base64" - the / character is replaced with _.

Like the commit objects, a "prefix directory" is used to make management easier for filesystem tools.

A delta is named $(mbase64 $from)-$(mbase64 $to), for example GpTyZaVut2jXFPWnO4LJiKEdRTvOw_mFUCtIKW1NIX0-L8f+VVDkEBKNc1Ncd+mDUrSVR4EyybQGCkuKtkDnTwk, which in SHA256 format is 1a94f265a56eb768d714f5a73b82c988a11d453bcec3f985502b48296d4d217d-2fc7fe5550e410128d73535c77e98352b495478132c9b4060a4b8ab640e74f09.

Finally, the actual content can be found in deltas/$fromprefix/$fromsuffix-$to.

Static delta internal structure

A delta is itself a directory. Inside, there is a file called superblock which contains metadata. The rest of the files will be integers bearing packs of content.

The file format of static deltas should be currently considered an OSTree implementation detail. Obviously, nothing stops one from writing code which is compatible with OSTree today. However, we would like the flexibility to expand and change things, and having multiple codebases makes that more problematic. Please contact the authors with any requests.

That said, one critical thing to understand about the design is that delta payloads are a bit more like "restricted programs" than they are raw data. There's a "compilation" phase which generates output that the client executes.

This "updates as code" model allows for multiple content generation strategies. The design of this was inspired by that of Chromium: ChromiumOS Autoupdate.

The delta superblock

The superblock contains:

  • arbitrary metadata
  • delta generation timestamp
  • the new commit object
  • An array of recursive deltas to apply
  • An array of per-part metadata, including total object sizes (compressed and uncompressed),
  • An array of fallback objects

Let's define a delta part, then return to discuss details:

A delta part

A delta part is a combination of a raw blob of data, plus a very restricted bytecode that operates on it. Say for example two files happen to share a common section. It's possible for the delta compilation to include that section once in the delta data blob, then generate instructions to write out that blob twice when generating both objects.

Realistically though, it's very common for most of a delta to just be "stream of new objects" - if one considers it, it doesn't make sense to have too much duplication inside operating system content at this level.

So then, what's more interesting is that OSTree static deltas support a per-file delta algorithm called bsdiff that most notably works well on executable code.

The current delta compiler scans for files with matching basenames in each commit that have a similar size, and attempts a bsdiff between them. (It would make sense later to have a build system provide a hint for this - for example, files within a same package).

A generated bsdiff is included in the payload blob, and applying it is an instruction.

Fallback objects

It's possible for there to be large-ish files which might be resistant to bsdiff. A good example is that it's common for operating systems to use an "initramfs", which is itself a compressed filesystem. This "internal compression" defeats bsdiff analysis.

For these types of objects, the delta superblock contains an array of "fallback objects". These objects aren't included in the delta parts - the client simply fetches them from the underlying .filez object.

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