/* ========================================================================== **
* ubi_AVLtree . c
* Copyright ( C ) 1991 - 1998 by Christopher R . Hertel
* Email : crh @ ubiqx . mn . org
* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * *
* This module provides an implementation of AVL height balanced binary
* trees . ( Adelson - Velskii , Landis 1962 )
* This file implements the core of the height - balanced ( AVL ) tree management
* routines . The header file , ubi_AVLtree . h , contains function prototypes
* for all " exported " functions .
* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * *
* This library is free software ; you can redistribute it and / or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation ; either
* version 2 of the License , or ( at your option ) any later version .
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details .
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
* License along with this library ; if not , write to the Free
* Software Foundation , Inc . , 675 Mass Ave , Cambridge , MA 0213 9 , USA .
* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * *
* Log : ubi_AVLtree . c , v
* Revision 4.0 1998 / 03 / 10 03 : 37 : 09 crh
* Major changes .
* By adding the AVL balance field to the base ubi_btNode structure , I no
* longer need AVL - specific ReplaceNode ( ) , SwapNodes ( ) , and InitNode ( )
* functions . The Remove ( ) function is also simplified . It ' s all much
* cleaner .
* This is rev . 4.0 . The 3. x series was dropped .
* Revision 2.5 1997 / 12 / 23 04 : 00 : 42 crh
* In this version , all constants & macros defined in the header file have
* the ubi_tr prefix . Also cleaned up anything that gcc complained about
* when run with ' - pedantic - fsyntax - only - Wall ' .
* Revision 2.4 1997 / 07 / 26 04 : 36 : 20 crh
* Andrew Leppard , aka " Grazgur " , discovered that I still had my brains tied
* on backwards with respect to node deletion . I did some more digging and
* discovered that I was not changing the balance values correctly in the
* single rotation functions . Double rotation was working correctly because
* the formula for changing the balance values is the same for insertion or
* deletion . Not so for single rotation .
* I have tested the fix by loading the tree with over 44 thousand names ,
* deleting 2 , 629 of them ( all those in which the second character is ' u ' )
* and then walking the tree recursively to verify that the balance factor of
* each node is correct . Passed .
* Thanks Andrew !
* Also :
* + Changed ubi_TRUE and ubi_FALSE to ubi_trTRUE and ubi_trFALSE .
* + Rewrote the ubi_tr < func > macros because they weren ' t doing what I ' d
* hoped they would do ( see the bottom of the header file ) . They work now .
* Revision 2.3 1997 / 06 / 03 04 : 41 : 35 crh
* Changed TRUE and FALSE to ubi_TRUE and ubi_FALSE to avoid causing
* problems .
* Revision 2.2 1995 / 10 / 03 22 : 16 : 01 CRH
* Ubisized !
* Revision 2.1 95 / 03 / 09 23 : 45 : 59 CRH
* Added the ModuleID static string and function . These modules are now
* self - identifying .
* Revision 2.0 95 / 03 / 05 14 : 10 : 51 CRH
* This revision of ubi_AVLtree coincides with revision 2.0 of ubi_BinTree ,
* and so includes all of the changes to that module . In addition , a bug in
* the node deletion process has been fixed .
* After rewriting the Locate ( ) function in ubi_BinTree , I decided that it was
* time to overhaul this module . In the process , I discovered a bug related
* to node deletion . To fix the bug , I wrote function Debalance ( ) . A quick
* glance will show that it is very similar to the Rebalance ( ) function . In
* previous versions of this module , I tried to include the functionality of
* Debalance ( ) within Rebalance ( ) , with poor results .
* Revision 1.0 93 / 10 / 15 22 : 58 : 56 CRH
* With this revision , I have added a set of # define ' s that provide a single ,
* standard API to all existing tree modules . Until now , each of the three
* existing modules had a different function and typedef prefix , as follows :
* Module Prefix
* ubi_BinTree ubi_bt
* ubi_AVLtree ubi_avl
* ubi_SplayTree ubi_spt
* To further complicate matters , only those portions of the base module
* ( ubi_BinTree ) that were superceeded in the new module had the new names .
* For example , if you were using ubi_SplayTree , the locate function was
* called " ubi_sptLocate " , but the next and previous functions remained
* " ubi_btNext " and " ubi_btPrev " .
* This was not too terrible if you were familiar with the modules and knew
* exactly which tree model you wanted to use . If you wanted to be able to
* change modules ( for speed comparisons , etc ) , things could get messy very
* quickly .
* So , I have added a set of defined names that get redefined in any of the
* descendant modules . To use this standardized interface in your code ,
* simply replace all occurances of " ubi_bt " , " ubi_avl " , and " ubi_spt " with
* " ubi_tr " . The " ubi_tr " names will resolve to the correct function or
* datatype names for the module that you are using . Just remember to
* include the header for that module in your program file . Because these
* names are handled by the preprocessor , there is no added run - time
* overhead .
* Note that the original names do still exist , and can be used if you wish
* to write code directly to a specific module . This should probably only be
* done if you are planning to implement a new descendant type , such as
* red / black trees . CRH
* V0 .0 - May , 1990 - Written by Christopher R . Hertel ( CRH ) .
* = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = * *
# include "ubi_AVLtree.h" /* Header for THIS module. */
# include <stdlib.h> /* Standard C definitions, etc. */
/* ========================================================================== **
* Static data .
static char ModuleID [ ] = " ubi_AVLtree \n \
\ tRevision : 4.0 \ n \
\ tDate : 1998 / 03 / 10 03 : 37 : 09 \ n \
\ tAuthor : crh \ n " ;
/* ========================================================================== **
* The next set of functions are the AVL balancing routines . There are left
* and right , single and double rotations . The rotation routines handle the
* rotations and reconnect all tree pointers that might get confused by the
* rotations . A pointer to the new subtree root node is returned .
* Note that L1 and R1 are identical , except that all the RIGHTs and LEFTs
* are reversed . The same is true for L2 and R2 . I ' m sure that there is
* a clever way to reduce the amount of code by combining these functions ,
* but it might involve additional overhead , and it would probably be a pain
* to read , debug , etc .
* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * *
static ubi_btNodePtr L1 ( ubi_btNodePtr p )
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
* Single rotate left .
* Input : p - Pointer to the root of a tree ( possibly a subtree ) .
* Output : A pointer to the new root of the same subtree ( now that node
* p has been moved ) .
* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * *
ubi_btNodePtr tmp ;
tmp = p - > Link [ ubi_trRIGHT ] ;
p - > Link [ ubi_trRIGHT ] = tmp - > Link [ ubi_trLEFT ] ;
tmp - > Link [ ubi_trLEFT ] = p ;
tmp - > Link [ ubi_trPARENT ] = p - > Link [ ubi_trPARENT ] ;
tmp - > gender = p - > gender ;
if ( tmp - > Link [ ubi_trPARENT ] )
( tmp - > Link [ ubi_trPARENT ] ) - > Link [ ( int ) ( tmp - > gender ) ] = tmp ;
p - > Link [ ubi_trPARENT ] = tmp ;
p - > gender = ubi_trLEFT ;
if ( p - > Link [ ubi_trRIGHT ] )
p - > Link [ ubi_trRIGHT ] - > Link [ ubi_trPARENT ] = p ;
( p - > Link [ ubi_trRIGHT ] ) - > gender = ubi_trRIGHT ;
p - > balance - = ubi_trNormalize ( tmp - > balance ) ;
( tmp - > balance ) - - ;
return ( tmp ) ;
} /* L1 */
static ubi_btNodePtr R1 ( ubi_btNodePtr p )
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
* Single rotate right .
* Input : p - Pointer to the root of a tree ( possibly a subtree ) .
* Output : A pointer to the new root of the same subtree ( now that node
* p has been moved ) .
* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * *
ubi_btNodePtr tmp ;
tmp = p - > Link [ ubi_trLEFT ] ;
p - > Link [ ubi_trLEFT ] = tmp - > Link [ ubi_trRIGHT ] ;
tmp - > Link [ ubi_trRIGHT ] = p ;
tmp - > Link [ ubi_trPARENT ] = p - > Link [ ubi_trPARENT ] ;
tmp - > gender = p - > gender ;
if ( tmp - > Link [ ubi_trPARENT ] )
( tmp - > Link [ ubi_trPARENT ] ) - > Link [ ( int ) ( tmp - > gender ) ] = tmp ;
p - > Link [ ubi_trPARENT ] = tmp ;
p - > gender = ubi_trRIGHT ;
if ( p - > Link [ ubi_trLEFT ] )
p - > Link [ ubi_trLEFT ] - > Link [ ubi_trPARENT ] = p ;
p - > Link [ ubi_trLEFT ] - > gender = ubi_trLEFT ;
p - > balance - = ubi_trNormalize ( tmp - > balance ) ;
( tmp - > balance ) + + ;
return ( tmp ) ;
} /* R1 */
static ubi_btNodePtr L2 ( ubi_btNodePtr tree )
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
* Double rotate left .
* Input : p - Pointer to the root of a tree ( possibly a subtree ) .
* Output : A pointer to the new root of the same subtree ( now that node
* p has been moved ) .
* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * *
ubi_btNodePtr tmp , newroot ;
tmp = tree - > Link [ ubi_trRIGHT ] ;
newroot = tmp - > Link [ ubi_trLEFT ] ;
tmp - > Link [ ubi_trLEFT ] = newroot - > Link [ ubi_trRIGHT ] ;
newroot - > Link [ ubi_trRIGHT ] = tmp ;
tree - > Link [ ubi_trRIGHT ] = newroot - > Link [ ubi_trLEFT ] ;
newroot - > Link [ ubi_trLEFT ] = tree ;
newroot - > Link [ ubi_trPARENT ] = tree - > Link [ ubi_trPARENT ] ;
newroot - > gender = tree - > gender ;
tree - > Link [ ubi_trPARENT ] = newroot ;
tree - > gender = ubi_trLEFT ;
tmp - > Link [ ubi_trPARENT ] = newroot ;
tmp - > gender = ubi_trRIGHT ;
if ( tree - > Link [ ubi_trRIGHT ] )
tree - > Link [ ubi_trRIGHT ] - > Link [ ubi_trPARENT ] = tree ;
tree - > Link [ ubi_trRIGHT ] - > gender = ubi_trRIGHT ;
if ( tmp - > Link [ ubi_trLEFT ] )
tmp - > Link [ ubi_trLEFT ] - > Link [ ubi_trPARENT ] = tmp ;
tmp - > Link [ ubi_trLEFT ] - > gender = ubi_trLEFT ;
if ( newroot - > Link [ ubi_trPARENT ] )
newroot - > Link [ ubi_trPARENT ] - > Link [ ( int ) ( newroot - > gender ) ] = newroot ;
switch ( newroot - > balance )
case ubi_trLEFT :
tree - > balance = ubi_trEQUAL ; tmp - > balance = ubi_trRIGHT ; break ;
case ubi_trEQUAL :
tree - > balance = ubi_trEQUAL ; tmp - > balance = ubi_trEQUAL ; break ;
case ubi_trRIGHT :
tree - > balance = ubi_trLEFT ; tmp - > balance = ubi_trEQUAL ; break ;
newroot - > balance = ubi_trEQUAL ;
return ( newroot ) ;
} /* L2 */
static ubi_btNodePtr R2 ( ubi_btNodePtr tree )
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
* Double rotate right .
* Input : p - Pointer to the root of a tree ( possibly a subtree ) .
* Output : A pointer to the new root of the same subtree ( now that node
* p has been moved ) .
* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * *
ubi_btNodePtr tmp , newroot ;
tmp = tree - > Link [ ubi_trLEFT ] ;
newroot = tmp - > Link [ ubi_trRIGHT ] ;
tmp - > Link [ ubi_trRIGHT ] = newroot - > Link [ ubi_trLEFT ] ;
newroot - > Link [ ubi_trLEFT ] = tmp ;
tree - > Link [ ubi_trLEFT ] = newroot - > Link [ ubi_trRIGHT ] ;
newroot - > Link [ ubi_trRIGHT ] = tree ;
newroot - > Link [ ubi_trPARENT ] = tree - > Link [ ubi_trPARENT ] ;
newroot - > gender = tree - > gender ;
tree - > Link [ ubi_trPARENT ] = newroot ;
tree - > gender = ubi_trRIGHT ;
tmp - > Link [ ubi_trPARENT ] = newroot ;
tmp - > gender = ubi_trLEFT ;
if ( tree - > Link [ ubi_trLEFT ] )
tree - > Link [ ubi_trLEFT ] - > Link [ ubi_trPARENT ] = tree ;
tree - > Link [ ubi_trLEFT ] - > gender = ubi_trLEFT ;
if ( tmp - > Link [ ubi_trRIGHT ] )
tmp - > Link [ ubi_trRIGHT ] - > Link [ ubi_trPARENT ] = tmp ;
tmp - > Link [ ubi_trRIGHT ] - > gender = ubi_trRIGHT ;
if ( newroot - > Link [ ubi_trPARENT ] )
newroot - > Link [ ubi_trPARENT ] - > Link [ ( int ) ( newroot - > gender ) ] = newroot ;
switch ( newroot - > balance )
case ubi_trLEFT :
tree - > balance = ubi_trRIGHT ; tmp - > balance = ubi_trEQUAL ; break ;
case ubi_trEQUAL :
tree - > balance = ubi_trEQUAL ; tmp - > balance = ubi_trEQUAL ; break ;
case ubi_trRIGHT :
tree - > balance = ubi_trEQUAL ; tmp - > balance = ubi_trLEFT ; break ;
newroot - > balance = ubi_trEQUAL ;
return ( newroot ) ;
} /* R2 */
static ubi_btNodePtr Adjust ( ubi_btNodePtr p , char LorR )
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
* Adjust the balance value at node * p . If necessary , rotate the subtree
* rooted at p .
* Input : p - A pointer to the node to be adjusted . One of the
* subtrees of this node has changed height , so the
* balance value at this node must be adjusted , possibly
* by rotating the tree at this node .
* LorR - Indicates the TALLER subtree .
* Output : A pointer to the ( possibly new ) root node of the subtree .
* Notes : This function may be called after a node has been added * or *
* deleted , so LorR indicates the TALLER subtree .
* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * *
if ( p - > balance ! = LorR )
p - > balance + = ubi_trNormalize ( LorR ) ;
char tallerbal ; /* Balance value of the root of the taller subtree of p. */
tallerbal = p - > Link [ ( int ) LorR ] - > balance ;
if ( ( ubi_trEQUAL = = tallerbal ) | | ( p - > balance = = tallerbal ) )
p = ( ( ubi_trLEFT = = LorR ) ? R1 ( p ) : L1 ( p ) ) ; /* single rotation */
p = ( ( ubi_trLEFT = = LorR ) ? R2 ( p ) : L2 ( p ) ) ; /* double rotation */
return ( p ) ;
} /* Adjust */
static ubi_btNodePtr Rebalance ( ubi_btNodePtr Root ,
ubi_btNodePtr subtree ,
char LorR )
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
* Rebalance the tree following an insertion .
* Input : Root - A pointer to the root node of the whole tree .
* subtree - A pointer to the node that has just gained a new
* child .
* LorR - Gender of the child that has just been gained .
* Output : A pointer to the ( possibly new ) root of the AVL tree .
* Rebalancing the tree moves nodes around a bit , so the node
* that * was * the root , may not be the root when we ' re finished .
* Notes : Rebalance ( ) must walk up the tree from where we are ( which is
* where the latest change occurred ) , rebalancing the subtrees
* along the way . The rebalancing operation can stop if the
* change at the current subtree root won ' t affect the rest of
* the tree . In the case of an addition , if a subtree root ' s
* balance becomes EQUAL , then we know that the height of that
* subtree has not changed , so we can exit .
* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * *
while ( subtree )
subtree = Adjust ( subtree , LorR ) ;
if ( ubi_trPARENT = = subtree - > gender )
return ( subtree ) ;
if ( ubi_trEQUAL = = subtree - > balance )
return ( Root ) ;
LorR = subtree - > gender ;
subtree = subtree - > Link [ ubi_trPARENT ] ;
return ( Root ) ;
} /* Rebalance */
static ubi_btNodePtr Debalance ( ubi_btNodePtr Root ,
ubi_btNodePtr subtree ,
char LorR )
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
* Rebalance the tree following a deletion .
* Input : Root - A pointer to the root node of the whole tree .
* subtree - A pointer to the node who ' s child has just " left the
* nest " .
* LorR - Gender of the child that left .
* Output : A pointer to the ( possibly new ) root of the AVL tree .
* Rebalancing the tree moves nodes around a bit , so the node
* that * was * the root , may not be the root when we ' re finished .
* Notes : Debalance ( ) is subtly different from Rebalance ( ) ( above ) in
* two respects .
* * When it calls Adjust ( ) , it passes the * opposite * of LorR .
* This is because LorR , as passed into Debalance ( ) indicates
* the shorter subtree . As we move up the tree , LorR is
* assigned the gender of the node that we are leaving ( i . e . ,
* the subtree that we just rebalanced ) .
* * We know that a subtree has not changed height if the
* balance becomes LEFT or RIGHT . This is the * opposite * of
* what happens in Rebalance ( ) .
* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * *
while ( subtree )
subtree = Adjust ( subtree , ubi_trRevWay ( LorR ) ) ;
if ( ubi_trPARENT = = subtree - > gender )
return ( subtree ) ;
if ( ubi_trEQUAL ! = subtree - > balance )
return ( Root ) ;
LorR = subtree - > gender ;
subtree = subtree - > Link [ ubi_trPARENT ] ;
return ( Root ) ;
} /* Debalance */
/* ========================================================================== **
* Public , exported ( ie . not static - ly declared ) functions . . .
* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * *
ubi_trBool ubi_avlInsert ( ubi_btRootPtr RootPtr ,
ubi_btNodePtr NewNode ,
ubi_btItemPtr ItemPtr ,
ubi_btNodePtr * OldNode )
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
* This function uses a non - recursive algorithm to add a new element to
* the tree .
* Input : RootPtr - a pointer to the ubi_btRoot structure that indicates
* the root of the tree to which NewNode is to be added .
* NewNode - a pointer to an ubi_btNode structure that is NOT
* part of any tree .
* ItemPtr - A pointer to the sort key that is stored within
* * NewNode . ItemPtr MUST point to information stored
* in * NewNode or an EXACT DUPLICATE . The key data
* indicated by ItemPtr is used to place the new node
* into the tree .
* OldNode - a pointer to an ubi_btNodePtr . When searching
* the tree , a duplicate node may be found . If
* duplicates are allowed , then the new node will
* be simply placed into the tree . If duplicates
* are not allowed , however , then one of two things
* may happen .
* 1 ) if overwritting * is not * allowed , this
* function will return FALSE ( indicating that
* the new node could not be inserted ) , and
* * OldNode will point to the duplicate that is
* still in the tree .
* 2 ) if overwritting * is * allowed , then this
* function will swap * * OldNode for * NewNode .
* In this case , * OldNode will point to the node
* that was removed ( thus allowing you to free
* the node ) .
* * * If you are using overwrite mode , ALWAYS * *
* * * check the return value of this parameter ! * *
* Note : You may pass NULL in this parameter , the
* function knows how to cope . If you do this ,
* however , there will be no way to return a
* pointer to an old ( ie . replaced ) node ( which is
* a problem if you are using overwrite mode ) .
* Output : a boolean value indicating success or failure . The function
* will return FALSE if the node could not be added to the tree .
* Such failure will only occur if duplicates are not allowed ,
* nodes cannot be overwritten , AND a duplicate key was found
* within the tree .
* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * *
ubi_btNodePtr OtherP ;
if ( ! ( OldNode ) )
OldNode = & OtherP ;
if ( ubi_btInsert ( RootPtr ,
( ubi_btNodePtr ) NewNode ,
ItemPtr ,
( ubi_btNodePtr * ) OldNode ) )
if ( ( * OldNode ) )
NewNode - > balance = ( * OldNode ) - > balance ;
NewNode - > balance = ubi_trEQUAL ;
RootPtr - > root = ( ubi_btNodePtr ) Rebalance ( ( ubi_btNodePtr ) RootPtr - > root ,
NewNode - > Link [ ubi_trPARENT ] ,
NewNode - > gender ) ;
return ( ubi_trTRUE ) ;
return ( ubi_trFALSE ) ; /* Failure: could not replace an existing node. */
} /* ubi_avlInsert */
ubi_btNodePtr ubi_avlRemove ( ubi_btRootPtr RootPtr ,
ubi_btNodePtr DeadNode )
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
* This function removes the indicated node from the tree , after which the
* tree is rebalanced .
* Input : RootPtr - A pointer to the header of the tree that contains
* the node to be removed .
* DeadNode - A pointer to the node that will be removed .
* Output : This function returns a pointer to the node that was removed
* from the tree ( ie . the same as DeadNode ) .
* Note : The node MUST be in the tree indicated by RootPtr . If not ,
* strange and evil things will happen to your trees .
* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * *
/* Let the base binary tree module do the removal, then rebalance. */
if ( ubi_btRemove ( RootPtr , DeadNode ) )
RootPtr - > root = Debalance ( RootPtr - > root ,
DeadNode - > Link [ ubi_trPARENT ] ,
DeadNode - > gender ) ;
return ( DeadNode ) ;
} /* ubi_avlRemove */
int ubi_avlModuleID ( int size , char * list [ ] )
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
* Returns a set of strings that identify the module .
* Input : size - The number of elements in the array < list > .
* list - An array of pointers of type ( char * ) . This array
* should , initially , be empty . This function will fill
* in the array with pointers to strings .
* Output : The number of elements of < list > that were used . If this value
* is less than < size > , the values of the remaining elements are
* not guaranteed .
* Notes : Please keep in mind that the pointers returned indicate strings
* stored in static memory . Don ' t free ( ) them , don ' t write over
* them , etc . Just read them .
* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * *
if ( size > 0 )
list [ 0 ] = ModuleID ;
if ( size > 1 )
return ( 1 + ubi_btModuleID ( - - size , & ( list [ 1 ] ) ) ) ;
return ( 1 ) ;
return ( 0 ) ;
} /* ubi_avlModuleID */
/* ============================== The End ============================== */