mirror of
synced 2025-03-09 12:58:26 +03:00
This reverts commit 5e8ff010a1436d33bbf3c108335af6e0b4ff7a2a. This broke all the URLs, we can't have that. (And actually, we probably don't _want_ to make the change either. It's nicer to have all the pages in one directory, so one doesn't have to figure out to which collection the page belongs.)
512 lines
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512 lines
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title: What Settings Are Currently Available For Transient Units?
category: Interfaces
layout: default
SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later
# What Settings Are Currently Available For Transient Units?
Our intention is to make all settings that are available as unit file settings
also available for transient units, through the D-Bus API. At the moment,
device, swap, and target units are not supported at all as transient units, but
others are pretty well supported.
The lists below contain all settings currently available in unit files. The
ones currently available in transient units are prefixed with `✓`.
## Generic Unit Settings
Most generic unit settings are available for transient units.
✓ Description=
✓ Documentation=
✓ SourcePath=
✓ Requires=
✓ Requisite=
✓ Wants=
✓ BindsTo=
✓ Conflicts=
✓ Before=
✓ After=
✓ OnFailure=
✓ PropagatesReloadTo=
✓ ReloadPropagatedFrom=
✓ PartOf=
✓ Upholds=
✓ JoinsNamespaceOf=
✓ RequiresMountsFor=
✓ StopWhenUnneeded=
✓ RefuseManualStart=
✓ RefuseManualStop=
✓ AllowIsolate=
✓ DefaultDependencies=
✓ OnFailureJobMode=
✓ IgnoreOnIsolate=
✓ JobTimeoutSec=
✓ JobRunningTimeoutSec=
✓ JobTimeoutAction=
✓ JobTimeoutRebootArgument=
✓ StartLimitIntervalSec=
✓ StartLimitBurst=
✓ StartLimitAction=
✓ FailureAction=
✓ SuccessAction=
✓ FailureActionExitStatus=
✓ SuccessActionExitStatus=
✓ RebootArgument=
✓ ConditionPathExists=
✓ ConditionPathExistsGlob=
✓ ConditionPathIsDirectory=
✓ ConditionPathIsSymbolicLink=
✓ ConditionPathIsMountPoint=
✓ ConditionPathIsReadWrite=
✓ ConditionDirectoryNotEmpty=
✓ ConditionFileNotEmpty=
✓ ConditionFileIsExecutable=
✓ ConditionNeedsUpdate=
✓ ConditionFirstBoot=
✓ ConditionKernelCommandLine=
✓ ConditionKernelVersion=
✓ ConditionArchitecture=
✓ ConditionFirmware=
✓ ConditionVirtualization=
✓ ConditionSecurity=
✓ ConditionCapability=
✓ ConditionHost=
✓ ConditionACPower=
✓ ConditionUser=
✓ ConditionGroup=
✓ ConditionControlGroupController=
✓ AssertPathExists=
✓ AssertPathExistsGlob=
✓ AssertPathIsDirectory=
✓ AssertPathIsSymbolicLink=
✓ AssertPathIsMountPoint=
✓ AssertPathIsReadWrite=
✓ AssertDirectoryNotEmpty=
✓ AssertFileNotEmpty=
✓ AssertFileIsExecutable=
✓ AssertNeedsUpdate=
✓ AssertFirstBoot=
✓ AssertKernelCommandLine=
✓ AssertKernelVersion=
✓ AssertArchitecture=
✓ AssertVirtualization=
✓ AssertSecurity=
✓ AssertCapability=
✓ AssertHost=
✓ AssertACPower=
✓ AssertUser=
✓ AssertGroup=
✓ AssertControlGroupController=
✓ CollectMode=
## Execution-Related Settings
All execution-related settings are available for transient units.
✓ WorkingDirectory=
✓ RootDirectory=
✓ RootImage=
✓ User=
✓ Group=
✓ SupplementaryGroups=
✓ Nice=
✓ OOMScoreAdjust=
✓ CoredumpFilter=
✓ IOSchedulingClass=
✓ IOSchedulingPriority=
✓ CPUSchedulingPolicy=
✓ CPUSchedulingPriority=
✓ CPUSchedulingResetOnFork=
✓ CPUAffinity=
✓ UMask=
✓ Environment=
✓ EnvironmentFile=
✓ PassEnvironment=
✓ UnsetEnvironment=
✓ DynamicUser=
✓ RemoveIPC=
✓ StandardInput=
✓ StandardOutput=
✓ StandardError=
✓ StandardInputText=
✓ StandardInputData=
✓ TTYPath=
✓ TTYReset=
✓ TTYVHangup=
✓ TTYVTDisallocate=
✓ TTYRows=
✓ TTYColumns=
✓ SyslogIdentifier=
✓ SyslogFacility=
✓ SyslogLevel=
✓ SyslogLevelPrefix=
✓ LogLevelMax=
✓ LogExtraFields=
✓ LogFilterPatterns=
✓ LogRateLimitIntervalSec=
✓ LogRateLimitBurst=
✓ SecureBits=
✓ CapabilityBoundingSet=
✓ AmbientCapabilities=
✓ TimerSlackNSec=
✓ NoNewPrivileges=
✓ KeyringMode=
✓ ProtectProc=
✓ ProcSubset=
✓ SystemCallFilter=
✓ SystemCallArchitectures=
✓ SystemCallErrorNumber=
✓ SystemCallLog=
✓ MemoryDenyWriteExecute=
✓ RestrictNamespaces=
✓ RestrictRealtime=
✓ RestrictSUIDSGID=
✓ RestrictAddressFamilies=
✓ RootHash=
✓ RootHashSignature=
✓ RootVerity=
✓ LockPersonality=
✓ LimitCPU=
✓ LimitFSIZE=
✓ LimitDATA=
✓ LimitSTACK=
✓ LimitCORE=
✓ LimitRSS=
✓ LimitNOFILE=
✓ LimitAS=
✓ LimitNPROC=
✓ LimitLOCKS=
✓ LimitNICE=
✓ LimitRTPRIO=
✓ LimitRTTIME=
✓ ReadWritePaths=
✓ ReadOnlyPaths=
✓ InaccessiblePaths=
✓ BindPaths=
✓ BindReadOnlyPaths=
✓ TemporaryFileSystem=
✓ PrivateTmp=
✓ PrivateDevices=
✓ PrivateMounts=
✓ ProtectKernelTunables=
✓ ProtectKernelModules=
✓ ProtectKernelLogs=
✓ ProtectControlGroups=
✓ PrivateNetwork=
✓ PrivateUsers=
✓ ProtectSystem=
✓ ProtectHome=
✓ ProtectClock=
✓ MountFlags=
✓ MountAPIVFS=
✓ Personality=
✓ RuntimeDirectoryPreserve=
✓ RuntimeDirectoryMode=
✓ RuntimeDirectory=
✓ StateDirectoryMode=
✓ StateDirectory=
✓ CacheDirectoryMode=
✓ CacheDirectory=
✓ LogsDirectoryMode=
✓ LogsDirectory=
✓ ConfigurationDirectoryMode=
✓ ConfigurationDirectory=
✓ PAMName=
✓ IgnoreSIGPIPE=
✓ UtmpIdentifier=
✓ UtmpMode=
✓ SELinuxContext=
✓ SmackProcessLabel=
✓ AppArmorProfile=
✓ Slice=
## Resource Control Settings
All cgroup/resource control settings are available for transient units
✓ CPUAccounting=
✓ CPUWeight=
✓ StartupCPUWeight=
✓ CPUShares=
✓ StartupCPUShares=
✓ CPUQuota=
✓ CPUQuotaPeriodSec=
✓ AllowedCPUs=
✓ StartupAllowedCPUs=
✓ AllowedMemoryNodes=
✓ StartupAllowedMemoryNodes=
✓ MemoryAccounting=
✓ DefaultMemoryMin=
✓ MemoryMin=
✓ DefaultMemoryLow=
✓ MemoryLow=
✓ MemoryHigh=
✓ MemoryMax=
✓ MemorySwapMax=
✓ MemoryLimit=
✓ DeviceAllow=
✓ DevicePolicy=
✓ IOAccounting=
✓ IOWeight=
✓ StartupIOWeight=
✓ IODeviceWeight=
✓ IOReadBandwidthMax=
✓ IOWriteBandwidthMax=
✓ IOReadIOPSMax=
✓ IOWriteIOPSMax=
✓ BlockIOAccounting=
✓ BlockIOWeight=
✓ StartupBlockIOWeight=
✓ BlockIODeviceWeight=
✓ BlockIOReadBandwidth=
✓ BlockIOWriteBandwidth=
✓ TasksAccounting=
✓ TasksMax=
✓ Delegate=
✓ DisableControllers=
✓ IPAccounting=
✓ IPAddressAllow=
✓ IPAddressDeny=
✓ ManagedOOMSwap=
✓ ManagedOOMMemoryPressure=
✓ ManagedOOMMemoryPressureLimit=
✓ ManagedOOMPreference=
✓ CoredumpReceive=
## Process Killing Settings
All process killing settings are available for transient units:
✓ KillMode=
✓ KillSignal=
✓ RestartKillSignal=
✓ FinalKillSignal=
✓ WatchdogSignal=
## Service Unit Settings
Most service unit settings are available for transient units.
✓ BusName=
✓ ExecCondition=
✓ ExecReload=
✓ ExecStart=
✓ ExecStartPost=
✓ ExecStartPre=
✓ ExecStop=
✓ ExecStopPost=
✓ ExitType=
✓ FileDescriptorStoreMax=
✓ GuessMainPID=
✓ NonBlocking=
✓ NotifyAccess=
✓ OOMPolicy=
✓ PIDFile=
✓ RemainAfterExit=
✓ Restart=
✓ RestartForceExitStatus=
✓ RestartPreventExitStatus=
✓ RestartSec=
✓ RootDirectoryStartOnly=
✓ RuntimeMaxSec=
✓ RuntimeRandomizedExtraSec=
✓ SuccessExitStatus=
✓ TimeoutAbortSec=
✓ TimeoutSec=
✓ TimeoutStartFailureMode=
✓ TimeoutStartSec=
✓ TimeoutStopFailureMode=
✓ TimeoutStopSec=
✓ Type=
✓ USBFunctionDescriptors=
✓ USBFunctionStrings=
✓ WatchdogSec=
## Mount Unit Settings
All mount unit settings are available to transient units:
✓ What=
✓ Where=
✓ Options=
✓ Type=
✓ TimeoutSec=
✓ DirectoryMode=
✓ SloppyOptions=
✓ LazyUnmount=
✓ ForceUnmount=
✓ ReadWriteOnly=
## Automount Unit Settings
All automount unit setting is available to transient units:
✓ Where=
✓ DirectoryMode=
✓ TimeoutIdleSec=
## Timer Unit Settings
Most timer unit settings are available to transient units.
✓ OnActiveSec=
✓ OnBootSec=
✓ OnCalendar=
✓ OnClockChange=
✓ OnStartupSec=
✓ OnTimezoneChange=
✓ OnUnitActiveSec=
✓ OnUnitInactiveSec=
✓ Persistent=
✓ WakeSystem=
✓ RemainAfterElapse=
✓ AccuracySec=
✓ RandomizedDelaySec=
✓ FixedRandomDelay=
## Slice Unit Settings
Slice units are fully supported as transient units, but they have no settings
of their own beyond the generic unit and resource control settings.
## Scope Unit Settings
Scope units are fully supported as transient units (in fact they only exist as
✓ RuntimeMaxSec=
✓ RuntimeRandomizedExtraSec=
✓ TimeoutStopSec=
## Socket Unit Settings
Most socket unit settings are available to transient units.
✓ ListenStream=
✓ ListenDatagram=
✓ ListenSequentialPacket=
✓ ListenFIFO=
✓ ListenNetlink=
✓ ListenSpecial=
✓ ListenMessageQueue=
✓ ListenUSBFunction=
✓ SocketProtocol=
✓ BindIPv6Only=
✓ Backlog=
✓ BindToDevice=
✓ ExecStartPre=
✓ ExecStartPost=
✓ ExecStopPre=
✓ ExecStopPost=
✓ TimeoutSec=
✓ SocketUser=
✓ SocketGroup=
✓ SocketMode=
✓ DirectoryMode=
✓ Accept=
✓ FlushPending=
✓ Writable=
✓ MaxConnections=
✓ MaxConnectionsPerSource=
✓ KeepAlive=
✓ KeepAliveTimeSec=
✓ KeepAliveIntervalSec=
✓ KeepAliveProbes=
✓ DeferAcceptSec=
✓ NoDelay=
✓ Priority=
✓ ReceiveBuffer=
✓ SendBuffer=
✓ Mark=
✓ PipeSize=
✓ FreeBind=
✓ Transparent=
✓ Broadcast=
✓ PassCredentials=
✓ PassSecurity=
✓ PassPacketInfo=
✓ TCPCongestion=
✓ ReusePort=
✓ MessageQueueMaxMessages=
✓ MessageQueueMessageSize=
✓ RemoveOnStop=
✓ Symlinks=
✓ FileDescriptorName=
✓ TriggerLimitIntervalSec=
✓ TriggerLimitBurst=
✓ SmackLabel=
✓ SmackLabelIPIn=
✓ SmackLabelIPOut=
✓ SELinuxContextFromNet=
## Swap Unit Settings
Swap units are currently not available at all as transient units:
## Path Unit Settings
Most path unit settings are available to transient units.
✓ PathExists=
✓ PathExistsGlob=
✓ PathChanged=
✓ PathModified=
✓ DirectoryNotEmpty=
✓ MakeDirectory=
✓ DirectoryMode=
## Install Section
The `[Install]` section is currently not available at all for transient units, and it probably doesn't even make sense.