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#!/bin/sh -efu
2002-03-25 20:37:46 +00:00
2007-08-08 00:49:48 +04:00
# This file provides FindPackage() function which maps paths and
# commands, such as found in shell scripts, to rpm dependencies.
# Usage:
# . /usr/lib/rpm/find-package
# FindPackage src [path...] [command...]
# Arguments:
# src - the file being processed, used for diagnostics;
# also, if the file appears to reside under */sbin/
# directory, the PATH search order is adjusted
# so as to better match root code
2007-08-08 00:49:48 +04:00
# path - absolute path to file, e.g. /bin/cat
# command - executable expected to reside under standard
# PATH directories, e.g. cat
2003-04-22 15:11:52 +00:00
# Copyright (C) 2002-2003 Dmitry V. Levin <ldv@altlinux.org>
# Copyright (C) 2007 Alexey Tourbin <at@altlinux.org>
2002-03-25 20:37:46 +00:00
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
2003-11-09 16:47:45 +00:00
. @RPMCONFIGDIR@/functions
2002-03-25 20:37:46 +00:00
# We use different PATHs for */sbin/ and non-/sbin scripts. However,
# the distinction is not quite reliable -- there is simply no easy way
# to discriminate between root-only and user-capable shell code. Thus
# we must use rather conservative path adjustment: 1) the set of user
# and root directories is the same, it is only the order that differs;
# 2) / has main priority over /usr, while as "bin vs sbin" distinction has
# only secondary priority. The reason is that / has only "most important"
# contents, and /usr is used virtually "for everything else", whatever it is.
# Now that / has a boost, there are simply less chances to end up with
# unrelated dependencies.
# RPM_FINDPACKAGE_PATH is exported by rpm-build
RPM_FINDPACKAGE_USER_PATH="$(IFS="$IFS:"; set -f; echo '' ${RPM_FINDPACKAGE_PATH-} $DEF_RPM_FINDPACKAGE_USER_PATH |sed -e 's/ */:/g; s/^://')"
RPM_FINDPACKAGE_ROOT_PATH="$(IFS="$IFS:"; set -f; echo '' ${RPM_FINDPACKAGE_PATH-} $DEF_RPM_FINDPACKAGE_ROOT_PATH |sed -e 's/ */:/g; s/^://')"
# Below we use 'local Verbose=Info' to increase per-case verbosity.
2002-03-25 20:37:46 +00:00
# Dependence name starts with `/'.
local f="$1" rep="$2" package; shift 2 || return
2002-03-25 20:37:46 +00:00
# Does it start with %_builddir or %buildroot?
if [ -n "${RPM_BUILD_DIR-}" ] && [ -z "${rep##$RPM_BUILD_DIR*}" ]; then
Info "$f: invalid dependency: $rep"
return 1
if [ -n "${RPM_BUILD_ROOT-}" ] && [ -z "${rep##$RPM_BUILD_ROOT*}" ]; then
Info "$f: invalid dependency: $rep"
return 1
2003-04-22 15:11:52 +00:00
# Does it belong to buildroot?
if [ -n "${RPM_BUILD_ROOT-}" ] && [ -e "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT$rep" -o -L "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT$rep" ]; then
$Verbose "$f: $rep -> \$RPM_BUILD_ROOT$rep (skip)"
2003-04-22 15:11:52 +00:00
# Is it an alternative?
if readlink "$rep" |grep -qs '^/etc/alternatives/'; then
$Verbose "$f: $rep -> $rep (alternative)"
printf %s\\n "$rep"
2003-04-22 15:11:52 +00:00
# XXX Cleanup pathname.
rep=$(CanonPath "$rep")
# Ignore pseudo-filesystem dependencies.
local dir="${rep#/}"; dir="${dir%%/*}"
case "$dir" in
dev | proc | sys )
$Verbose "$f: $rep -> /$dir (skip)"
return ;;
unset dir
# Always try package binary index.
local idx_bin="${RPM_PKG_CONTENTS_INDEX_BIN-}" try_idx_bin=1
[ -n "$idx_bin" ] && [ -s "$idx_bin" ] && [ -r "$idx_bin" ] || try_idx_bin=
if [ -n "$try_idx_bin" ]; then
package="$(awk -v "f=$rep" '($1 == f) {print $2}' "$idx_bin" |sort -u)"
local n="$(IFS=$'\n'; set -- $package; echo $#)"
if [ "$n" = 1 ]; then
$Verbose "$f: $rep -> $package (via contents_index_bin)"
printf %s\\n "$package"
elif [ "$n" -gt 1 ]; then
Info "$f: $rep indexed by:$(echo '' $package)"
Info "$f: $rep -> $rep (raw, ambiguous, via contents_index_bin)"
printf %s\\n "$rep"
# Maybe try pkg complete index.
local idx_all="${RPM_PKG_CONTENTS_INDEX_ALL-}" try_idx_all=1
[ -n "$idx_all" ] && [ -s "$idx_all" ] && [ -r "$idx_all" ] || try_idx_all=
case "$try_idx_bin$rep" in
1/bin/* | 1/sbin/* | 1/usr/bin/* | 1/usr/sbin/* )
# Binary index already checked for standard *bin/* entries.
# No need to check complete index.
if [ -n "$try_idx_all" ]; then
# Checking complete index is expensive.
local Verbose=Info
Info "$f: checking contents_index_all for $rep"
# Complete package index is possibly gzipped.
package="$(gzip -cdfq "$idx_all" |awk -v "f=$rep" '($1 == f) {print $2}' |sort -u)"
local n="$(IFS=$'\n'; set -- $package; echo $#)"
if [ "$n" = 1 ]; then
Info "$f: $rep -> $package (via contents_index_all)"
printf %s\\n "$package"
elif [ "$n" -gt 1 ]; then
Info "$f: $rep indexed by:$(echo '' $package)"
Info "$f: $rep -> $rep (raw, ambiguous, via contents_index_all)"
printf %s\\n "$rep"
2003-04-22 15:11:52 +00:00
# Check package database.
if package="$(rpmquery --whatprovides --queryformat='%{NAME}\n' -- "$rep" 2>/dev/null)"; then
package="$(printf %s "$package" |LC_COLLATE=C sort -u)"
local n="$(IFS=$'\n'; set -- $package; echo $#)"
if [ "$n" = 1 ]; then
$Verbose "$f: $rep -> $package (via rpmdb)"
printf %s\\n "$package"
elif [ "$n" -gt 1 ]; then
Info "$f: $rep provided by:$(echo '' $package)"
Info "$f: $rep -> $rep (raw, ambiguous, via rpmdb)"
printf %s\\n "$rep"
2003-04-22 15:11:52 +00:00
# Not found; output raw dependence.
Info "$f: $rep -> $rep (raw, not found)"
printf %s\\n "$rep"
2003-04-22 15:11:52 +00:00
local f="$1" r="$2" rep package; shift 2 || return
2003-04-22 15:11:52 +00:00
local dir="${f%/*}"; dir="${dir#${RPM_BUILD_ROOT-}}"
local findpackage_path="$RPM_FINDPACKAGE_USER_PATH"
case "$dir" in
findpackage_path="$RPM_FINDPACKAGE_ROOT_PATH" ;;
dir="${dir#/etc/}"; dir="${dir%%/*}"
case "$dir" in
# The sbin-ish places. WARNING: Explicit Content!
rc.d | init.d | control.d | chroot.d | net | ppp | cron* | hotplug* )
Debug "$f: root PATH on"
findpackage_path="$RPM_FINDPACKAGE_ROOT_PATH" ;;
unset dir
# Check buildroot first.
if [ -n "${RPM_BUILD_ROOT-}" ]; then
rep=$(IFS="$IFS:"; set -f
for dir in $findpackage_path; do
if [ -f "$BR_rep" -o -L "$BR_rep" ]; then
printf '%s\n' "$rep"
if [ -n "$rep" ]; then
$Verbose "$f: $r -> \$RPM_BUILD_ROOT$rep (skip)"
2003-04-22 15:11:52 +00:00
# Check for pkg contents binary index.
local save_rep= save_package=
local out="$(awk -v r="$r" -v findpackage_path="$findpackage_path" '
# Here we enumerate all possible paths to keep the order;
# later we sort the result with "sort -n".
n = split(findpackage_path, ary, ":")
for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
dir = ary[i]
sub("/+$", "", dir)
find-package (FindByName): optimized awk script It looks like that, unlike in perl, pattern matching in awk is very slow. Perhaps they just don't have regexp engine hackers like Larry Wall or Ilya Zakharevich (or, most recently, Yves Orton aka demerphq). That's okay, since I can rewrite the script without pattern matching at all. That is, I don't have to split each index line into dir+basename, because I can prepare all valid absolute pathnames in advance. Old speed: $ time /usr/lib/rpm/shell.req -v /dev/stdin <<<`rpm -ql rpm-utils |sed -n 's|/usr/bin/||p'` shell.req: add_changelog -> /usr/bin/add_changelog -> rpm-utils (via content index) shell.req: buildreq -> /usr/bin/buildreq -> rpm-utils (via content index) shell.req: cleanup_spec -> /usr/bin/cleanup_spec -> rpm-utils (via content index) shell.req: compare_packages -> /usr/bin/compare_packages -> rpm-utils (via content index) shell.req: filereq -> /usr/bin/filereq -> rpm-utils (via content index) shell.req: packageof -> /usr/bin/packageof -> rpm-utils (via content index) shell.req: packagereq -> /usr/bin/packagereq -> rpm-utils (via content index) shell.req: rebuild_package -> /usr/bin/rebuild_package -> rpm-utils (via content index) shell.req: rebuild_packages -> /usr/bin/rebuild_packages -> rpm-utils (via content index) shell.req: rpmdups -> /usr/bin/rpmdups -> rpm-utils (via content index) shell.req: rpmevrcmp -> /usr/bin/rpmevrcmp -> rpm-utils (via content index) shell.req: rpmrdups -> /usr/bin/rpmrdups -> rpm-utils (via content index) shell.req: rpmvercmp -> /usr/bin/rpmvercmp -> rpm-utils (via content index) shell.req: stamp_spec -> /usr/bin/stamp_spec -> rpm-utils (via content index) rpm-utils /usr/lib/rpm/shell.req -v /dev/stdin <<< 5.37s user 0.11s system 96% cpu 5.683 total $ New speed: $ time /usr/lib/rpm/shell.req -v /dev/stdin <<<`rpm -ql rpm-utils |sed -n 's|/usr/bin/||p'` shell.req: add_changelog -> /usr/bin/add_changelog -> rpm-utils (via content index) shell.req: buildreq -> /usr/bin/buildreq -> rpm-utils (via content index) shell.req: cleanup_spec -> /usr/bin/cleanup_spec -> rpm-utils (via content index) shell.req: compare_packages -> /usr/bin/compare_packages -> rpm-utils (via content index) shell.req: filereq -> /usr/bin/filereq -> rpm-utils (via content index) shell.req: packageof -> /usr/bin/packageof -> rpm-utils (via content index) shell.req: packagereq -> /usr/bin/packagereq -> rpm-utils (via content index) shell.req: rebuild_package -> /usr/bin/rebuild_package -> rpm-utils (via content index) shell.req: rebuild_packages -> /usr/bin/rebuild_packages -> rpm-utils (via content index) shell.req: rpmdups -> /usr/bin/rpmdups -> rpm-utils (via content index) shell.req: rpmevrcmp -> /usr/bin/rpmevrcmp -> rpm-utils (via content index) shell.req: rpmrdups -> /usr/bin/rpmrdups -> rpm-utils (via content index) shell.req: rpmvercmp -> /usr/bin/rpmvercmp -> rpm-utils (via content index) shell.req: stamp_spec -> /usr/bin/stamp_spec -> rpm-utils (via content index) rpm-utils /usr/lib/rpm/shell.req -v /dev/stdin <<< 0.34s user 0.10s system 88% cpu 0.499 total $ More than ten times faster, wow! I didn't know regexp engine could be that slow, really.
2007-03-11 23:40:37 +03:00
file = dir "/" r
if (dir && !(file in FILES))
FILES[file] = i
# By now FILES is normally something like this:
# /bin/r 1
# /sbin/r 2
# /usr/bin/r 3
# /usr/sbin/r 4
# ...
find-package (FindByName): optimized awk script It looks like that, unlike in perl, pattern matching in awk is very slow. Perhaps they just don't have regexp engine hackers like Larry Wall or Ilya Zakharevich (or, most recently, Yves Orton aka demerphq). That's okay, since I can rewrite the script without pattern matching at all. That is, I don't have to split each index line into dir+basename, because I can prepare all valid absolute pathnames in advance. Old speed: $ time /usr/lib/rpm/shell.req -v /dev/stdin <<<`rpm -ql rpm-utils |sed -n 's|/usr/bin/||p'` shell.req: add_changelog -> /usr/bin/add_changelog -> rpm-utils (via content index) shell.req: buildreq -> /usr/bin/buildreq -> rpm-utils (via content index) shell.req: cleanup_spec -> /usr/bin/cleanup_spec -> rpm-utils (via content index) shell.req: compare_packages -> /usr/bin/compare_packages -> rpm-utils (via content index) shell.req: filereq -> /usr/bin/filereq -> rpm-utils (via content index) shell.req: packageof -> /usr/bin/packageof -> rpm-utils (via content index) shell.req: packagereq -> /usr/bin/packagereq -> rpm-utils (via content index) shell.req: rebuild_package -> /usr/bin/rebuild_package -> rpm-utils (via content index) shell.req: rebuild_packages -> /usr/bin/rebuild_packages -> rpm-utils (via content index) shell.req: rpmdups -> /usr/bin/rpmdups -> rpm-utils (via content index) shell.req: rpmevrcmp -> /usr/bin/rpmevrcmp -> rpm-utils (via content index) shell.req: rpmrdups -> /usr/bin/rpmrdups -> rpm-utils (via content index) shell.req: rpmvercmp -> /usr/bin/rpmvercmp -> rpm-utils (via content index) shell.req: stamp_spec -> /usr/bin/stamp_spec -> rpm-utils (via content index) rpm-utils /usr/lib/rpm/shell.req -v /dev/stdin <<< 5.37s user 0.11s system 96% cpu 5.683 total $ New speed: $ time /usr/lib/rpm/shell.req -v /dev/stdin <<<`rpm -ql rpm-utils |sed -n 's|/usr/bin/||p'` shell.req: add_changelog -> /usr/bin/add_changelog -> rpm-utils (via content index) shell.req: buildreq -> /usr/bin/buildreq -> rpm-utils (via content index) shell.req: cleanup_spec -> /usr/bin/cleanup_spec -> rpm-utils (via content index) shell.req: compare_packages -> /usr/bin/compare_packages -> rpm-utils (via content index) shell.req: filereq -> /usr/bin/filereq -> rpm-utils (via content index) shell.req: packageof -> /usr/bin/packageof -> rpm-utils (via content index) shell.req: packagereq -> /usr/bin/packagereq -> rpm-utils (via content index) shell.req: rebuild_package -> /usr/bin/rebuild_package -> rpm-utils (via content index) shell.req: rebuild_packages -> /usr/bin/rebuild_packages -> rpm-utils (via content index) shell.req: rpmdups -> /usr/bin/rpmdups -> rpm-utils (via content index) shell.req: rpmevrcmp -> /usr/bin/rpmevrcmp -> rpm-utils (via content index) shell.req: rpmrdups -> /usr/bin/rpmrdups -> rpm-utils (via content index) shell.req: rpmvercmp -> /usr/bin/rpmvercmp -> rpm-utils (via content index) shell.req: stamp_spec -> /usr/bin/stamp_spec -> rpm-utils (via content index) rpm-utils /usr/lib/rpm/shell.req -v /dev/stdin <<< 0.34s user 0.10s system 88% cpu 0.499 total $ More than ten times faster, wow! I didn't know regexp engine could be that slow, really.
2007-03-11 23:40:37 +03:00
NF==2 && ($1 in FILES) {
# Possible output is like this:
# 3 /usr/bin/r pkgA
# 1 /bin/r pkgB
find-package (FindByName): optimized awk script It looks like that, unlike in perl, pattern matching in awk is very slow. Perhaps they just don't have regexp engine hackers like Larry Wall or Ilya Zakharevich (or, most recently, Yves Orton aka demerphq). That's okay, since I can rewrite the script without pattern matching at all. That is, I don't have to split each index line into dir+basename, because I can prepare all valid absolute pathnames in advance. Old speed: $ time /usr/lib/rpm/shell.req -v /dev/stdin <<<`rpm -ql rpm-utils |sed -n 's|/usr/bin/||p'` shell.req: add_changelog -> /usr/bin/add_changelog -> rpm-utils (via content index) shell.req: buildreq -> /usr/bin/buildreq -> rpm-utils (via content index) shell.req: cleanup_spec -> /usr/bin/cleanup_spec -> rpm-utils (via content index) shell.req: compare_packages -> /usr/bin/compare_packages -> rpm-utils (via content index) shell.req: filereq -> /usr/bin/filereq -> rpm-utils (via content index) shell.req: packageof -> /usr/bin/packageof -> rpm-utils (via content index) shell.req: packagereq -> /usr/bin/packagereq -> rpm-utils (via content index) shell.req: rebuild_package -> /usr/bin/rebuild_package -> rpm-utils (via content index) shell.req: rebuild_packages -> /usr/bin/rebuild_packages -> rpm-utils (via content index) shell.req: rpmdups -> /usr/bin/rpmdups -> rpm-utils (via content index) shell.req: rpmevrcmp -> /usr/bin/rpmevrcmp -> rpm-utils (via content index) shell.req: rpmrdups -> /usr/bin/rpmrdups -> rpm-utils (via content index) shell.req: rpmvercmp -> /usr/bin/rpmvercmp -> rpm-utils (via content index) shell.req: stamp_spec -> /usr/bin/stamp_spec -> rpm-utils (via content index) rpm-utils /usr/lib/rpm/shell.req -v /dev/stdin <<< 5.37s user 0.11s system 96% cpu 5.683 total $ New speed: $ time /usr/lib/rpm/shell.req -v /dev/stdin <<<`rpm -ql rpm-utils |sed -n 's|/usr/bin/||p'` shell.req: add_changelog -> /usr/bin/add_changelog -> rpm-utils (via content index) shell.req: buildreq -> /usr/bin/buildreq -> rpm-utils (via content index) shell.req: cleanup_spec -> /usr/bin/cleanup_spec -> rpm-utils (via content index) shell.req: compare_packages -> /usr/bin/compare_packages -> rpm-utils (via content index) shell.req: filereq -> /usr/bin/filereq -> rpm-utils (via content index) shell.req: packageof -> /usr/bin/packageof -> rpm-utils (via content index) shell.req: packagereq -> /usr/bin/packagereq -> rpm-utils (via content index) shell.req: rebuild_package -> /usr/bin/rebuild_package -> rpm-utils (via content index) shell.req: rebuild_packages -> /usr/bin/rebuild_packages -> rpm-utils (via content index) shell.req: rpmdups -> /usr/bin/rpmdups -> rpm-utils (via content index) shell.req: rpmevrcmp -> /usr/bin/rpmevrcmp -> rpm-utils (via content index) shell.req: rpmrdups -> /usr/bin/rpmrdups -> rpm-utils (via content index) shell.req: rpmvercmp -> /usr/bin/rpmvercmp -> rpm-utils (via content index) shell.req: stamp_spec -> /usr/bin/stamp_spec -> rpm-utils (via content index) rpm-utils /usr/lib/rpm/shell.req -v /dev/stdin <<< 0.34s user 0.10s system 88% cpu 0.499 total $ More than ten times faster, wow! I didn't know regexp engine could be that slow, really.
2007-03-11 23:40:37 +03:00
print FILES[$1] "\t" $1 "\t" $2
# Best paths go first:
sort -n |
# For each package, keep only the best path:
sort -u -k3 |
# Best paths still go first:
sort -n |
# Well done, discard numbers.
cut -f2-)"
local n="$(IFS=$'\n'; set -- $out; echo $#)"
if [ "$n" = 1 ]; then
rep="$(IFS=$'\t\n'; set -- $out; printf %s "$1")"
package="$(IFS=$'\t\n'; set -- $out; printf %s "$2")"
$Verbose "$f: $r -> $rep -> $package (via contents_index_bin)"
printf %s\\n "$package"
elif [ "$n" -gt 1 ]; then
# Content index search produced a confict: we have 2 or more paths
# from different packages. Consider this case:
# /usr/bin/r pkgA
# /usr/bin/r pkgB
# /usr/sbin/r pkgC
# Remember that best paths go first, and each package has only the best path.
# Now if the first two paths are the same, we produce raw dependency on /usr/bin/r.
local Verbose=Info
Info "$f: $r indexed by:$(printf %s "$out" |sed -e 's/\t/ -> /; s/$/,/; $s/,$//' |xargs echo '')"
rep="$(IFS=$'\t\n'; set -- $out; printf %s "$1")"
package="$(IFS=$'\t\n'; set -- $out; printf %s "$2")"
# Actually our contents_index generator already handles path dups,
# so the above example is likely to transform into this:
# /usr/bin/r /usr/bin/r
# /usr/sbin/r pkgC
# So we first check if path = package.
if [ "$rep" = "$package" ]; then
Info "$f: $r -> $rep -> $rep (ambiguous, via contents_index_bin)"
printf %s\\n "$rep"
# And then we check if the first two paths are the same.
local rep2="$(IFS=$'\t\n'; set -- $out; printf %s "$3")"
if [ "$rep" = "$rep2" ]; then
Info "$f: $r -> $rep -> $rep (raw, ambiguous, via contents_index_bin)"
printf %s\\n "$rep"
2002-03-25 20:37:46 +00:00
# However, consider yet worse real-life case:
# /usr/bin/arpsend arpsend
# /usr/sbin/arpsend vzctl
# In this case, we perfer to put aside the conflict for a while, and query
# the host system first. There's a good chance that the right package, either
# arpsend or vzctl, IS installed, and other unrelated packages are NOT installed.
# However, if the host system does not provide any candidate, we have to produce
# the dependency on /usr/bin/arpsend -> arpsend.
save_rep="$rep" save_package="$package"
# Lookup in the host system.
rep=$(IFS="$IFS:"; set -f
for dir in $findpackage_path; do
if [ -f "$rep" ]; then
printf '%s\n' "$rep"
if [ -n "$rep" ]; then
local n="$(IFS=$'\n'; set -- $rep; echo $#)"
if [ "$n" -gt 1 ]; then
# We've got a few paths, e.g. awk -> {/bin/awk,/usr/bin/awk};
# we check if all paths really point to the same file.
n="$(IFS=$'\n'; for f in $rep; do readlink -vm "$f"; done |sort -u |wc -l)"
if [ "$n" -gt 1 ]; then
local Verbose=Info
Info "$f: host_env $r:$(echo '' $rep)"
# But we select the first path, which is the best, anyway.
rep="$(IFS=$'\n'; set -- $rep; printf %s "$1")"
if [ -n "$rep" ]; then
$Verbose "$f: $r -> $rep -> ... (via host_env)"
FindByPath "$f" "$rep"
# Reconsult package binary index.
if [ -n "$save_rep" ] && [ -n "$save_package" ]; then
rep="$save_rep" package="$save_package"
$Verbose "$f: $r -> $rep -> $package (via contents_index_bin)"
printf %s\\n "$package"
# Not found.
local maybe_function=
case "$r" in
*[-.]*) ;;
*[A-Z_]*) maybe_function=1 ;;
if [ -n "$maybe_function" ]; then
$Verbose "$f: $r not found (skip, maybe function)"
Info "$f: $r not found (skip)"
local f="$1" r; shift || return
for r; do
local Verbose=Verbose
# Only these characters are allowed for pathnames or commands:
case "$r" in
Info "$f: invalid pathname: $r" ;;
FindByPath "$f" "$r" ;;
Info "$f: invalid pathname: $r" ;;
Info "$f: invalid command: $r" ;;
Info "$f: invalid command: $r" ;;
Verbose "$f: empty command?" ;;
FindByName "$f" "$r" ;;
2002-03-25 20:37:46 +00:00